Man pages for rpiskol/CMString
CMS classification using a selected set of genes that are profiled using the NanoStrin echnology

checkFeatureIdsdetect whether gene expression matrix is labeled with Entrez...
classifyCMStringclassification of sample gene expression profiles into...
exprs.CITCIT data set
exprs.crc.celllinesCRC cell line data set
exprs.MVRMMVRM data set
exprs.ProcuredProcured patient data set
figClassifyCMSplot heatmap
fillValsadd missing genes to expression matrix. Gene expression for...
getAlphaget alpha parameter
getColsget colors
getCvfitListget list of objects generated using the cv.glmnet function...
getExpressionDataSetload expression data
getFitget glmnet object with the trained classifier
getGgColorHuereproduce ggplot's color hues
getLambdaget value of the penalty parameter lambda from...
getSignatureGenesPerCMSextract feature (gene) names/ids for a specific CMS subtype...
getSignatureGenesPerCMSFromFitextract feature (gene) names/ids for a specific CMS subtype...
logIfNeededapply log2 scale to matrix if needed
pieChartplot pie chart for CMS classification
plotContingencyGeneralplot pie chart for CMS classification
randomStringgenerate random string
showAvailableExpressionDataSetslist available expression data
subsetSamplesByNamesubset samples from the results of the CMS classification...
subsetSamplesBySignificancesubset samples from the results of the CMS classification...
zscoreValsz-score expression matrix
rpiskol/CMString documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:52 a.m.