
Defines functions is.genome.available.uniprot is.genome.available.ensembl is.genome.available.refseq.genbank is.genome.available

Documented in is.genome.available

#' @title Check Genome Availability
#' @description This function checks the availability of a given genome on the
#' NBCI servers specified as scientific name.
#' @param db a character string specifying the database from which the genome
#' shall be retrieved:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{db = "refseq"}
#' \item \code{db = "genbank"}
#' \item \code{db = "ensembl"}
#' \item \code{db = "uniprot"}
#' }
#' @param organism there are three options to characterize an organism:
#' \itemize{
#' \item by \code{scientific name}: e.g. \code{organism = "Homo sapiens"}
#' \item by \code{database specific accession identifier}: e.g. \code{organism = "GCF_000001405.37"} (= NCBI RefSeq identifier for \code{Homo sapiens})
#' \item by \code{taxonomic identifier from NCBI Taxonomy}: e.g. \code{organism = "9606"} (= taxid of \code{Homo sapiens})
#' }
#' @param skip_bacteria Due to its enormous dataset size (> 700MB as of July 2023),
#' the bacterial summary file will not be loaded by default anymore. If users
#' wish to gain insights for the bacterial kingdom they needs to actively specify \code{skip_bacteria = FALSE}. When \code{skip_bacteria = FALSE} is set then the
#' bacterial summary file will be downloaded.
#' @param details a logical value specifying whether or not details on genome
#' size, kingdom, etc. shall be printed to the console intead of a
#' boolean value.
#' @details
#' Internally this function calls the \code{\link{listGenomes}} function to
#' detect all available genomes and checks whether or not the specified organism
#' is available for download.
#' @return a logical value specifing whether or not the genome of the input
#' organism is available. In case \code{details} = \code{TRUE} only a character
#' string specifying the genome details is being returned.
#' @author Hajk-Georg Drost
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # checking whether the Homo sapiens genome is stored on NCBI
#' is.genome.available(organism = "Homo sapiens", db = "refseq")
#' # and printing details
#' is.genome.available(organism = "Homo sapiens", db = "refseq", details = TRUE)
#' # checking whether the Homo sapiens genome is stored on ENSEMBL
#' is.genome.available(organism = "Homo sapiens", db = "ensembl")
#' # and printing details
#' is.genome.available(organism = "Homo sapiens",
#'                     details = TRUE,
#'                     db = "ensembl")
#' }
#' @export

is.genome.available <- function(db = "refseq", organism,
                                skip_bacteria = TRUE, details = FALSE) {
        all_db <- db_hosts()

        if (!is.element(db, all_db))
                "Please select one of the available data bases:\n",
                paste(all_db, collapse = ", "),
                call. = FALSE

        if (is.element(db, c("refseq", "genbank"))) {
          is.genome.available.refseq.genbank(db = db, organism = organism, details = details, skip_bacteria = skip_bacteria)
        } else if (db %in% c("ensembl", "ensemblgenomes")) {
          is.genome.available.ensembl(db, organism, details)
        } else if (db == "uniprot") {
          is.genome.available.uniprot(db, organism, details)

is.genome.available.refseq.genbank <- function(db = "refseq",
                                               skip_bacteria = TRUE,
                                               details = FALSE) {

  organism_name <- assembly_accession <- taxid <- NULL

  AssemblyFilesAllKingdoms <- getKingdomAssemblySummary(db = db, skip_bacteria = skip_bacteria)

  orgs <-
                             "\\(", "")
  orgs <- stringr::str_replace_all(orgs, "\\)", "")

  AssemblyFilesAllKingdoms <-
    dplyr::mutate(AssemblyFilesAllKingdoms, organism_name = orgs)

  organism <-
    stringr::str_replace_all(organism, "\\(", "")
  organism <-
    stringr::str_replace_all(organism, "\\)", "")

  # test if organism specification could be a taxid
  if (!is.taxid(organism)) {
    FoundOrganism <-
                    stringr::str_detect(organism_name, organism) |
                      assembly_accession == organism)

