rooperc4/MEHRSI: Habitat Model Estimates of Survey Abundances

The purpose of this package and its associated functions is to allow the user to compute annual indices of abundance from survey data using a habitat model based on Rooper and Martin (2012). It is designed to be a 2-stage model, with the first stage setting the biological limits for a species (such as depth ranges from 85-250 m for Pacific Ocean perch or geographical limits on Northern rockfish distribution). In the second stage a iterative modeling process fits CPUE data to habitat variables chosen by the user. Individual habitat variables are constrained to using one of 3 shapes for the fitting (dome, asymptotic or linear). Model fitting is completed using the optim function in R and parameters and variables are removed sequentially until there is no improvement in model AIC. Full details of the modeling and the manuscript can be found at and the preceeding papers where the method was developed (Rooper and Martin 2009 -, Rooper 2008 -, and Rooper and Zimmermann 2005 -

Getting started

Package details

LicenseWhat license is it under?
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
rooperc4/MEHRSI documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:35 a.m.