# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# Date : May 2020
# Version 1.0
# License GPL v3
.lapp_test <- function(v, fun, usenames, ...) {
# figure out the shape of the output
nms = ""
nr <- nrow(v)
if (!usenames) colnames(v) <- NULL
vtst <- try(do.call(fun, c(v, list(...))), silent=FALSE)
if (inherits(vtst, "try-error")) {
nl <- -1
msg <- "cannot use 'fun'"
if (length(vtst) >= nr) {
if ((length(vtst) %% nr) == 0) {
nl <- length(vtst) / nr
} else {
if (is.null(dim(vtst))) {
msg <- paste0("cannot use 'fun'. The number of values returned is not divisible by the number of input cells (returning: ", length(vtst), ", expecting :", nr, ")")
} else {
msg <- paste0("cannot use 'fun'. The number of rows returned is not divisible by the number of input cells (returning: ", nrow(vtst), ", expecting: ", nr, ")")
nl <- -1
} else {
if (is.null(dim(vtst))) {
msg <- paste0("cannot use 'fun'. The number of values returned is less than the number of input cells.\n(returning: ", length(vtst), ", expecting: ", nr, ")\nPerhaps the function is not properly vectorized")
} else {
msg <- paste("cannot use 'fun'. The number of rows returned is less than the number of input cells.\n(returning:", nrow(vtst), ", expecting:", nr, ")\nPerhaps the function is not properly vectorized")
nl <- -1
if (nl < 0) {
error("lapp", msg)
if (is.matrix(vtst)) {
nms <- colnames(vtst)
list(nl=nl, names=nms)
setMethod("lapp", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, fun, ..., usenames=FALSE, cores=1, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, wopt=list()) {
fun <- match.fun(fun)
dots <- list(...)
if (any(sapply(dots, function(i) inherits(i, "SpatRaster")))) {
error("lapp", "only 'x' can be a SpatRaster")
# otherwise .lapp_test may crash!
# if (usenames) {
# fnames <- names(formals(fun))
# i <- names(x) %in% fnames
# if (!all(i)) {
# warn("lapp", paste(paste(names(x)[!i], collapse=","), "are not used", collapse=", "))
# x <- x[[names(x) %in% fnames]]
# }
# }
doclust <- FALSE
if (inherits(cores, "cluster")) {
doclust <- TRUE
} else if (cores > 1) {
doclust <- TRUE
cores <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cores), add=TRUE)
on.exit(readStop(x), add=TRUE)
ncx <- ncol(x)
v <- readValues(x, round(0.51*nrow(x)), 1, 1, ncx, dataframe=TRUE)
test <- .lapp_test(v, fun, usenames, ...)
if (test$nl < 1) error("lapp", "cannot use 'fun'. The number of values returned is not divisible by the number of input cells")
out <- rast(x, nlyrs=test$nl)
if (length(test$names == test$nl)) {
if (is.null(wopt$names)) wopt$names <- test$names
b <- writeStart(out, filename, overwrite, sources=sources(x), wopt=wopt)
expected <- test$nl * ncx
if (doclust) {
ncores <- length(cores)
export_args(cores, ..., caller="lapp")
cfun <- function(i, ...) do.call(fun, i, ...)
parallel::clusterExport(cores, "cfun", environment())
for (i in 1:b$n) {
v <- readValues(x, b$row[i], b$nrows[i], 1, ncx, dataframe=TRUE)
if (!usenames) colnames(v) <- NULL
v <- split(v, rep(1:ncores, each=ceiling(nrow(v) / ncores))[1:nrow(v)])
v <- unlist(parallel::parLapply(cores, v, cfun, ...))
if (length(v) != (expected * b$nrows[i])) {
out <- writeStop(out)
error("lapp", "output length of fun is not correct")
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
for (i in 1:b$n) {
v <- readValues(x, b$row[i], b$nrows[i], 1, ncx, dataframe=TRUE)
if (!usenames) colnames(v) <- NULL
v <- do.call(fun, c(v, list(...)))
if (length(v) != (expected * b$nrows[i])) {
out <- writeStop(out)
error("lapp", "output length of fun is not correct")
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
out <- writeStop(out)
.lapp_test_stack_call <- function(v, fun, recycle, ...) {
# figure out the shape of the output
nms <- msg <- ""
nr <- nrow(v[[1]])
if (recycle) {
v <- lapply(v, as.vector)
vtst <- try(do.call(fun, c(v, list(...))), silent=FALSE)
# vtst2 <- try(apply(v, fun, ...), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(vtst, "try-error")) {
nl <- -1
msg <- "cannot use 'fun'"
if (length(vtst) >= nr) {
if ((length(vtst) %% nr) == 0) {
nl <- length(vtst) / nr
} else {
if (is.null(dim(vtst))) {
msg <- paste0("cannot use 'fun'. The number of values returned is not divisible by the number of input cells (returning: ", length(vtst), ", expecting :", nr, ")")
} else {
msg <- paste0("cannot use 'fun'. The number of rows returned is not divisible by the number of input cells (returning: ", nrow(vtst), ", expecting: ", nr, ")")
nl <- -1
} else {
if (is.null(dim(vtst))) {
msg <- paste0("cannot use 'fun'. The number of values returned is less than the number of input cells.\n(returning: ", length(vtst), ", expecting: ", nr, ")\nPerhaps the function is not properly vectorized.")
