
Defines functions get_api_token encode_slug check_endpoint endpoint_url get_endpoint keep_brackets remove_brackets check_status will_open_browser_window open_browser_window get_browser_window_text warningc stopc format_url_msg url_stop url_message

url_message <- function(..., url) {
  message(format_url_msg(..., ". ", url = url))

url_stop <- function(..., url) {
  stopc(format_url_msg(..., ". ", url = url))

format_url_msg <- function(..., url) {
  paste0(..., "Please visit\n  ", url, get_browser_window_text())

stopc <- function(...) {
  stop(..., call. = FALSE, domain = NA)

warningc <- function(...) {
  warning(..., call. = FALSE, domain = NA)

get_browser_window_text <- function() {
  if (will_open_browser_window()) {
    "\n  A browser window will be opened."
  } else {

open_browser_window <- function(url) {
  if (will_open_browser_window()) {

will_open_browser_window <- function() {

check_status <- function(req, message, quiet = TRUE, accept_code = integer()) {
  if (!(httr::status_code(req) %in% accept_code)) {
    httr::stop_for_status(req, remove_brackets(message))
  if (!quiet) {
    cli::cli_alert_success("Finished checking status.")

remove_brackets <- function(message) {
  # strip {, unless there is space in between
  message <- gsub("\\{([^\\} ]*)\\}", "\\1", message, perl = TRUE)
  # remove [ and its content, unless there is space in between
  message <- gsub("\\[[^\\] ]*\\]", "", message, perl = TRUE)


keep_brackets <- function(message) {
  # strip [, unless there is space in between
  message <- gsub("\\[([^\\] ]*)\\]", "\\1", message, perl = TRUE)
  # remove ( and its content, unless there is space in between
  message <- gsub("\\{[^\\} ]*\\}", "", message, perl = TRUE)


get_endpoint <- function() {

  endpoint <- Sys.getenv("R_TRAVIS")

endpoint_url <- function(endpoint, path) {
  return(sprintf("https://api.travis-ci%s%s", endpoint, path))

check_endpoint <- function() {

  if (Sys.getenv("R_TRAVIS_CHECKED") == "") {

    Sys.setenv("R_TRAVIS_CHECKED" = "true")

    if (Sys.getenv("R_TRAVIS") != "") {
      cli::cli_text("{.pkg travis}: Using Travis endpoint
        {.code {Sys.getenv('R_TRAVIS')}} set via env var {.envvar R_TRAVIS}.
        If supplied, the {.arg endpoint} argument in
        any {.fun travis_*} function will take precedence.
        (This message is displayed once per session.)")
    } else {
      cli::cli_text("{.pkg travis}: Env var {.envvar R_TRAVIS}
        not set by user. Defaulting to '.com' endpoint.
        If supplied, the {.arg endpoint} argument in
        any {.fun travis_*} function will take precedence.
        (This message is displayed once per session.)")
      Sys.setenv("R_TRAVIS" = ".com")
    # for an empty line before any log output appears

encode_slug <- function(repo) {
  utils::URLencode(as.character(repo), reserved = TRUE)

get_api_token <- function(endpoint) {

  # one can set the API key directly via an env var. This is needed on CI
  # systems to be able to have the API key available during builds

  if (endpoint == ".org" && Sys.getenv("R_TRAVIS_ORG") == "") {
    api_token <- read_token(endpoint = endpoint)
  } else if (endpoint == ".com" && Sys.getenv("R_TRAVIS_COM") == "") {
    api_token <- read_token(endpoint = endpoint)
  } else {
    if (endpoint == ".org") {
      api_token <- Sys.getenv("R_TRAVIS_ORG")
    } else {
      api_token <- Sys.getenv("R_TRAVIS_COM")
ropenscilabs/travis documentation built on May 18, 2022, 8:33 p.m.