
# Code to try out code coverage

# check if .Random.seed exists
seedexists <- exists(".Random.seed")
# save seed
if(seedexists) oldSeed <- .Random.seed
# Alway use the same random seed

# running the stomach example in the vignette 
datafile = system.file("extdata", "stomach.csv.gz", package="facets2n")
# read the data
rcmat = readSnpMatrix(datafile)

# fit segmentation tree
xx = preProcSample(rcmat)
# estimate allele specific copy numbers
# EM fit version 1

#check fit with logRlogOR spider plot
logRlogORspider(cncf = fit$cncf)

# EM fit version 2
# finished

# Reset to previous random seed
if(seedexists) .Random.seed <- oldSeed

#test transplant case with baseline donor sample

transplantFile = system.file("extdata", "transplant.snp_pileup.gz", package="facets2n")
normalsFile = system.file("extdata", "reference_normals.snp_pileup.gz", package="facets2n")
loessFile = system.file("extdata", "reference_normals.loess.txt", package="facets2n")

readu = readSnpMatrix(transplantFile, MandUnormal = TRUE, ReferencePileupFile = normalsFile, ReferenceLoessFile = loessFile, useMatchedX = FALSE, refX = TRUE)

#read counts matrix for donor sample

donorFile = system.file("extdata", "donor.snp_pileup.gz", package="facets2n")

readonor = readSnpMatrix(donorFile, donorCounts = TRUE)

# preprocess sample and limit hets to those that are het in both host and donor
xxx <- preProcSample(readu$rcmat, unmatched = F,
                    ndepth = 50,het.thresh = 0.3, ndepthmax = 5000,
                    spanT = readu$spanT, spanA=readu$spanA, spanX = readu$spanX,
                    MandUnormal = TRUE, donorCounts = readonor)

ooo <- procSample(xxx,min.nhet = 10, cval = 150)
dlr <- ooo$dipLogR
ooo <- procSample(xxx,min.nhet = 10, cval = 50, dipLogR = dlr)
fit <- emcncf(ooo, min.nhet = 10)

#testing plot functions
plotSample(x=ooo,emfit=fit, plot.type = "both")
plotSample(x=ooo,emfit=fit, plot.type = "both", clustered = TRUE)
plotSample(x=ooo,emfit=fit, plot.type = "em")
plotSample(x=ooo,plot.type = "em")
plotSample(x=ooo,emfit=fit, plot.type = "naive")
plotSample(x=ooo,emfit=fit, plot.type = "none")
# finished

# Reset to previous random seed
if(seedexists) .Random.seed <- oldSeed
rptashkin/facets2n documentation built on May 11, 2022, 1:34 p.m.