
#' @title Adapters for Modifying HTTP Requests
#' @description `Adapter` is the base parent class used to implement
#'   \pkg{webmockr} support for different HTTP clients. It should not be used
#'   directly. Instead, use one of the client-specific adapters that webmockr
#'   currently provides:
#' * `CrulAdapter` for \pkg{crul}
#' * `HttrAdapter` for \pkg{httr}
#' * `Httr2Adapter` for \pkg{httr2}
#' @details Note that the documented fields and methods are the same across all
#'   client-specific adapters.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' if (requireNamespace("httr", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' # library(httr)
#' # normal httr request, works fine
#' # real <- GET("https://httpbin.org/get")
#' # real
#' # with webmockr
#' # library(webmockr)
#' ## turn on httr mocking
#' # httr_mock()
#' ## now this request isn't allowed
#' # GET("https://httpbin.org/get")
#' ## stub the request
#' # stub_request('get', uri = 'https://httpbin.org/get') %>%
#' #   wi_th(
#' #     headers = list('Accept' = 'application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*')
#' #   ) %>%
#' #   to_return(status = 418, body = "I'm a teapot!", headers = list(a = 5))
#' ## now the request succeeds and returns a mocked response
#' # (res <- GET("https://httpbin.org/get"))
#' # res$status_code
#' # rawToChar(res$content)
#' # allow real requests while webmockr is loaded
#' # webmockr_allow_net_connect()
#' # webmockr_net_connect_allowed()
#' # GET("https://httpbin.org/get?animal=chicken")
#' # webmockr_disable_net_connect()
#' # webmockr_net_connect_allowed()
#' # GET("https://httpbin.org/get?animal=chicken")
#' # httr_mock(FALSE)
#' }
#' }
Adapter <- R6::R6Class("Adapter",
  public = list(
    #' @field client HTTP client package name
    client = NULL,
    #' @field name adapter name
    name = NULL,

    #' @description Create a new Adapter object
    initialize = function() {
      if (is.null(self$client)) {
          "Adapter parent class should not be called directly",
          "*" = "Use one of the following package-specific adapters instead:",
          "*" = "  CrulAdapter$new()",
          "*" = "  HttrAdapter$new()",
          "*" = "  Httr2Adapter$new()"

    #' @description Enable the adapter
    #' @param quiet (logical) suppress messages? default: `FALSE`
    #' @return `TRUE`, invisibly
    enable = function(quiet = FALSE) {
      assert(quiet, "logical")
      if (!quiet) message(sprintf("%s enabled!", self$name))
      webmockr_lightswitch[[self$client]] <- TRUE

        crul = crul::mock(on = TRUE),
        httr = httr_mock(on = TRUE),
        httr2 = httr2_mock(on = TRUE)

    #' @description Disable the adapter
    #' @param quiet (logical) suppress messages? default: `FALSE`
    #' @return `FALSE`, invisibly
    disable = function(quiet = FALSE) {
      assert(quiet, "logical")
      if (!quiet) message(sprintf("%s disabled!", self$name))
      webmockr_lightswitch[[self$client]] <- FALSE

        crul = crul::mock(on = FALSE),
        httr = httr_mock(on = FALSE),
        httr2 = httr2_mock(on = FALSE)

    #' @description All logic for handling a request
    #' @param req a request
    #' @return various outcomes
    handle_request = function(req) {
      # put request in request registry
      # cat(req)
      request_signature <- private$build_request(req)
        request = request_signature
        # request = request_signature$to_s()

      if (request_is_in_cache(request_signature)) {
        # if real requests NOT allowed
        # even if net connects allowed, we check if stubbed found first
        ss <- webmockr_stub_registry$find_stubbed_request(request_signature)[[1]]

        # if user wants to return a partial object
        #   get stub with response and return that
        resp <- private$build_stub_response(ss)

