
# make_dir <- function(x) {
#   dir.create(x, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# }

# write_recorded_interactions_to_disk <- function(x) {
#   if (length(any_new_recorded_interactions()) == 0) {
#     message("none")
#   }
#   # hash = serializable_hash()
#   # if (length(hash["http_interactions"])) {
#   #   message("none")
#   # }
#   message("fix me")
#   # FIXME - need to make a persisters and serializer class/object
#   # @persister[storage_key] = @serializer.serialize(hash)
# }

# @return [Hash] The hash that will be serialized when the cassette is written to disk.
serializable_hash <- function() {
  # "http_interactions" =>,
  # "recorded_with"     => "VCR #{VCR.version}"
  list(http_interactions = "",
       recorded_with = packageVersion("vcr"))

interactions_to_record <- function() {
  # We deep-dup the interactions by roundtripping them to/from a hash.
  # This is necessary because `before_record` can mutate the interactions.
  # { |i| HTTPInteraction.from_hash(i.to_hash) }.tap do |interactions|
  #   invoke_hook(:before_record, interactions)
  # end

merged_interactions <- function(x) {
  old_interactions <- previously_recorded_interactions()

  # if (self$should_remove_matching_existing_interactions()) {
  #   new_interaction_list <-, match_requests_on)
  #   old_interactions <- old_interactions.reject do |i|
  #     new_interaction_list.response_for(i.request)
  #   end
  # }

  return(c(old_interactions, new_recorded_interactions))

# previously_recorded_interactions()
#previously_recorded_interactions <- function() {
  #if (!raw_cassette_bytes.to_s.empty?) {
  # deserialized_hash['http_interactions'].map { |h| HTTPInteraction.from_hash(h) } do |int|
  #   invoke_hook(:before_playback, int)
  #   int.reject! do |i|
  #     i.request.uri.is_a?(String) && VCR.request_ignorer.ignore?(i.request)
  #   end
  # end
  # } else {
  #   list()
  # }

# raw_cassette_bytes()
# raw_cassette_bytes <- function(name) {
#   #erb = TRUE
#   erbr_renderer(storage_key(name), erb, name)
#   # @raw_cassette_bytes ||=[storage_key], erb, name).render
# }

# erbr_renderer <- function(key, erb, name) {
#   ### FIXME - this doesn't quite make sense yet - not sure where the erb
#   ###   object is coming from
#   # return @raw_template if @raw_template.nil? || !use_erb?
#   # binding = binding_for_variables if erb_variables
#   # template.result(binding)
#   # if (some_error) handle_name_error(e)
# }

# handle_name_error <- function() {
#   # FIXME: need to pass in error as a parameter
#   #example_hash = (erb_variables || {}).merge( => 'some value')
#   stop(sprintf("The ERB in the '%s' cassette file references undefined variable",
#                cassette_current()$name), call. = FALSE)
#       #cassette_current()$name,, example_hash.inspect, call. = FALSE)
# }

# storage_key <- function(name) {
#   paste(name, serializer$name, sep = ".")
# }

# library("httr")
# library("magrittr")
# Sys.setenv(VCR_LOG_PATH = "vcr.log")

# GET("") %>% record_http_interaction
# ls(new_recorded_interactions)
# get(ls(new_recorded_interactions), envir = new_recorded_interactions)
# GET("") %>% record_http_interaction
record_http_interaction <- function(x) {
  # FIXME - should be logged
  message(sprintf("Recorded HTTP interaction: %s => %s", x$request$url, response_summary(x)))
  assign(digest::digest(x), x, envir = new_recorded_interactions)

new_recorded_interactions <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)

# any_new_recorded_interactions()
any_new_recorded_interactions <- function() {
  ls(new_recorded_interactions, envir = new_recorded_interactions)

log_prepare <- function(x) {
  sprintf("%s => %s", x$request$url, response_summary(x))

log_write <- function(x) {
  cat("\n", x, file = Sys.getenv("VCR_LOG_PATH"), append = TRUE)

# interactions_to_record <- function() {
# # We deep-dup the interactions by roundtripping them to/from a hash.
# # This is necessary because `before_record` can mutate the interactions.
# { |i| HTTPInteraction.from_hash(i.to_hash) }.tap do |interactions|
#     invoke_hook(:before_record, interactions)
#   }
# }
ropenscilabs/vcr documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 5:58 p.m.