#' Argument Matching.
#' Match `arg` against a series of candidate `choices`. `arg` _matches_ an
#' element of `choices` if `arg` is a prefix of that element.
#' `ERROR`s are thrown when a match is not made and where the match is
#' ambiguous. However, sometimes ambiguities are inevitable. Consider the case
#' where `choices = c("ab", "abc")`, then there's no way to choose `"ab"`
#' because `"ab"` is a prefix for `"ab"` and `"abc"`. If this is the case, you
#' need to provide a full match, i.e. using `arg = "ab"` will get you `"ab"`
#' without an error, however `arg = "a"` will throw an ambiguity error.
#' When `choices` is `NULL`, the `choices` are obtained from a default setting
#' for the formal argument `arg` of the function from which `str_match_arg` was
#' called. This is consistent with `base::match.arg()`. See the examples for
#' details.
#' When `arg` and `choices` are identical and `several_ok = FALSE`, the first
#' element of `choices` is returned. This is consistent with
#' `base::match.arg()`.
#' This function inspired by `RSAGA::match.arg.ext()`. Its behaviour is almost
#' identical (the difference is that `RSAGA::match.arg.ext(..., ignore.case =
#' TRUE)` always returns in all lower case; `strex::match_arg(..., ignore_case =
#' TRUE)` ignores case while matching but returns the element of `choices` in
#' its original case). `RSAGA` is a heavy package to depend upon so
#' `strex::match_arg()` is handy for package developers.
#' This function is designed to be used inside of other functions. It's fine to
#' use it for other purposes, but the error messages might be a bit weird.
#' @param arg A character vector (of length one unless `several_ok = TRUE`).
#' @param choices A character vector of candidate values.
#' @param index Return the index of the match rather than the match itself?
#' @param several_ok Allow `arg` to have length greater than one to match
#' several arguments at once?
#' @param ignore_case Ignore case while matching. If this is `TRUE`, the
#' returned value is the matched element of `choices` (with its original
#' casing).
#' @examples
#' choices <- c("Apples", "Pears", "Bananas", "Oranges")
#' match_arg("A", choices)
#' match_arg("B", choices, index = TRUE)
#' match_arg(c("a", "b"), choices, several_ok = TRUE, ignore_case = TRUE)
#' match_arg(c("b", "a"), choices,
#' ignore_case = TRUE, index = TRUE,
#' several_ok = TRUE
#' )
#' myword <- function(w = c("abacus", "baseball", "candy")) {
#' w <- match_arg(w)
#' w
#' }
#' myword("b")
#' myword()
#' myword <- function(w = c("abacus", "baseball", "candy")) {
#' w <- match_arg(w, several_ok = TRUE)
#' w
#' }
#' myword("c")
#' myword()
#' @family argument matchers
#' @export
str_match_arg <- function(arg, choices = NULL, index = FALSE,
several_ok = FALSE, ignore_case = FALSE) {
if (is.null(choices)) {
arg_sym <- rlang::enexpr(arg)
null_choice_err <- FALSE
if (!rlang::is_symbol(arg_sym)) null_choice_err <- TRUE
if (!null_choice_err) {
formal_args <- formals(sys.function(sys_p <- sys.parent()))
arg_sym <- as.character(arg_sym)
default_arg_names <- formal_args %>%
if (arg_sym %in% default_arg_names) {
choices <- eval(formal_args[[arg_sym]], envir = sys.frame(sys_p))
if (is.character(choices)) {
choices = choices,
index = index,
several_ok = several_ok,
ignore_case = ignore_case
} else {
null_choice_err <- TRUE
} else {
null_choice_err <- TRUE
if (null_choice_err) {
"You used `match_arg()` without specifying a `choices` argument.",
i = paste(
"The only way to do this is from another function where",
"the `arg` has a default setting.",
"This is the same as `base::match.arg()`."
i = paste("See the man page for `match_arg()`."),
i = paste(
"See the vignette on argument matching:",
"enter `vignette('argument-matching', package = 'strex')`",
"at the R console."
arg_sym <- tryCatch(as.character(rlang::ensym(arg)),
error = function(e) NA_character_
arg = arg,
choices = choices,
index = index,
several_ok = several_ok,
ignore_case = ignore_case,
arg_sym = arg_sym
#' @rdname str_match_arg
#' @export
match_arg <- str_match_arg
str_match_arg_basic <- function(arg, choices, index, several_ok, ignore_case,
arg_sym) {
checkmate::assert_character(arg, min.len = 1)
checkmate::assert_character(choices, min.len = 1)
checkmate::assert_character(arg, min.len = 1)
checkmate::assert_string(arg_sym, na.ok = TRUE)
arg_sym <- ifelse(is.na(arg_sym), "arg", arg_sym)
first_dup <- anyDuplicated(choices)
if (first_dup) {
"`choices` must not have duplicate elements.",
"Element {first_dup} of your `choices`, ",
"'{choices[first_dup]}', is a duplicate."
if (ignore_case) {
lower_choices <- str_to_lower(choices)
first_dup <- anyDuplicated(lower_choices)
if (first_dup) {
dupair_indices <- c(
match(lower_choices[first_dup], lower_choices),
"`choices` must not have duplicate elements.",
i = str_glue_data(
dupair = choices[dupair_indices],
dupair_indices = dupair_indices
"Since you have set `ignore_case = TRUE`, elements ",
"{dupair_indices[1]} and {dupair_indices[2]} of your `choices`, ",
"('{dupair[1]}' and '{dupair[2]}') are effectively duplicates."
arg_len <- length(arg)
if (!several_ok && arg_len > 1) {
if (isTRUE(all.equal(arg, choices))) {
str_glue("`{arg_sym}` must have length 1."),
x = str_glue("Your `{arg_sym}` has length {arg_len}."),
i = str_glue(
"To use an `{arg_sym}` with length greater than one, ",
"use `several_ok = TRUE`."
if (ignore_case) {
indices <- match_arg_index(str_to_lower(arg), lower_choices)
} else {
indices <- match_arg_index(arg, choices)
bads <- indices <= 0
if (any(bads)) {
first_bad_index <- match(TRUE, bads)
first_bad_type <- indices[first_bad_index]
stopifnot(first_bad_type %in% (-seq_len(2))) # should never happen
if (first_bad_type == -1) {
"`{arg_sym}` must be a prefix of exactly one element of ",
i = str_glue(
"Your{ifelse(length(choices) > 50, ' first 50 ', ' ')}`choices` ",
"are {paste(head(choices, 50), collapse = ', ')}."
x = str_glue(
"Your `{arg_sym}`, '{arg[first_bad_index]}', is not a ",
"prefix of any of your `choices`."
} else {
if (ignore_case) {
ambigs <- choices[
str_c("^", tolower(arg)[first_bad_index])
} else {
ambigs <- str_subset(choices, str_c("^", arg[first_bad_index]))
"`arg` must be a prefix of exactly one element of ",
x = str_glue(
"Your `arg`, '{arg[first_bad_index]}', is a ",
"prefix of two or more elements of `choices`."
i = str_glue(
"The first two of these are ",
"'{ambigs[1]}' and '{ambigs[2]}'."
if (index) {
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