Man pages for rooperc4/MEHRSI
Habitat Model Estimates of Survey Abundances

boot_survey_errorFunction to estimate boot-strapped errors for annual index
cdf_boundThis function calculates cdf of CPUE for predicting presence...
cdf_limitsThis function calculates error for cdf of CPUE for predicting...
dist_xyThis function estimates distance of one set of points to...
hab_equationA function to compile the right side of a habitat equation
HabModelA function to predict CPUE from a habitat equation
index_calcFunction to estimate annual index
iterationA wrapper function to find the best fitting MEHRSI habitat...
Juvenile_POP_DataJuvenile Pacific ocean perch CPUE This is a data set...
modlikeThis function calculates negative log-liklihood for a habitat...
presence_absenceThis function estimates presence or absence at each transect
spatial_residsFunction to spatial autocorrelation in residuals
yearpA function to create a dummy year variable for a habitat...
rooperc4/MEHRSI documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:35 a.m.