setClass("Packed", contains="VIRTUAL")
setMethod("show", signature(object="Packed"),
function(object) {
print(paste("This is a", class(object), "object. Use 'terra::unwrap()' to unpack it"))
setClass("PackedSpatExtent", contains="Packed",
representation (
extent = "numeric"
prototype (
extent = numeric()
setClass("PackedSpatVector", contains="Packed",
representation (
type = "character",
crs = "character",
coordinates = "matrix",
index = "matrix",
attributes = "data.frame"
prototype (
type= "",
crs = ""
setClass("PackedSpatRaster", contains="Packed",
representation (
definition = "character",
values = "matrix",
attributes = "list"
prototype (
attributes = list()
setClass("PackedSpatRasterDC", contains="Packed",
representation (
type = "character",
rasters = "list"
prototype (
rasters = list()
setMethod("wrap", signature(x="SpatVector"),
function(x) {
vd <- methods::new("PackedSpatVector")
vd@type <- geomtype(x)
vd@crs <- as.character(crs(x))
#stopifnot(vd@type %in% c("points", "lines", "polygons"))
g <- geom(x)
vd@coordinates <- g[, c("x", "y"), drop=FALSE]
j <- c(1, 2, grep("hole", colnames(g)))
g <- g[ , j, drop=FALSE]
i <- which(!duplicated(g))
vd@index <- cbind(g[i, ,drop=FALSE], start=i)
vd@attributes <-
setMethod("unwrap", signature(x="PackedSpatVector"),
function(x) {
p <- methods::new("SpatVector")
p@pntr <- SpatVector$new()
if (! {
crs(p, warn=FALSE) <- x@crs
if (nrow(x@coordinates) == 0) {
n <- ncol(x@index)
reps <- diff(c(x@index[,n], nrow(x@coordinates)+1))
i <- rep(1:nrow(x@index), reps)
if (n == 2) {
p@pntr$setGeometry(x@type, x@index[i,1], x@index[i,2], x@coordinates[,1], x@coordinates[,2], rep(0, nrow(x@coordinates)))
} else {
p@pntr$setGeometry(x@type, x@index[i,1], x@index[i,2], x@coordinates[,1], x@coordinates[,2], x@index[i,3])
if (nrow(x@attributes) > 0) {
values(p) <- x@attributes
messages(p, "pack")
setMethod("vect", signature(x="PackedSpatVector"),
function(x) {
setMethod("as.character", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x) {
e <- as.vector(ext(x))
d <- crs(x, describe=TRUE)
if (!($authority) ||$code))) {
crs <- paste0(", crs='", d$authority, ":", d$code, "'")
} else {
d <- crs(x)
crs <- ifelse(d=="", ", crs=''", paste0(", crs='", d, "'"))
crs <- gsub("\n[ ]+", "", crs)
nms <- paste0(", names=c('", paste(names(x), collapse="', '"), "')")
"ncols=", ncol(x),
", nrows=", nrow(x),
", nlyrs=", nlyr(x),
", xmin=",e[1],
", xmax=",e[2],
", ymin=",e[3],
", ymax=",e[4],
crs, ")"
writeSources <- function(x, fsource, ftarget, overwrite, ...) {
fex <- file.exists(ftarget)
if (isFALSE(overwrite) && (any(fex))) {
error("wrap", "file(s) exist(s) and 'overwrite=FALSE'")
mem <- fsource == ""
for (i in 1:length(mem)) {
r <- subsetSource(x, i)
if (mem[i]) {
writeRaster(r, ftarget[i], overwrite=TRUE, ...)
} else {
ff <- r@pntr$getAllFiles();
if (length(ff) > 1) {
target_noex <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(ftarget[i]))
source_noex <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(fsource[i]))
fftarget <- file.path(dirname(ftarget[i]), gsub(source_noex, target_noex, basename(ff)))
file.copy(ff, fftarget)
} else {
file.copy(fsource[i], ftarget[i])
finalizeWrap <- function(x, r, mem) {
if (any(is.factor(x))) {
r@attributes$levels <- cats(x)
r@attributes$levindex <- activeCat(x, 0)
if (any(has.colors(x))) {
r@attributes$colors <- coltab(x)
v <- time(x)
if (any(! {
r@attributes$time <- v
r@attributes$tinfo <- timeInfo(x)
v <- units(x)
if (all(v != "")) {
r@attributes$units <- v
v <- depth(x)
if (!all(v == 0)) {
r@attributes$depth <- v
v <- varnames(x)
if (!all(v == "")) {
if (mem) {
v <- unique(v)
if (length(v) == 1) {
r@attributes$varnames <- v
} else {
r@attributes$varnames <- v
v <- longnames(x)
if (!all(v == "")) {
if (mem) {
v <- unique(v)
if (length(v) == 1) {
r@attributes$longnames <- v
} else {
r@attributes$longnames <- v
setMethod("wrapCache", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, filename=NULL, path=NULL, overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
r <- methods::new("PackedSpatRaster")
r@definition <- as.character(x)
xs <- sources(x, TRUE, TRUE)
s <- xs$source
if (!is.null(filename)) {
if ((length(filename) != 1) && (nrow(xs) != length(filename))) {
error("wrap", "length(files) does not match the number of sources")
if (any(filename == "")) {
error("wrap", "filenames cannot be empty")
filename <- file.path(normalizePath(dirname(filename), mustWork=TRUE), basename(filename))
if (length(filename) == 1) {
if (is.logical(overwrite)) {
writeRaster(x, filename, overwrite=overwrite, ...)
