rawseqrec_breakdown: Breakdown a sequence record into its features

View source: R/tools-sqs.R

rawseqrec_breakdownR Documentation

Breakdown a sequence record into its features


Takes GenBank record's elements and returns a SeqRec. For sequences with lots of features, the sequence is broken down into these features provided they are of the right size. Sequences are either returned as features or whole sequence records, never both.


rawseqrec_breakdown(record_parts, ps)



list of record elements from a GenBank record


Parameters list, generated with parameters()


list of SeqRecs

See Also

Other run-private: batcher(), blast_clstr(), blast_filter(), blast_setup(), blast_sqs(), blastcache_load(), blastcache_save(), blastdb_gen(), blastn_run(), cache_rm(), cache_setup(), clade_select(), clstr2_calc(), clstr_all(), clstr_direct(), clstr_sqs(), clstr_subtree(), clstrarc_gen(), clstrarc_join(), clstrrec_gen(), clstrs_calc(), clstrs_join(), clstrs_merge(), clstrs_renumber(), clstrs_save(), cmdln(), descendants_get(), download_obj_check(), error(), gb_extract(), hierarchic_download(), info(), ncbicache_load(), ncbicache_save(), obj_check(), obj_load(), obj_save(), outfmt_get(), parameters_load(), parameters_setup(), parent_get(), progress_init(), progress_read(), progress_reset(), progress_save(), rank_get(), safely_connect(), search_and_cache(), searchterm_gen(), seeds_blast(), seq_download(), seqarc_gen(), seqrec_augment(), seqrec_convert(), seqrec_gen(), seqrec_get(), sids_check(), sids_get(), sids_load(), sids_save(), sqs_count(), sqs_save(), stage_args_check(), stages_run(), tax_download(), taxdict_gen(), taxtree_gen(), txids_get(), txnds_count(), warn()

ropensci/phylotaR documentation built on July 21, 2024, 1:01 a.m.