
# ww <- JSON$new(path = "stuff3")
# ww
# ww$file_extension
# fun <- ww$serialize()
# fun(list(http_interactions = list(response = list(body = "bar"))),
#   path = ww$path, bytes = FALSE)
# ww$deserialize()

#' @title The JSON serializer
#' @description class with methods for serializing via \pkg{jsonlite}
#' @keywords internal
JSON <- R6::R6Class("JSON",
  inherit = Serializer,
  public = list(
    #' @description Create a new `JSON` object
    #' @param path (character) full path to the yaml file
    #' @return A new `JSON` object
    initialize = function(path = NULL) {
      super$initialize(".json", path)

    #' @description Serializes the given hash using internal fxn write_json
    #' @param x (list) the object to serialize
    #' @param path (character) the file path
    #' @param bytes (logical) whether to preserve exact body bytes or not
    #' @return (character) the json string to write to disk
    serialize = function(x, path, bytes) {
      function(x, path, bytes) {
        write_json(x, path, bytes)

    #' @description Deserializes the content at the file path using
    #' jsonlite::fromJSON
    #' @param cassette the current cassette object so it's properties can
    #' be retrieved
    #' @return (list) the deserialized object, an R list
    deserialize = function(cassette) {
      str <- sensitive_put_back(readLines(self$path))
      tmp <- jsonlite::fromJSON(str, FALSE)
      tmp <- query_params_put_back(tmp)
      private$process_body(tmp, cassette)
ropenscilabs/vcr documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 5:58 p.m.