  } else {
    FoundOrganism <-
                    taxid == as.integer(organism))

  if (nrow(FoundOrganism) == 0) {
    organism_no_hit_message_zero(organism, db)

  if (nrow(FoundOrganism) > 0) {
    if (!details) {

      if (all(FoundOrganism$refseq_category == "na")) {
        message("Only a non-reference genome assembly is available for '", organism, "'.",
                " Please make sure to specify the argument 'reference = FALSE' when running any get*() function.")
      } else {
        message("A reference or representative genome assembly is available for '", organism, "'.")

      if (nrow(FoundOrganism) > 1) {
        organism_no_hit_message_more_than_one(organism, db)

    if (details) {
      if (all(FoundOrganism$refseq_category == "na")) {
        message("Only a non-reference genome assembly is available for '", organism, "'.",
                " Please make sure to specify the argument 'reference = FALSE' when running any get*() function.")

#' Check if genome is available in ensembl
#' @param divisions character, default is all from ensembl_divisions(),
#'  alternatives: see \code{ensembl_divisions}
#' @noRd
is.genome.available.ensembl <- function(db = "ensembl", organism,
                                        details = FALSE, divisions = ensembl_divisions()) {
  name <- accession <- accession <- assembly <- taxon_id <- NULL
  new.organism <- stringr::str_replace_all(organism, " ", "_")

  # For each ensembl division, check if it exists
  for (division in divisions) {
    ensembl.available.organisms <- get.ensembl.info(division = division)
    ensembl.available.organisms <- dplyr::filter(ensembl.available.organisms, !is.na(assembly))

    if (!is.taxid(organism)) {
      selected.organism <-
                              stringr::str_to_lower(new.organism)) |
            accession == organism, !is.na(assembly)
    } else {
      selected.organism <-
          ensembl.available.organisms, taxon_id == as.integer(organism), !is.na(assembly))

    if (nrow(selected.organism) > 0) break

  if (!details) {
    if (nrow(selected.organism) == 0) {
      organism_no_hit_message_zero(organism, db)
    if (nrow(selected.organism) > 0) {
      message("A reference or representative genome assembly is available for '", organism, "'.")
      if (nrow(selected.organism) > 1) {
        organism_no_hit_message_more_than_one(organism, db)
  if (details)

is.genome.available.uniprot <- function(db = "uniprot",
                                        details = FALSE) {

  if (is.taxid(organism)) {
    uniprot_rest_url <- paste0(

    rest_status_test <- curl_fetch_memory(uniprot_rest_url)

    if (rest_status_test$status_code != 200) {
        "Something went wrong when trying to access the API 'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/proteins/api/proteomes'.",
        " Sometimes the internet connection isn't stable and re-running the function might help. Otherwise, could there be an issue with the firewall? ", "Is it possbile to access the homepage 'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/' through your browser?"
    uniprot_species_info <-

  } else {

    organism_new <- stringr::str_replace_all(organism, " ", "%20")

    uniprot_rest_url_name <- paste0(

    rest_status_test_name <- curl_fetch_memory(uniprot_rest_url_name)

    if ((rest_status_test_name$status_code != 200)) {
        "Something went wrong when trying to access the API 'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/proteins/api/proteomes'.",
        " Sometimes the internet connection isn't stable and re-running the function might help. Otherwise, could there be an issue with the firewall? ", "Is it possbile to access the homepage 'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/' through your browser?"

    if (rest_status_test_name$status_code == 200) {
      uniprot_species_info <-

  if (!details) {
    if (nrow(uniprot_species_info) == 0) {
      organism_no_hit_message_zero(organism, db)

    if (nrow(uniprot_species_info) > 0) {
        "A reference or representative genome assembly is available for '",
      if (nrow(uniprot_species_info) > 1) {
        organism_no_hit_message_more_than_one(organism, db)

  # If details
ropensci/biomartr documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 5:37 a.m.