
library(XML); library(xml2); library(plyr); library(purrr); library(dplyr); library(tidyr)
library(stringr); library(magrittr); library(reshape2); library(rvest); library(tibble)

## Read in solr dump------------------------------------
# download.file("",
#          destfile="data-raw/solr_dumps/", mode="wb")
# unzip ("data-raw/solr_dumps/",
#        exdir = "data-raw/solr_dumps/", overwrite = TRUE)

# Read in data -----------------------------------------

files <- list.files('data-raw/solr_dumps', pattern = '.xml')
# Files <- files[1:6] # for testing the for loops

# One big list of all of the files

filepath <- file.path("data-raw/solr_dumps",paste(files, sep=''))

xml_data <- map(filepath, read_xml, encoding = "ISO-8859-1")

# Begin making large searchable list of data frames --------------------------------

record <- xml_data %>%
  map(., xml_find_all, '/record')

arr <- xml_data %>%
  map(., xml_find_all, '//*/arr')

titles <- xml_data %>%{
  title <- map(., xml_find_all, "//*/*/arr[@name = 'iris.referenceid']/str")  %>%
    map(., xml_text, trim = TRUE) %>%
    map(., str_split, "_", simplify = FALSE) %>%
    modify_depth(., 2, tail, n = 1) %>%

  rec <- map(., xml_find_all, '/record')  %>%
    map(., xml_attrs, "pid") %>%
    enframe() %>%
    rename(york_id = value)

  materials <- map(., xml_find_all, "//*/*/str[@name= 'iris.hasmaterials']") %>%
    map(., xml_text, trim = TRUE) %>%
    enframe() %>%
    rename(has_materials = value)
  files <- map(., xml_find_all, '//*/file') %>%
    map(., xml_attrs, "url") %>%
    modify_depth(., 2, tail, n = 2) %>%
    enframe() %>%
    unnest(value) %>%
    unnest(value) %>% {
          type <- filter(., row_number() %% 2 == 1)
          url <- filter(., row_number() %% 2 == 0)

          files <- left_join(type, url, by = 'name')

    } %>%
    distinct(., value.y, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
    rename(file_type = value.x, file_url = value.y) %>%
    group_by(name)  %>%
    nest(file_url, file_type)

  comb <- full_join(rec, title, by = 'name') %>%
    unnest(york_id) %>%
    unnest(york_id) %>%
    full_join(., materials, by = 'name') %>%
    full_join(., files, by = 'name') 

} %>%
  mutate(n_entries_iris = map_dbl(value, length))%>%
  mutate(n_instruments_iris = map_dbl(data, ~length(.x$file_url)))%>%
  unnest(value, .preserve = c(has_materials)) %>%
  unnest(value, .preserve = c(has_materials)) %>%

readr::write_csv(titles, 'data-raw/iris_titles.csv')

str <- xml_data %>%
  map(., xml_find_all, "//*/*/str[@name= 'iris.hasmaterials']")

fil <- xml_data %>%
  map(., xml_find_all, '//*/file')

strs <- map(str, xml_text)

xml_data_listcols <- arr %>%{
    values = map(., xml_text, trim = TRUE),
    attribs = map(., xml_attrs, "name"),
    files = map(fil, xml_attrs, "url"),
    materials = map(str, xml_text, trim = TRUE),
    record = map(record, xml_attrs, "pid")
} %>%
  # slice(., 1:6) %>%# for drafting

data_framing <- xml_data_listcols %>%
  # unnest()%>%
  mutate(record = str_replace_all(record, 'york:', "")) %>%
  group_by(record) %>%
  mutate(values = map(values, ~gsub("([a-z])([A-Z])", "\\1; \\2", .x))) %>% # adds space and ; between words connected by lowercase and uppercase letters
  mutate(values = map(values, ~gsub("([a-z])(http)", "\\1; \\2", .x))) %>% # adds space and ; between words and a hyperlink
  mutate(values = map(values, ~gsub(")http", "\\1); http\\2", .x))) %>% # adds space and ; between words in () and a hyperlink
  mutate(values = map(values, ~gsub("())([A-Z])", ") \\2", .x))) %>%
  mutate(values = map(values, ~sub("\\s+$", "", gsub("([[:digit:]]{4,20}).{4}", "\\1 ", .x, perl = TRUE)))) %>%
  # mutate(values = map(values, ~gsub("([a-z])([[:digit:]])", "\\1 \\2", .x))) %>%
  mutate(attribs = map(attribs, str_replace_all, pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_"))%>%
  mutate(attribs = map(attribs, str_replace_all, pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_"))%>%
  mutate(attribs = map(attribs, str_replace_all, pattern = "dc", replacement = "iris"))%>%
  mutate(attribs = map(attribs, ~tolower(gsub("([a-z1-9])([A-Z])", "\\1_\\2", .x)))) %>%
  mutate(values = map(values, as_data_frame),
         attribs = map(attribs, as_data_frame)) %>%
  mutate(df = map2(values, attribs, ~bind_cols(.x, .y))) %>%
  mutate(df = map(df, spread, key = value1, value = value))%>%
  unnest(df, materials, .preserve = 'files')%>%
  mutate(iris_date = map_chr(iris_date, ~trimws(gsub("(.{4})", "\\1; ", .x)))) %>%
  select(., files, record, materials, contains("iris_"), -contains("oai_iris_iris_xsi"))

# library(readr)
# write_rds(data_framing, 'data-raw/iris_data_raw.rds')

riris_file_info <- data_framing %>%
  select(record, files) %>%
  unnest(files) %>%
  mutate(files = map(files, enframe)) %>%
  mutate(files = map(files, spread, key = name, value = value)) 
# %>%
  # unnest() # use this for writing the file below for the citation project

# readr::write_csv(riris_file_info, 'data-raw/riris_file_info.csv')

riris_author <- select(data_framing, record, iris_instrument_author, materials, iris_referenceid)
riris_instrument <- select(data_framing, record, iris_instrument_instrument_type, iris_instrument_licence,
                           iris_instrument_research_area, iris_instrument_linguistic_target,
                           iris_instrument_source_language, iris_instrument_type_of_file,
                           iris_instrument_title) %>%
  rename(iris_instrument_type = iris_instrument_instrument_type)

riris_participants <- select(data_framing, record, iris_participants_first_language, iris_participants_gender,
                             iris_participants_participant_type, iris_participants_proficiency_learner,

iris_description <- select(data_framing, record, iris_description)

devtools::use_data(riris_file_info, overwrite = TRUE)
#--------------------- I'd like to get bibtex style citations here using RefManageR or scitations

# riris_references <- select(data_framing, record, iris_referenceid, iris_references_author, iris_references_author_noack,
#                            iris_references_conference_name, iris_references_journal, iris_references_publication_date,
#                            iris_references_publication_date_str, iris_references_publication_type)
ropenscilabs/riris documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:33 p.m.