
Defines functions .simplify_urls productInfo .oldhumanize .humanize getProducts

Documented in getProducts productInfo

# Authors: Robert J. Hijmans, Aniruddha Ghosh, Alex Mandel
# July 2019
# Version 0.1
# Licence GPL v3

# List different satellite data products that can be searched through CMR

# List all unique products available through CMR
getProducts <- function(product, ...){
	d <- .humanize()
	if (!missing(product)) {
		if (length(product) > 1){
			paste0(product, collapse = "|")
		d <- d[grep(product,d$short_name), ]

# humanizers report for the list of dataset available through CMR https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/site/docs/search/api.html
# use this file to get an updated list of dataset that can searched (not always downloadable) via cmr

.humanize <- function(...) {
	f <- system.file("cmr/cmr_sources.rds", package="luna")
	d <- readRDS(f)

.oldhumanize <- function(download=TRUE, path="", ...) {
	path <- .getPath(path)
	filename <- file.path(path, "nasa_earthdata_products.csv")
  # could also check the time stamp of the file, download again if too  old
	if (!file.exists(filename)) {
		if (download) {
			theurl <- paste0("https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/humanizers/report")
			.download(theurl, filename)
			if (!file.exists(filename)) {
				message("\nCould not download file -- perhaps it does not exist, check if the output looks good") 
		} else {
			message("File not available locally. Use 'download = TRUE'")
	if (file.exists(filename)) {
		d <- utils::read.csv(filename, stringsAsFactor=FALSE)

# setup credentials for different services
# ag: this function should be exposed with a help file
# getCredentials <- function(url, username = NULL, password = NULL, credfile = NULL, savecred=TRUE, removecred=FALSE, ...) {

	# if (missing(url)) stop("you must provide a url")
	# defcredfile <- path.expand("~/luna_cred.rds")

	# if (removecred) {
		# if (is.null(credfile)) {
			# credfile <- defcredfile
		# }
		# if (file.exists(credfile)) {
			# file.remove(credfile)
		# } 
		# return()
	# }

	# saveCrd <- function(credInfo, crdfile) {
		# if (file.exists(crdfile)) {
			# d <- readRDS(crdfile)
			# i <- which(url == d$url) 
			# credInfo <- rbind(credInfo, d)
			# if (length(i) > 0) {
				# credInfo <- credInfo[-i, ]
			# }
		# }
		# credInfo <- unique(credInfo)
		# saveRDS(credInfo, crdfile)
	# }
	# if (!is.null(credfile)) { # it is useful to be able to point to a file
		# credInfo <- readRDS(credfile)
		# credInfo <- credInfo[credInfo$url == url, , drop=FALSE]
		# if (nrow(credInfo) == 0) {
			# stop("no record for url in supplied credfile")
		# }
	# } else if ((!is.null(username)) && (!is.null(password))) {
		# credInfo <- data.frame(url = url, user = username, password = password, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
		# if (savecred) saveCrd(credInfo, defcredfile)
	# } else {
		# ok <- FALSE
		# if (file.exists(defcredfile)) {
			# credInfo <- readRDS(defcredfile)
			# credInfo <- credInfo[credInfo$url == url, ]
			# if (nrow(credInfo) > 0) {
				# ok <- TRUE
			# }
		# }
		# if (!ok) {
			# paste("Credentials for: ", url)
			# usr <- readline(paste("username: \n"))
			# pswd <- readline(paste("password: \n"))
			# credInfo <- data.frame(url = url, user = usr, password = pswd, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
			# if (savecred) saveCrd(credInfo, defcredfile)
		# }
	# }
	# return(credInfo)
# }

# Open the product information in a browser

productInfo <- function(product, ...){
	pp <- .humanize()
  # get the unique set of information for the product
	pp <- pp[pp$short_name == product, ]
	if (nrow(pp) < 1) {
		stop("Cannot find the product")
  # for MODIS
	modis <- grepl("^MOD|^MYD|^MCD", product)
	if (modis) {
		#server = "LPDAAC_ECS"
		url <- paste0("https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/", tolower(product),"v006")
	} else {
		url <- paste0("https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/", unique(pp$concept_id))
	if (length(url) > 0 ){
		print(paste0("opening product description web page for ", unique(pp$short_name[1])))

# for (i in 1:length(url)){
#   print(paste0("opening product description webpage of ", pp$short_name[i]))
#   browseURL(url[i])
#   # for multiple webpages; fail-safe otherwise it may create serious issues
#   invisible(readline(prompt="Press [enter] to open the webpage of the next product or "))
# }

.simplify_urls <- function(response_table, server, ...){
  # Depending on the type of data requested the url formatting will vary
  # MODIS the download url is the `Online Access URLs`
  # Landsat the `Online Access URLs` is a webpage listing options
  #  1. We could read the page and load those options
  #  2. We can construct the AWS or Google URL to the same thing
  #   a. AWS and Google might be per band files instead of a single archive (tar.gz)
  if (server == "MODIS"){
    # TODO: Handle errors from the TryCatch
    catcher <- tryCatch(urls <- response_table$`Online Access URLs`,error=function(e){e})
    urls <- catcher
  } else if (server == "AWS"){
    # TODO: Handle errors from the TryCatch
    catcher <- tryCatch(urls <- response_table$`Granule UR`,error=function(e){e})
    sceneID <- catcher[grep("T1$", catcher)]
    urls <- unlist(lapply(sceneID, .find_aws))
  } else if (server == "ERS"){
    sceneID <- tryCatch(urls <- response_table$`Online Access URLs`,error=function(e){e})
    urls <- unlist(lapply(sceneID, .find_durls_ers))
  else {
    # TODO: What to do if no urls are found?
    urls <- NULL

rspatial/luna documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 4:40 a.m.