        # generate response
        # VCR: recordable/ignored

        if (vcr_cassette_inserted()) {
          # use RequestHandler - gets current cassette & record interaction
          resp <- private$request_handler(req)$handle()

          # if written to disk, see if we should modify file path
          if (self$client == "crul" && is.character(resp$content)) {
            resp <- private$update_vcr_disk_path(resp)

        # no vcr
        } else {
          resp <- private$build_response(req, resp)
          # add to_return() elements if given
          resp <- private$add_response_sequences(ss, resp)

      # request is not in cache but connections are allowed
      } else if (webmockr_net_connect_allowed(uri = private$pluck_url(req))) {
        # if real requests || localhost || certain exceptions ARE
        #   allowed && nothing found above

        # if vcr loaded: record http interaction into vcr namespace
        # VCR: recordable
        if (vcr_loaded()) {
          # req <- handle_separate_redirects(req)
          # use RequestHandler instead? - which gets current cassette for us
          resp <- private$request_handler(req)$handle()

          # if written to disk, see if we should modify file path
          if (self$client == "crul" && is.character(resp$content)) {
            if (file.exists(resp$content)) {
              resp <- private$update_vcr_disk_path(resp)

          if (self$client == "httr2") {
            req$method <- req_method_get_w(req)

          # stub request so next time we match it
          req_url <- private$pluck_url(req)
          urip <- crul::url_parse(req_url)
          m <- vcr::vcr_configuration()$match_requests_on

          if (all(m %in% c("method", "uri")) && length(m) == 2) {
            stub_request(req$method, req_url)
          } else if (all(m %in% c("method", "uri", "query")) && length(m) == 3) {
            tmp <- stub_request(req$method, req_url)
            wi_th(tmp, .list = list(query = urip$parameter))
          } else if (all(m %in% c("method", "uri", "headers")) && length(m) == 3) {
            tmp <- stub_request(req$method, req_url)
            wi_th(tmp, .list = list(headers = req$headers))
          } else if (all(m %in% c("method", "uri", "headers", "query")) && length(m) == 4) {
            tmp <- stub_request(req$method, req_url)
            wi_th(tmp, .list = list(query = urip$parameter, headers = req$headers))

          # check if new request/response from redirects in vcr
          # req <- redirects_request(req)
          # resp <- redirects_response(resp)

        } else {
          private$mock(on = FALSE)
          resp <- private$fetch_request(req)
          private$mock(on = TRUE)

      # request is not in cache and connections are not allowed
      } else {
        # throw vcr error: should happen when user not using
        #  use_cassette or insert_cassette
        if (vcr_loaded()) {

        # no stubs found and net connect not allowed - STOP
        x <- "Real HTTP connections are disabled.\nUnregistered request:\n "
        y <- "\n\nYou can stub this request with the following snippet:\n\n  "
        z <- "\n\nregistered request stubs:\n\n"
        msgx <- paste(x, request_signature$to_s())
        msgy <- ""
        if (webmockr_conf_env$show_stubbing_instructions) {
          msgy <- paste(y, private$make_stub_request_code(request_signature))
        if (length(webmockr_stub_registry$request_stubs)) {
          msgz <- paste(
            paste0(vapply(webmockr_stub_registry$request_stubs, function(z)
              z$to_s(), ""), collapse = "\n ")
        } else {
          msgz <- ""
        ending <- "\n============================================================"
        abort(paste0(msgx, msgy, msgz, ending))


    #' @description Remove all stubs
    #' @return nothing returned; removes all request stubs
    remove_stubs = function() {

  private = list(
    make_stub_request_code = function(x) {
      tmp <- sprintf(
        "stub_request('%s', uri = '%s')",
      if (!is.null(x$headers) || !is.null(x$body)) {
        # set defaults to ""
        hd_str <- bd_str <- ""