} else {
msg <- paste("cannot use 'fun'. The number of rows returned is less than the number of input cells.\n(returning:", nrow(vtst), ", expecting:", nr, ")\nPerhaps the function is not properly vectorized.")
nl <- -1
if (nl > 0) {
if (is.matrix(vtst)) {
nms <- colnames(vtst)
list(nl=nl, names=nms, msg=msg)
.lapp_test_stack_mapp <- function(v, fun, recycle, ...) {
# figure out the shape of the output
nms <- msg <- ""
nr <- nrow(v[[1]])
if (recycle) {
v <- lapply(v, as.vector)
v <- lapply(v, function(i) data.frame(t(i)))
vtst <- try(do.call(mapply, c(v, list(...), FUN=fun)), silent=FALSE)
if (inherits(vtst, "try-error")) {
return(list(nl=-10, names="", msg="cannot use 'fun'", trans=FALSE))
trans <- FALSE
if (!is.null(dim(vtst))) {
trans <- TRUE
vtst <- as.vector(t(vtst))
if (length(vtst) >= nr) {
if ((length(vtst) %% nr) == 0) {
nl <- length(vtst) / nr
} else {
if (is.null(dim(vtst))) {
msg <- paste0("cannot use 'fun'. The number of values returned is not divisible by the number of input cells (returning: ", length(vtst), ", expecting :", nr, ")")
} else {
msg <- paste0("cannot use 'fun'. The number of rows returned is not divisible by the number of input cells (returning: ", nrow(vtst), ", expecting: ", nr, ")")
nl <- -1
} else {
if (is.null(dim(vtst))) {
msg <- paste0("cannot use 'fun'. The number of values returned is less than the number of input cells.\n(returning: ", length(vtst), ", expecting: ", nr, ")\nPerhaps the function is not properly vectorized.")
} else {
msg <- paste("cannot use 'fun'. The number of rows returned is less than the number of input cells.\n(returning:", nrow(vtst), ", expecting:", nr, ")\nPerhaps the function is not properly vectorized.")
nl <- -10
if (nl > 0) {
if (is.matrix(vtst)) {
nms <- colnames(vtst)
list(nl=nl, names=nms, msg=msg, trans=trans)
setMethod("lapp", signature(x="SpatRasterDataset"),
function(x, fun, ..., usenames=FALSE, recycle=FALSE, cores=1, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, wopt=list()) {
fun <- match.fun(fun)
dots <- list(...)
if (any(sapply(dots, function(i) inherits(i, "SpatRasterDataset")))) {
error("lapp", "only 'x' can be a SpatRasterDataset")
# otherwise .lapp_test_stack fails
ncx <- ncol(x[1])
nrx <- nrow(x[1])
nms <- names(x)
v <- lapply(1:length(x), function(i) readValues(x[i], round(0.51*nrx), 1, 1, ncx, mat=TRUE))
if (usenames) names(v) <- nms
mapp <- FALSE
trans <- FALSE
test <- .lapp_test_stack_call(v, fun, recycle, ...)
if (test$nl < 1) {
oldtst <- test
test <- .lapp_test_stack_mapp(v, fun, recycle, ...)
if (test$nl == 0) {
error("lapp", paste0(oldtst$msg, "\n", test$msg))
mapp <- TRUE
trans <- test$trans
out <- rast(x[1])
nlyr(out) <- test$nl
if (length(test$names == test$nl)) {
if (is.null(wopt$names)) wopt$names <- test$names
nltot <- sum(nlyr(x)) + nlyr(out)
fact <- max(4, 4 * nltot / nlyr(out))
b <- writeStart(out, filename, overwrite, sources=unlist(sources(x)), wopt=wopt, n=fact)
doclust <- FALSE
if (inherits(cores, "cluster")) {
doclust <- TRUE
} else if (cores > 1) {
doclust <- TRUE
cores <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cores), add=TRUE)
if (mapp) {
if (doclust) {
warn("lapp", "no parallel method for this case")
for (i in 1:b$n) {
v <- readValues(x, b$row[i], b$nrows[i], 1, ncx, mat=TRUE)
if (recycle) {
v <- lapply(v, as.vector)
if (usenames) {
names(v) <- nms
v <- lapply(v, function(j) data.frame(t(j)))
v <- do.call(mapply, c(v, list(...), FUN=fun))
if (test$trans) {
v <- as.vector(t(v))
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
if (doclust) {
ncores <- length(cores)
export_args(cores, ..., caller="lapp")
cfun <- function(i, ...) do.call(fun, i, ...)
parallel::clusterExport(cores, "cfun", environment())
for (i in 1:b$n) {
v <- readValues(x, b$row[i], b$nrows[i], 1, ncx, mat=TRUE)
if (usenames) { names(v) <- nms } else { names(v) <- NULL }
if (recycle) {
repl <- max(sapply(v, function(j) prod(dim(j))))
v <- lapply(v, function(j) rep_len(as.vector(j), repl))
j <- split(1:length(v[[1]]), rep(1:ncores, each=ceiling(length(v[[1]]) / ncores))[1:length(v[[1]])])
v <- parallel::parLapply(cores, 1:ncores, function(x, ...) cfun(lapply(v, function(d) d[j[[x]]]), ...))
} else {
j <- split(1:nrow(v[[1]]), rep(1:ncores, each=ceiling(nrow(v[[1]]) / ncores))[1:nrow(v[[1]])])
v <- parallel::parLapply(cores, 1:ncores, function(x, ...) cfun(lapply(v, function(d) d[j[[x]], , drop=FALSE]), ...))
v <- unlist(v)
if (length(v) != (b$nrows[i] * test$nl * ncx)) {
out <- writeStop(out)
error("lapp", "output length of fun is not correct")
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
for (i in 1:b$n) {
v <- readValues(x, b$row[i], b$nrows[i], 1, ncx, mat=TRUE)
if (recycle) {
v <- lapply(v, as.vector)
if (usenames) {
names(v) <- nms
v <- do.call(fun, c(v, list(...)))
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
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