
Defines functions GetDataSotkanet

Documented in GetDataSotkanet

#' @title Retrieve Sotkanet Data (old version)
#' @description
#' Retrieve selected data and combine into a single table. (This is an older version
#'  of the function. It is advised to use the new [get_sotkanet()] function instead.)
#' @details
#' THL's open data license and limitation of liability
#' \strong{License}
#' The open data provided by National Institute for Health and Welfare is
#' licensed under CC BY 4.0. This license defines how open data can be utilized.
#' The licensing is based on a decision made by the Director General.
#' \strong{Limitation of Liability}
#' National Institute for Health and Welfare shall not be liable for any loss,
#' legal proceedings, claims, proceedings, demands, costs or damages regardless
#' of their cause or form, which can be directly or indirectly connected to
#' open data or use of open data published by National Institute for Health and
#' Welfare.
#' @param indicators Dataset identifier(s)
#' @param years vector of years c(2010, 2012, ... )
#' @param genders vector of genders ('male' | 'female' | 'total')
#' @param regions filter by selected regions only (default: all regions)
#' @param region.category filter by one or more of the following 15 valid
#' regions categories (default: all categories)
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item "ELY-KESKUS"
#'      \item "ERVA"
#'      \item "EURALUEET" (Eurozone)
#'      \item "EUROOPPA" (Europe)
#'      \item "HYVINVOINTIALUE" (welfare country)
#'      \item "KUNTA" (municipality)
#'      \item "MAA" (country)
#'      \item "MAAKUNTA" (region)
#'      \item "NUTS1"
#'      \item "POHJOISMAAT" (Nordic countries)
#'      \item "SAIRAANHOITOPIIRI (hospital district)
#'      \item "SEUTUKUNTA"
#'      \item "SUURALUE"
#'      \item "YTA"
#'    }
#' @param user.agent "User agent" defined by the user. Default is NULL which
#'    will then use the package identifier "rOpenGov/sotkanet"
#' @return data.frame
#' @references See citation("sotkanet")
#' @author Maintainer: Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}, Pyry Kantanen
#' @examples \dontrun{dat <- GetDataSotkanet(indicators = 165)}
#' @seealso
#' For more information about dataset structure, see THL webpage at
#' \url{https://yhteistyotilat.fi/wiki08/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=27557907}
#' THL open data license website: \url{https://yhteistyotilat.fi/wiki08/x/AAadAg}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
GetDataSotkanet <- function(indicators = NULL,
                            years = 1991:2015,
                            genders = c("total"),
                            regions = NULL,
                            region.category = NULL,
                            user.agent = NULL) {

  message("This is an old version of the function.\nIt is advised to use the new get_sotkanet function instead.")
  if (is.null(indicators)){
    message("Parameter 'indicators' is NULL. Please provide at least one indicator.")

  # List all indicators in Sotkanet database
  sotkanet_indicators <- suppressMessages(SotkanetIndicators(id = indicators,
                                            type = "table"))
  sotkanet_regions <- suppressMessages(SotkanetRegions(type = "table"))

  dats <- list()

  for (indicator in indicators) {
    # Gather URL parts
    # parsing the csv file is more straightforward in this context
    sotkanet_url <- "https://sotkanet.fi/rest"
    sotkanet_uri <- "/1.1/csv"
    all_params <- c(indicator, years, genders)
    names(all_params) <- c("indicator",
                           rep("years", length(years)),
                           rep("genders", length(genders)))
    all_params <- as.list(all_params)

    # Construct URL
    url_object <- httr2::url_parse(sotkanet_url)
    path <- paste(url_object$path, sotkanet_uri, sep = "")
    url_object$path <- path
    url_object$query <- all_params
    final_url <- httr2::url_build(url_object)

    y <- sotkanet.csv_query(final_url, user.agent = user.agent)

    if (is.null(y)){
      message(paste(" There was a problem retrieving indicator from", indicator," "))

    dats[[as.character(indicator)]] <- y


  # Merge all data from the different indicators in a single table
  combined_data <- do.call("rbind", dats)

  # Add region and indicator information
  combined_data$indicator.title.fi <- sotkanet_indicators[match(combined_data$indicator,
                                                                sotkanet_indicators$indicator), "indicator.title.fi"]
  combined_data$region.title.fi <- sotkanet_regions[match(combined_data$region,
                                                          sotkanet_regions$region), "region.title.fi"]
  combined_data$region.code <- sotkanet_regions[match(combined_data$region,
                                                      sotkanet_regions$region), "region.code"]
  combined_data$region.category <- sotkanet_regions[match(combined_data$region,
                                                          sotkanet_regions$region), "region.category"]
  combined_data$indicator.organization.title.fi <- sotkanet_indicators[match(combined_data$indicator,
                                                                             sotkanet_indicators$indicator), "indicator.organization.title.fi"]

  if (!is.null(regions)){
    if (any(regions %in% unique(combined_data$region.title.fi))){
      combined_data <- combined_data[which(combined_data$region.title.fi %in% regions),]
    } else {
      message(paste("Input for regions not found from dataset:", regions, "\n",
                    "Please check your parameter input for validity and correctness."))

  if (!is.null(region.category)){
    if (any(region.category %in% unique(combined_data$region.category))){
      combined_data <- combined_data[which(combined_data$region.category %in% region.category),]
    } else {
      message(paste("Input for region.categories not found from dataset:", region.category, "\n",
                    "Please check your parameter input for validity and correctness."))


ropengov/sotkanet documentation built on July 15, 2024, 8:23 p.m.