#' @name print_name
#' @title Format usage names for publications
#' @description
#' When writing on bio-diversity, usage names could be automatically inserted in
#' documents including the typical italic format for different elements of a
#' scientific name.
#' The function `print_name` can be applied either in markdown documents or
#' for graphics.
#' In **Rmarkdown** documents use \code{`r I(print_name(Easplist, 206))`} for
#' inserting a formatted a species name.
#' @param object An object of class [taxlist-class].
#' @param id Integer containing either a concept or a name ID.
#' @param concept Logical value, whether `id` corresponds to a concept ID
#' or a taxon usage name ID.
#' @param second_mention Logical value, whether the genus name should be
#' abbreviated or not.
#' @param include_author Logical value, whether authors of the name should be
#' mentioned or not.
#' @param secundum Character value indicating the column in slot `taxonViews`
#' that will be mentioned as *secundum* (according to).
#' @param style Character value indicating the alternative format for italics.
#' The available options are `"markdown"` (called within Rmarkdown
#' documents), `"html"` (for documents rendered into html files),
#' `"expression"` (used for labels in graphics), and `"knitr"` (format in
#' LaTeX code).
#' @param isolate A character vector with words (usually abbreviations)
#' appearing in the middle of scientific names, which are not formatted in
#' italics.
#' @param trim A character vectors with words appearing at the end of scientific
#' names that are not formatted in italics, either.
#' @param italics A logical value indicating whether the names should be
#' italized or not.
#' @param collapse A character value or vector used to collapse the names and
#' passed to [paste0()]. If its lenght is 2, the second value will be used
#' to connect the two last names. Note that collapse is not yet implemented
#' for `style = "expression"`.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed among methods.
#' @return A character value including format to italic font.
#' @seealso [ape::mixedFontLabel()].
#' @example examples/print_name.R
#' @rdname print_name
#' @export
print_name <- function(object, ...) {
UseMethod("print_name", object)
#' @title Collapse names
#' @description
#' Collapse name strings for document contents.
#' It will be used internally when formatting several names and including them
#' in a text body.
#' @param x A character vector containing a chain of names.
#' @param collapse A character value or vector used to collapse the names and
#' passed to [paste0]. If its lenght is 2, the second value will be used to
#' connect the two last names.
#' @keywords internal
collapse_names <- function(x, collapse) {
if (length(x) > 1) {
if (length(collapse) > 1) {
x <- paste0(c(paste0(x[-length(x)], collapse = collapse[1]), x[length(x)]),
collapse = collapse[2]
} else {
x <- paste0(x, collapse = collapse[1])
#' @rdname print_name
#' @aliases print_name,character-method
#' @method print_name character
#' @export
print_name.character <- function(object, second_mention = FALSE,
style = "markdown",
isolate = c(
"var.", "ssp.", "subsp.", "f.",
trim = c("spp.", "sp.", "species"),
italics = TRUE,
...) {
# Add italics
if (italics) {
# set style
style <- pmatch(tolower(style), c(
"markdown", "html", "knitr", "expression"
if (!style %in% c(1:4)) {
stop("Non-valid value for 'style'")
if (style == 1) {
Start <- "*"
End <- "*"
if (style == 2) {
Start <- "<i>"
End <- "</i>"
if (style == 3) {
Start <- "\\textit{"
End <- "}"
if (style == 4) {
Start <- "italic(\""
End <- "\")"
# Abbreviate first name if required
if (second_mention) {
name_parts <- unlist(lapply(str_split(object, " "), length))
idx <- name_parts > 1
first_part <- dissect_name(object, repaste = 1)
name_abbr <- paste0(substr(first_part, 1, 1), ".")
object[idx] <- str_replace_all(
object[idx], first_part[idx],
# Add italics
object <- paste0(Start, object, End)
if (style != 4) {
for (i in isolate) {
object <- str_replace_all(
object, fixed(paste0(" ", i, " ")),
paste0(End, " ", i, " ", Start)
for (i in trim) {
object <- str_replace_all(
object, fixed(paste0(" ", i, End)),
paste0(End, " ", i)
} else {
for (i in isolate) {
object <- str_replace_all(
object, fixed(paste0(" ", i, " ")),
paste0(End, "~\"", i, "\"~", Start)
for (i in trim) {
object <- str_replace_all(
object, fixed(paste0(" ", i, End)),
paste0(End, "~\"", i, "\"")
if (length(object == 1)) {
object <- parse(text = object)
} else {
object <- parse(text = paste0("expression(", object, ")"))
# Collapse string
if (!missing(collapse) & style != 4) {
object <- collapse_names(object, collapse)
#' @rdname print_name
#' @aliases print_name,taxlist-method
#' @method print_name taxlist
#' @export
print_name.taxlist <- function(object, id, concept = TRUE,
include_author = TRUE, secundum,
style = "markdown",
italics = TRUE,
...) {
if (!missing(secundum)) {
if (!secundum %in% names(object@taxonViews)) {
"The value '", secundum,
"' is not included as column in slot 'taxonViews'."
if (missing(id)) {
if (concept) {
id <- object@taxonRelations$TaxonConceptID
} else {
id <- object@taxonNames$TaxonUsageID
if (concept) {
id <- with(object@taxonRelations, AcceptedName[match(id, TaxonConceptID)])
# Switch style for expression
if (style == "expression" & !italics) {
style <- "markdown"
sp_names <- with(object@taxonNames, TaxonName[match(id, TaxonUsageID)])
sp_names <- print_name(sp_names, style = style, italics = italics, ...)
if (style != "expression") {
if (include_author) {
sp_names <- with(
paste(sp_names, AuthorName[match(id, TaxonUsageID)])
if (!missing(secundum) & concept) {
concept_id <- with(
TaxonConceptID[match(id, TaxonUsageID)]
view_id <- with(
ViewID[match(concept_id, TaxonConceptID)]
sp_names <- paste(
sp_names, "sec.",
if (!missing(collapse)) {
sp_names <- collapse_names(sp_names, collapse)
} else {
if (include_author) {
sp_names <- with(
paste0(sp_names, "~\"", AuthorName[match(id, TaxonUsageID)], "\"")
if (!missing(secundum) & concept) {
concept_id <- with(
TaxonConceptID[match(id, TaxonUsageID)]
view_id <- with(
ViewID[match(concept_id, TaxonConceptID)]
sp_names <- paste0(
sp_names, "~\"sec. ",
)], "\""
if (length(sp_names == 1)) {
return(parse(text = sp_names))
} else {
return(parse(text = paste0("expression(", sp_names, ")")))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.