
Defines functions as_data_frame.default as_data_frame `%in%.numeric.default` `%in%.numeric` `%in%.factor.default` `%in%.factor` `%in%.character.default` `%in%.character` `%in%.default` `%in%`

Documented in as_data_frame

#' Value matching for taxa package
#' A wrapper for the base value matching %in% that is used to take into consideration features of the taxa package.
#' @inheritParams base::match
#' @export
`%in%` <- function(x, table) {

#' @export
`%in%.default` <- function(x, table) {
  base::`%in%`(x, table)

#' @method %in% character
#' @export
`%in%.character` <- function(x, table) {
  UseMethod("%in%.character", table)

#' @export
`%in%.character.default` <- function(x, table) {
  base::`%in%`(x, table)

#' @method %in% factor
#' @export
`%in%.factor` <- function(x, table) {
  UseMethod("%in%.factor", table)

#' @export
`%in%.factor.default` <- function(x, table) {
  base::`%in%`(x, table)

#' @method %in% numeric
#' @export
`%in%.numeric` <- function(x, table) {
  UseMethod("%in%.numeric", table)

#' @export
`%in%.numeric.default` <- function(x, table) {
  base::`%in%`(x, table)

#' Convert a taxa object to a `data.frame`
#' Convert the information in a taxa object to a `data.frame` using base R
#' vectors as columns. Use [as_tibble] to convert to tibbles.
#' @inheritParams base::as.data.frame
#' @param x An object defined by taxa, such as [taxon] or [taxon_id]
#' @examples
#' x <- taxon(name = c('Homo sapiens', 'Bacillus', 'Ascomycota', 'Ericaceae'),
#'            rank = c('species', 'genus', 'phylum', 'family'),
#'            id = taxon_id(c('9606', '1386', '4890', '4345'), db = 'ncbi'),
#'            auth = c('Linnaeus, 1758', 'Cohn 1872', NA, 'Juss., 1789'))
#' as_data_frame(x)
#' @export
as_data_frame <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE) {

#' @export
as_data_frame.default <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...,
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE) {
  as.data.frame(x, row.names = row.names, optional = optional, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, ...)
ropenscilabs/taxa documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 6:31 p.m.