
Defines functions travis_delete_var travis_set_var travis_get_var_id new_travis_env_var new_travis_env_vars travis_get_vars

Documented in travis_delete_var travis_get_var_id travis_get_vars travis_set_var

#' Travis CI variables
#' @description
#' Functions around public and private variables available in Travis CI builds.
#' `travis_get_vars()` calls the "/settings/env_vars" API.
#' @template repo
#' @template quiet
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # List all variables:
#' travis_get_vars()
#' }
travis_get_vars <- function(repo = github_repo(),
                            endpoint = get_endpoint(),
                            quiet = FALSE) {

  req <- travis(
    path = sprintf("/repo/%s/env_vars", encode_slug(repo)),
    endpoint = endpoint

    req$response, "get environment variables."

  if (!quiet) {
    cli::cli_alert_info("Getting environment variables for {.code {repo}} on
                        Travis CI.", wrap = TRUE)

new_travis_env_vars <- function(x) {
  stopifnot(x[["@type"]] == "env_vars")
    lapply(x[["env_vars"]], new_travis_env_var),

new_travis_env_var <- function(x) {
  stopifnot(x[["@type"]] == "env_var")
  new_travis_object(x, "env_var")

#' @description
#' `travis_get_var_id()` retrieves the ID for a variable name, or `NULL`.
#' If multiple variables exist by that name, it returns the ID of the last
#' (with a warning),
#' because this is what seems to be used in Travis CI builds in such a case.
#' @param name `[string]`\cr
#'   The name of the variable.
#' @template quiet
#' @export
#' @rdname travis_get_vars
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get the ID of a variable.
#' travis_get_var_id("secret_var")
#' }
travis_get_var_id <- function(name, repo = github_repo(),
                              endpoint = get_endpoint(),
                              quiet = FALSE) {

  vars <- travis_get_vars(repo = repo, endpoint = endpoint, quiet = quiet)
  var_idx <- which(vapply(vars, "[[", "name", FUN.VALUE = character(1)) == name)
  if (length(var_idx) > 0) {
    # Travis seems to use the value of the last variable if multiple vars of the
    # same name are defined; we update the last
    if (length(var_idx) > 1) {
        "Multiple entries found for variable ", name,
        ", updating the last entry."
      var_idx <- var_idx[[length(var_idx)]]
  } else if (length(var_idx) == 0) {


#' @description
#' `travis_set_var()` creates or updates a variable. If multiple variables exist
#' by that name, it updates the last (with a warning), because this is what
#' seems to be used in Travis CI builds in such a case.
#' @details
#' Avoid using `travis_set_var()` with literal values, because they will be
#' recorded in the `.Rhistory` file.
#' @param value `[string]`\cr
#'   The value for the new or updated variable.
#' @param public `[flag]`\cr
#'   Should the variable be public or private?
#' @export
#' @rdname travis_get_vars
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Avoid calling with literal values:
#' travis_set_var("secret_var", "oh no - this will be recorded in .Rhistory!")
#' # Set a Travis environment variable without recording it in history
#' # by reading the value from the console:
#' travis_set_var("secret_var", readLines(n = 1))
#' }
travis_set_var <- function(name,
                           public = FALSE,
                           repo = github_repo(),
                           endpoint = get_endpoint(),
                           quiet = FALSE) {

  var_data <- list(
    "env_var.name" = name,
    "env_var.value" = value,
    "env_var.public" = public

  req <- travis(
    verb = "POST", sprintf("/repo/%s/env_vars", encode_slug(repo)),
    body = var_data, endpoint = endpoint

    req$response, "set environment variable. Is the variable already defined?"

  if (!quiet) {
    cli::cli_alert_success("Added environment variable for {.code {repo}} on
                           Travis CI.", wrap = TRUE)

#' @description
#' `travis_delete_var()` deletes a variable.
#' @param id `[string]`\cr
#'   The ID of the variable, by default obtained from `travis_get_var_id()`.
#' @template endpoint
#' @template quiet
#' @export
#' @rdname travis_get_vars
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Delete a variable:
#' travis_delete_var("secret_var")
#' }
travis_delete_var <- function(id, repo = github_repo(),
                              endpoint = get_endpoint(),
                              quiet = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(id)) {
    cli::cli_alert_danger("{.code id} cannot not be {.code NULL}; or
    {.code name} not found. Does it really exist? Check with
    {.fun travis_get_vars}.", wrap = TRUE)

  req <- travis(
    verb = "DELETE", sprintf(
      encode_slug(repo), id
    endpoint = endpoint

    req, "delete environment variable. Does the variable exist?"

  if (!quiet) {
      "Deleted environment variable with id = {.val {id}} for {.code {repo}}
        on Travis CI.",
      wrap = TRUE
ropenscilabs/travis documentation built on May 18, 2022, 8:33 p.m.