
#' Selected controls matching a list of variables from a case
#' Helper function for get_matches()
#' This function wil perform incidence density sampling or exact sampling up to a supplied number 
#' of matched controls
#' @param matcher list of character strings defining the matching conditions
#' @param control_pool dataframe of potential controls for matching 
#' @param n_controls The number of controls for each case.  If replace == FALSE
#' this is a maximum value
#' @param id named vector of length 1 for the variable name and value of the case identifier
#' @param replace logical should sampling of matched controls be with replacement (incident density
#' sampling) or not.
#' @return A dataframe of matched controls or NULL if no controls could be found  
match_case <- function(matcher, control_pool, n_controls, id, replace){
    matched_controls <- filter_(control_pool, paste(names(id), "!=", id), .dots = matcher) 
    if(!nrow(matched_controls)) {
        cat("No matches for id", id, ".")
        matched_controls <- matched_controls %>% 
            sample_n(size = n_controls, replace = TRUE) %>% 
            mutate_(matched_case = id)
    } else {
        n_ <- nrow(matched_controls) 
        if(0 < n_ & n_ < n_controls) cat(n_)
        matched_controls <- matched_controls %>% 
            sample_n(size = min(n_, n_controls), replace = FALSE) %>% 
            mutate_(matched_case = id)

#' Find matched controls for a set of cases
#' This function will provide a set of matched controls for a given set of cases.  
#' @export 
#' @param cases dataframe of cases
#' @param control_pool dataframe of potential controls to be used for matching
#' @param n_controls number of controls to match to each case
#' @param match_vars character vector of variables in the dataframes to be used to perform the 
#' matching
#' @param extra_vars character vector of other variables to be used in the matching to define other
#' conditions
#' @param extra_conditions a character vector of length 1 defining further restrictions on matching
#' @param cores number of cpu cores to be used by multicore (windows users should leave set to 1)
#' @param method The method of selection of controls (see details)
#' @param track logical should a dot be printed to std.out for each case?
#' @param tracker function to track progress of the function (See details)
#' @param diagnosis_date character the name of the variable in the cases and control_pool datasets
#' containing the date of diagnosis (or other event to base the IDM method on).  If there is no
#' diagnosis date for a patient, this should be represented by NA
#' @details
#' Setting method to "exact" means that the matched controls are removed from the control pool
#' after each case has been matched.  This makes this method not thread safe and so will only 
#' run on a single core (and more slowly).
#' Setting method to "incidence_density" is thread safe as the same controls can be used for more than one case.
#' See Richardson (2004) Occup Environ Med 2004;61:e59 doi:10.1136/oem.2004.014472 for a description 
#' of IDS matching.  Also see the introduction vignette.
#' The tracker variable allows for different outputs to track the progress of the function.
#' This is currently set to ouput a dot for every case matched.  A function can be added to the 
#' argument For a more verbose tracking, e.g. to track number of cases, 
#' set \code{tracker = function() paste0(case_num, ",")}
get_matches <- function(cases, control_pool, n_controls, match_vars, extra_vars, 
                        extra_conditions = NULL, cores = 1, 
                        track = TRUE, tracker = function(case_num) ".",
                        method = c("incidence_density", "exact"),
                        diagnosis_date  = NULL){
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if(method == "incidence_density"){
        message("Running Incident Density Sampling on ", cores, " cpu cores.")
        cases$pcase <- 1
        control_pool$pcase <- 0
        control_pool <- bind_rows(cases, control_pool)
        bind_rows(mclapply(1:nrow(cases), function(case_num){
            CASE <- cases[case_num,]
            matcher <- c(lapply(match_vars, function(m) {
                paste0(m, " == '", CASE[[m]], "'")  
            }), wrap_sql_query("is.na(#1) | #1 > '#2'", diagnosis_date, CASE[[diagnosis_date]]))
            if(!is.null(extra_conditions)) {
                matcher <- append(matcher, expand_string(extra_conditions))
            id <- CASE[[.ehr$patient_id]]
            names(id) <- .ehr$patient_id
            if(track) cat(tracker(case_num))
            match_case(matcher, control_pool, n_controls, id, replace = TRUE)
        }, mc.cores = cores))
    } else if (method == "exact"){
        message("Running on a single core for Unique Matching.\n", 
                nrow(control_pool), " controls...")
        for(case_num in 1:nrow(cases)){
            if(track) cat(tracker(case_num))
            CASE <- cases[case_num,]
            matcher <- lapply(match_vars, function(m) {
                paste0(m, " == '", CASE[[m]], "'")  
            if(!is.null(extra_conditions)) {
                matcher <- append(matcher, expand_string(extra_conditions))
            id <- CASE[[.ehr$patient_id]]
            names(id) <- .ehr$patient_id
                matched_ <- bind_rows(matched_, match_case(matcher, control_pool, 
                                                           n_controls, id, replace = FALSE))
            } else {
                matched_ <- match_case(matcher, control_pool, 
                                       n_controls, id, replace = FALSE)
            control_ids_ <- unique(matched_[[names(id)]])
            exclude_str_ <- expand_string("! .(names(id)) %in% .(control_ids_)")
            control_pool <- control_pool %>% filter_(exclude_str_) 

#' Function for performing matching of controls to cases using the consultation files to generate a
#' dummy index date for controls.
