
Defines functions rt_list_rtxt rt_get_rtxt named_list

Documented in named_list rt_get_rtxt rt_list_rtxt

#' Create a named list
#' @param ... things to be put in list
#' @keywords internal
named_list <- function(...){
  thelist <- list(...)
  names(thelist) <- as.character(substitute(list(...)))[-1]

#' Load robots.txt files saved along with the package
#' load robots.txt files saved along with the package:
#' these functions are very handy for testing (not used otherwise)
#' @param name name of the robots.txt files, defaults to a random drawn file ;-)
#' @keywords internal
rt_get_rtxt <- function(name=sample(rt_list_rtxt(),1)){
  if( is.numeric(name) ){
    name <- rt_list_rtxt()[name]
    system.file( paste0("robotstxts/",name), package = "robotstxt" ),
    warn = FALSE

#' List robots.txt files saved along with the package
#' list robots.txt files saved along with the package:
#' these functions ar very handy for testing (not used otherwise)
#' @keywords internal
rt_list_rtxt <- function(){
  list.files(system.file("robotstxts", package = "robotstxt" ))
ropensci/robotstxt documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 2:32 a.m.