        # headers has to be a named list, so easier to deal with
        if (!is.null(x$headers)) {
          hd <- x$headers
          hd_str <- paste0(
            paste(sprintf("'%s'", names(hd)),
                  sprintf("'%s'", unlist(unname(hd))), sep = " = "),
            collapse = ", ")

        # body can be lots of things, so need to handle various cases
        if (!is.null(x$body)) {
          bd <- x$body
          bd_str <- hdl_lst2(bd)

        with_str <- ""
        if (all(nzchar(hd_str) && nzchar(bd_str))) {
          with_str <- sprintf(" wi_th(\n       headers = list(%s),\n       body = list(%s)\n     )",
                              hd_str, bd_str)
        } else if (nzchar(hd_str) && !nzchar(bd_str)) {
          with_str <- sprintf(" wi_th(\n       headers = list(%s)\n     )", hd_str)
        } else if (!nzchar(hd_str) && nzchar(bd_str)) {
          with_str <- sprintf(" wi_th(\n       body = list(%s)\n     )", bd_str)

        tmp <- paste0(tmp, " %>%\n    ", with_str)

    build_stub_response = function(stub) {
      stopifnot(inherits(stub, "StubbedRequest"))
      resp <- Response$new()
      resp$set_status(as.integer(stub$status_code %||% 200))

      stub_num_get <- stub$counter$count()
      if (stub_num_get > length(stub$responses_sequences)) {
        stub_num_get <- length(stub$responses_sequences)
      respx <- stub$responses_sequences[[stub_num_get]]

      # if user set to_timeout or to_raise, do that
      if (!is.null(respx)) {
        if (respx$timeout || respx$raise) {
          if (respx$timeout) {
            x <- fauxpas::HTTPRequestTimeout$new()
          if (respx$raise) {
            x <- respx$exceptions[[1]]$new()

    add_response_sequences = function(stub, response) {
      # TODO: assert HttpResponse (is it ever a crul response?)
      stopifnot(inherits(stub, "StubbedRequest"))

      # FIXME: temporary fix, change to using request registry counter
      # to decide which responses_sequence entry to use

      # choose which response to return
      stub_num_get <- stub$counter$count()
      if (stub_num_get > length(stub$responses_sequences)) {
        stub_num_get <- length(stub$responses_sequences)
      respx <- stub$responses_sequences[[stub_num_get]]
      # remove NULLs
      toadd <- cc(respx)
      if (is.null(toadd)) return(response)

      # remove timeout, raise, exceptions fields
      toadd <- toadd[!names(toadd) %in% c('timeout', 'raise', 'exceptions')]

      for (i in seq_along(toadd)) {
        if (names(toadd)[i] == "status") {
          response$status_code <- as.integer(toadd[[i]])

        if (names(toadd)[i] == "body") {
          if (inherits(respx$body_raw, "mock_file")) {
              file = respx$body_raw$path,
              sep = "\n"
            respx$body_raw <-
            if (self$client == "httr") {
              class(respx$body_raw) <- "path"
            if (self$client == "httr2") {
              class(respx$body_raw) <- "httr2_path"

          body_type <- attr(respx$body_raw, "type") %||% ""

          if (self$client == "httr" && body_type == "file") {
            attr(respx$body_raw, "type") <- NULL
            class(respx$body_raw) <- "path"

          if (self$client == "httr2" && body_type == "file") {
            attr(respx$body_raw, "type") <- NULL
            class(respx$body_raw) <- "httr2_path"

          if (self$client == "httr2") {
            response$body <- respx$body_raw
          } else {
            response$content <- respx$body_raw

        if (names(toadd)[i] == "headers") {
          headers <- names_to_lower(as_character(toadd[[i]]))
          if (self$client == "crul") {
            response$response_headers <- headers
            response$response_headers_all <- list(headers)
          } else if (self$client == "httr") {
            response$headers <- httr::insensitive(headers)
          } else { # client == "httr2"
            response$headers <- httr2_headers(headers)


ropenscilabs/webmockr documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 8:58 p.m.