
Defines functions toRd.BibEntry

#' Convert BibEntry object to a fragment of Rd code.
#' Renders references in a BibEntry object as a fragment of Rd code, which can
#' then be rendered into text, HTML, or LaTex.
#' @param obj - An object of class BibEntry
#' @param style - The bibstyle to be used for converting \code{obj}; see
#' \code{\link{print.BibEntry}}
#' @param .sorting - the BibLaTeX sorting method to use; see
#' \code{\link{sort.BibEntry}}
#' @param ... - ignored
## @S3method toRd BibEntry
#' @export
#' @return Returns a character vector containing a fragment of Rd code that
#' could be parsed and rendered.
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.BibEntry}}, \code{\link{sort.BibEntry}},
#' \code{\link{BibEntry}}, \code{\link{bibstyle}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom tools getBibstyle bibstyle toRd
toRd.BibEntry <- function(obj, ...) {
  .style <- .BibOptions$bib.style
  doc.style <- .BibOptions$style

  if (is.null(.style)){
    .style <- .BibOptions$bib.style <- 'numeric'
    style.env <- MakeBibLaTeX(docstyle = doc.style)
  }else if (.style %in% tools::getBibstyle(TRUE)){
    .BibOptions$bib.style <- .style
    style.env <- tools::bibstyle(.style)
  }else if (.style == "authoryear"){
    style.env <- MakeAuthorYear(docstyle = doc.style)
  }else if (.style %in% c('authortitle', 'alphabetic', 'numeric', 'draft')){
    #.style <- 'BibLaTeX'
    style.env <- MakeBibLaTeX(docstyle = doc.style, .style == "authortitle")

  env <- new.env(hash = FALSE, parent = style.env)

  if (!(.style == 'authoryear' || .style == 'authortitle') ||
      !.BibOptions$dashed || is.null(obj$.duplicated))
    obj$.duplicated <- FALSE
  assign("bibstyle", .style, style.env)
#   maxnames <- .BibOptions$max.names  # for R CMD Check
#   assign("max.n", maxnames, style.env)

  bib <- unclass(obj)
  result <- character(length(bib))
  for (i in seq_along(bib)) {
    assign('paper', bib[[i]], env)

    result[i] <- with(env,
  	  switch(attr(paper, "bibtype"),
                 Article = formatArticle(paper),
                 Book = formatBook(paper),
                 MVBook = formatBook(paper, collection = FALSE),
                 InBook = formatInBook(paper),
                 BookInBook = formatInBook(paper, TRUE),
                 SuppBook = formatInBook(paper),
                 Booklet = formatBooklet(paper),
                 Collection = formatBook(paper, TRUE),
                 MVCollection = formatBook(paper, collection = TRUE),
                 InCollection = formatInCollection(paper),
                 SuppCollection = formatInCollection(paper),
                 Manual = formatManual(paper),
                 Misc = formatMisc(paper),
                 Online = formatOnline(paper),
                 Patent = formatPatent(paper),
                 Periodical = formatPeriodical(paper),
                 SuppPeriodical = formatArticle(paper),
                 Proceedings = formatProceedings(paper),
                 MVProceedings = formatProceedings(paper),
                 InProceedings = formatInProceedings(paper),
                 Reference = formatBook(paper, TRUE),  # alias for collection
                 MVReference = formatBook(paper, collection = TRUE),
                 InReference = formatInCollection(paper),
                 Report = formatReport(paper),
                 Thesis = formatThesis(paper),
                 Unpublished = formatUnpublished(paper),
                 Set = paste0('Set: ', attr(paper, 'key')),
                 XData = paste0('XData: ', attr(paper, 'key')),
                                        # Aliases
                 TechReport = {
                     typ <-  if (is.null(paper$type))
                             else NULL
                     formatReport(paper, typ)
                 PhdThesis = {
                     typ <-  if (is.null(paper$type))
                             else NULL
                     formatThesis(paper, typ)
                 MastersThesis = {
                     typ <-  if (is.null(paper$type))
                             else NULL
                     formatThesis(paper, typ)
                 Www = formatOnline(paper),
                 Electronic = formatOnline(paper),
                 Conference = formatInProceedings(paper),
                     ## Check for custom defined entry types in env
                     type <- attr(paper, "bibtype")
                     fun.name <- paste0("format", type)
                     if (exists(fun.name, mode = "function",
                                envir = parent.env(environment()),
                                inherits = FALSE))
                         eval(call(fun.name, paper))
                         paste("bibtype", attr(paper, "bibtype"),
                               "not implemented")
ropensci/RefManageR documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 9:32 p.m.