
#' Clean spocc data
#' @export
#' @importFrom sp zerodist2 proj4string over coordinates<-
#' @param input An object of class occdat
#' @param country (logical) Attempt to clean based on country. Ignored for now.
#' @param country_which (character) One of include, xxx. Ignored for now.
#' @param shppath (character) Path to shape file to check against. Ignored for now.
#' @param habitat (character) Attempt to clean based on habitat. Ignored for now.
#' @param provider_duplicates (logical) Whether to remove duplicates from the same provider in
#' separate sources. Ignored for now.
#' @details We'll continue to add options for cleaning data, but for now, this function:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item Removes impossible values of latitude and longitude
#'  \item Removes any NA values of latitude and longitude
#'  \item Removes points at 0,0 - these points are likely wrong
#' }
#' Some examples below don't actually work yet, but will soon.
#' @return Returns an object of class occdat+occlean. See attributes of the return object for
#' details on cleaning results.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' res <- occ(query = c('Ursus','Accipiter','Rubus'), from = 'bison', limit=10)
#' class(res)
#' res_cleaned <- clean_spocc(input=res)
#' class(res_cleaned) # now with classes occdat and occclean
#' # Country cleaning
#' res <- occ(query = 'Ursus americanus', from = 'gbif', limit=500,
#'    gbifopts = list(hasCoordinate=TRUE))
#' res$gbif
#' plot(res)
#' res <- occ(query = 'Ursus americanus', from = 'gbif', limit=1200,
#'    gbifopts = list(hasCoordinate=TRUE))
#' plot(res)
#' res2 <- clean_spocc(res, country = "Mexico")
#' plot(res2)
#' # Clean provider duplicates
#' res <- occ(query = 'Ursus americanus', from = c('gbif','inat'), limit=300)
#' plot(res)
#' res2 <- clean_spocc(input=res, provider_duplicates = TRUE)
#' }

clean_spocc <- function(input, country=NULL, country_which='include', shppath=NULL, habitat=NULL,
  stopifnot(is(input, "occdat") | is(input, "data.frame"))
  clean <- function(x){
    if(all(sapply(x$data, nrow) < 1)){
    } else {
      clean_eachsp <- function(dat, what){
        #         dat <- replacelatlongcols(y, what)
        # Make lat/long data numeric
        dat$latitude <- as.numeric(as.character(dat$latitude))
        dat$longitude <- as.numeric(as.character(dat$longitude))
        # Remove points that are not physically possible
        notcomplete <- dat[!complete.cases(dat$latitude, dat$longitude), ]
        dat <- dat[complete.cases(dat$latitude, dat$longitude), ]
        notpossible <- dat[!abs(dat$latitude) <= 90 | !abs(dat$longitude) <= 180, ]
        dat <- dat[abs(dat$latitude) <= 90, ]
        dat <- dat[abs(dat$longitude) <= 180, ]
        # Remove points at lat 0 & long 0, these are very likely wrong
        dat <- dat[ !dat$latitude == 0 & !dat$longitude == 0, ]
          #     clean_habitat()
          # get polygons for terrestrial vs. marine vs. freshwater
          # calculate whether polygon encompasses points
          # remove points not in polygon
          # dat <- clean_country(data=dat, country=country, which=country_which, shppath=shppath)
        #         dat <- replacelatlongcols(dat, what, reverse = TRUE)
        list(nc = notcomplete, np = notpossible, d = dat)
      dat_eachsp <- lapply(x$data, clean_eachsp, what=x$meta$source)
      nc <- lapply(dat_eachsp, function(x) ifnone(x$nc))
      np <- lapply(dat_eachsp, function(x) ifnone(x$np))
      datdat <- lapply(dat_eachsp, "[[", "d")
      # assign to a class and assign attributes
      x$meta <- c(x$meta, removed_incomplete_cases = list(nc), removed_impossible = list(np))
      x$data <- datdat
  output <- lapply(input, clean)
  # clean provider duplicates, takes in occdat object
    # output <- clean_provider_duplicates(data=output)
  class(output) <- c("occdat","occclean")
  return( output )

ifnone <- function(x) if(nrow(x)==0){ NA } else { x }

# replacelatlongcols <- function(w, z, reverse=FALSE){
#   cols <- switch(z,
#                  gbif = c('decimalLatitude','decimalLongitude'),
#                  bison = c('decimalLongitude','decimalLatitude'),
#                  inat = c('Latitude','Longitude'),
#                  ebird = c('lng','lat'),
#                  ecoengine = c('longitude','latitude'),
#                  antweb = c('decimal_longitude','decimal_latitude'))
#   if(reverse){
#     names(w)[ names(w) %in% c('latitude','longitude') ] <- cols
#   } else {
#     names(w)[ names(w) %in% cols ] <- c('latitude','longitude')
#   }
#   return( w )
# }

clean_country <- function(data, country=NULL, which='include', shppath=NULL)
  shppath <- if(is.null(shppath)) "~/github/ropensci/shapefiles/ne_10m_admin_0_countries/" else shppath
  shppath <- path.expand(shppath)
  layer <- rgdal::ogrListLayers(shppath)
  shp <- rgdal::readOGR(shppath, layer = layer)
  country_shp <- switch(which,
                        include = shp[shp@data$name %in% country,],
                        exclude = shp[!shp@data$name %in% country,]
  sp::coordinates(data) <- ~longitude+latitude
  sp::proj4string(data) <- sp::CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0')
  ss <- sp::over(data, country_shp)
  tmp <- data[!apply(ss, 1, function(b)['scalerank'])), ]
  tmp <- as(tmp, "data.frame")
  return( tmp )

clean_provider_duplicates <- function(data){
  # if only 1 provider, pass
  # if no GBIF, pass
  # if GBIF and another provider, keep going...
  # 1) look for fields that have provider info in GBIF data, e.g., inaturalist in GBIF data could be
  #    a problem if inat also used
  # 2) Match lat/long pairs against one another iteratively? Would take a while with large datasets
  records <- vapply(data, function(x) NROW(x$data[[1]]), numeric(1))
  provs <- names(records[records > 0])
  if(!length(provs) > 1){ ret <- NULL } else {
    if(!'gbif' %in% provs){ ret <- NULL } else {
      d1 <- data[[provs[1]]]$data[[1]]
      d2 <- data[[provs[2]]]$data[[1]]
      sp::coordinates(d1) <- ~decimalLongitude+decimalLatitude
      sp::coordinates(d2) <- ~Longitude+Latitude
      sp::zerodist2(d1, d2)

clean_habitat <- function(data){
  #   library(maptools)
  res <- ggplot2::map_data("world")
  #     ogrListLayers("/Users/sacmac/Downloads/ne_110m_land")
  #     land <- readOGR("/Users/sacmac/Downloads/ne_110m_land/", layer = 'ne_110m_land')
  land <- rgdal::readOGR("/Users/sacmac/Downloads/ne_10m_land/", layer = 'ne_10m_land')
  data <- na.omit(data)
  sp::coordinates(data) <- ~longitude+latitude
  sp::proj4string(data) <- sp::CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0')
  sp::over(data, land)
ropensci/mapr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 1:17 p.m.