#'  Controls are matched on an arbitrary number of categrorical variables and on continuous 
#'  variables via the \code{extra_conditions} argument. Also the date at \code{index_var} is matched to the 
#'  eventdate in the consultation files, providing a dummy index date for controls of a consultaton
#'  within +/- \code{index_diff_limit} days of the index date.
#'  Note that the consultaton files must be in flat-file format (i.e. not as part of the database, 
#'  but as text (or other filetype, e.g stata dta) files).  Set the \code{import_fn} argument to 
#'  use different file formats (e.g. \code{foreign::read.dta} or \code{readstata13::read.dta13})
#'  The \code{extra_conditions} argument can add extra condtions to the matching criteria
#'  on top of the matching vars for example you could add "year > 1990".  You can wrap calls to 
#'  expressions in dotted brackets to automatically expand them.  This is particularly useful
#'  when you want to find the value for each individual case. Each case is denoted by \code{CASE}
#'  e.g. "start_date < .(CASE$start_date)" will ensure the start date for controls is prior to 
#'  the start date for the matched case.
#' @export
#' @param cases A dataframe of cases to which to match controls
#' @param control_pool A dataframe of possible contols to match to cases
#' @param index_var character string of the name of the variable containing index dates
#' @param match_vars character vector detailing the common variables in \code{cases} and 
#' \code{control_pool} to match on
#' @param extra_conditions character string detailing other matching constraints (see details)
#' @param index_diff_limit integer number of days before or after the case index date that 
#' dummy index dates can be picked from the consultation files
#' @param consult_path path to directory containing consultation files
#' @param n_controls integer the number of controls to attempt to match to each case
#' @param cores integer the number of processor cores to be used in processing
#' @param import_fn function name stipulating the function used to read the consultation files
#' @param \dots extra arguments to be passed to import_fn
#' @return a dataframe of matched controls
match_on_index <- function(cases, control_pool, index_var, match_vars,
                                extra_conditions = "", index_diff_limit = 90, consult_path,
                                    n_controls = 5, cores = 1, import_fn = read.delim, ...){
    message("Finding ", nrow(cases), " cases...")
    cons_files <- list.files(consult_path)
    bind_rows(mclapply(unique(cases[[ .ehr$practice_id ]]), function(practice){
        p_cases <- filter_(cases, expand_string(".(.ehr$practice_id) == .(practice)"))
        p_controls <- filter_(control_pool, expand_string(".(.ehr$practice_id) == .(practice)"))
        #cons_files[str_detect(cons_files, pattern = str_pad(practice, 3, pad = 0))]
        consultations <- import_fn(file.path(consult_path, 
                                                                           3, pad = 0))]), ...) %>%
            filter_(expand_string("! .(.ehr$patient_id) %in% .(p_cases[[.ehr$patient_id]])")) 
        if(exists("matched_")) rm(matched_)
        p_num <- nrow(p_cases)
        cat("Start practice", practice, ".")
        for(case_num in 1:p_num){
            CASE <- p_cases[case_num,]
            extra_conditions_ <- expand_string(extra_conditions)
            matcher <- lapply(match_vars, function(m) {
                paste0(m, " == '", CASE[[m]], "'")  
                matcher <- append(matcher, extra_conditions_, after = length(matcher))
            id <- CASE[[ .ehr$patient_id]]
            names(id) <- .ehr$patient_id
            matched_controls <- filter_(p_controls, .dots = append(paste(names(id), "!=", id), 
            matched_consultations <- filter_(consultations, 
                                             expand_string(".(.ehr$patient_id) %in% 
                                                    .(matched_controls[[.ehr$patient_id]])")) %>% 
                mutate_(index_diff = expand_string("abs(as.integer( .(.ehr$eventdate) - 
                                                   .(CASE[[index_var]]) ))")) %>%
                filter(index_diff <= index_diff_limit) %>% 
                group_by_(expand_string(".(.ehr$patient_id)")) %>% 
                arrange(index_diff) %>%
                distinct() %>%
                transmute_(index_date = expand_string(".(.ehr$eventdate)"))
            matched_controls <- inner_join(matched_controls, matched_consultations, 
                                           by = .ehr$patient_id)
            n_ <- nrow(matched_controls)
            if (n_ == 0){
            } else if (0 < n_ & n_ < n_controls){
            } else cat(".")
                matched_ <- bind_rows(matched_, matched_controls %>%
                                          sample_n(size = min(n_, n_controls), replace = FALSE) %>% 
                                          mutate_(matched_case = id))
            } else {
                 matched_ <- matched_controls %>%
                    sample_n(size = min(n_, n_controls), replace = FALSE) %>% 
                    mutate_(matched_case = id)
            control_ids_ <- unique(matched_[[names(id)]])
            exclude_str_ <- expand_string("! .(names(id)) %in% .(control_ids_)")
            p_controls <- p_controls %>% filter_(exclude_str_) 
        cat("Practice", practice, "exhausted.")
    }, mc.cores = cores))
rosap/test documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:30 p.m.