} else if (!file.exists(filename)) {
writeRaster(x, filename, overwrite=FALSE, ...)
} else {
writeSources(x, s, filename, overwrite, ...)
xs$source <- filename
} else if (!is.null(path)) {
path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork=TRUE)
fnames <- file.path(path, basename(s))
i <- s == ""
if (any(i)) {
fnames[i] <- file.path(path, paste0(basename(tempfile()), "_", 1:sum(i), ".tif"))
writeSources(x, s, fnames, overwrite)
xs$source <- fnames
} else {
error("wrapCache", "both path and files are NULL")
r@attributes$sources <- xs
finalizeWrap(x, r, FALSE)
setMethod("wrap", signature(x="SpatExtent"),
function(x) {
r <- methods::new("PackedSpatExtent")
r@extent <- as.vector(x)
setMethod("unwrap", signature(x="PackedSpatExtent"),
function(x) {
setMethod("wrap", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, proxy=FALSE) {
r <- methods::new("PackedSpatRaster")
r@definition <- as.character(x)
opt <- spatOptions(ncopies=2)
can <- (!proxy) && x@pntr$canProcessInMemory(opt)
s <- sources(x)
mem <- (can || all(s == ""))
if (mem) {
r@values <- values(x)
} else if (all(s != "")) {
xs <- sources(x, TRUE, TRUE)
r@attributes$sources <- xs
} else {
fname <- paste0(tempfile(), ".tif")
if (!is.null(path)) {
path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork=TRUE)
fname <- file.path(path, basename(fname))
x <- writeRaster(x, fname)
r@attributes$filename <- fname
finalizeWrap(x, r, mem)
setMethod("unwrap", signature(x="PackedSpatRaster"),
function(x) {
r <- eval(parse(text=x@definition))
if (!is.null(x@attributes$filename)) { # single file, all layers
rr <- rast(x@attributes$filename)
ext(rr) <- ext(r)
crs(rr, warn=FALSE) <- crs(r)
names(rr) <- names(r)
r <- rr
} else if (!is.null(x@attributes$sources)) {
s <- x@attributes$sources
u <- unique(s$sid)
rr <- lapply(1:length(u), function(i) {
ss <- s[s$sid == i, ]
r <- rast(ss[1,2])
rr <- rast(rr)
ext(rr) <- ext(r)
crs(rr, warn=FALSE) <- crs(r)
names(rr) <- names(r)
r <- rr
} else {
values(r) <- x@values
if (length(x@attributes) > 0) {
nms <- names(x@attributes)
if ("time" %in% nms) {
tinfo <- x@attributes$tinfo
if (!is.null(tinfo)) {
time(r, tinfo$step) <- x@attributes$time
} else {
time(r) <- x@attributes$time
if (any(nms %in% c("levels", "units", "depth"))) {
time(r) <- x@attributes$time
units(r) <- x@attributes$units
depth(r) <- x@attributes$depth
if (!is.null(x@attributes$levels)) {
lyrnms <- names(r)
if (is.null(x@attributes$levindex)) x@attributes$levindex <- 1
set.cats(r, layer=0, x@attributes$levels, active=x@attributes$levindex)
names(r) <- lyrnms
if (any(nms=="colors")) {
for (i in seq_along(x@attributes$colors)) {
if (!is.null(x@attributes$colors[[i]])) {
d <- terra:::.makeSpatDF(x@attributes$colors[[i]])
if (!r@pntr$setColors(i-1, d)) messages("cols<-", r)
if (!is.null(x@attributes$varnames)) {
varnames(r) <- x@attributes$varnames
if (!is.null(x@attributes$longnames)) {
longnames(r) <- x@attributes$longnames
setMethod("wrap", signature(x="SpatRasterDataset"),
function(x, proxy=FALSE) {
r <- methods::new("PackedSpatRasterDC")
r@type <- "SpatRasterDataset"
r@rasters <- lapply(x, wrap)
setMethod("wrap", signature(x="SpatRasterCollection"),
function(x, proxy=FALSE) {
r <- methods::new("PackedSpatRasterDC")
r@type <- "SpatRasterCollection"
r@rasters <- lapply(x, wrap)
setMethod("unwrap", signature(x="PackedSpatRasterDC"),
function(x) {
type <- x@type
x <- lapply(x@rasters, unwrap)
if (type == "SpatRasterCollection") {
} else {
setMethod("rast", signature(x="PackedSpatRaster"),
function(x) {
setMethod("unwrap", signature(x="ANY"),
function(x) {
setMethod("serialize", signature(object="SpatExtent"),
function(object, connection, ascii = FALSE, xdr = TRUE, version = NULL, refhook = NULL) {
serialize(wrap(object), connection=connection, ascii = ascii, xdr = xdr, version = version, refhook = refhook)
setMethod("saveRDS", signature(object="SpatExtent"),
function(object, file="", ascii = FALSE, version = NULL, compress=TRUE, refhook = NULL) {
saveRDS(wrap(object), file=file, ascii = ascii, version = version, compress=compress, refhook = refhook)
setMethod("serialize", signature(object="SpatVector"),
function(object, connection, ascii = FALSE, xdr = TRUE, version = NULL, refhook = NULL) {
object = wrap(object)
serialize(object, connection=connection, ascii = ascii, xdr = xdr, version = version, refhook = refhook)
setMethod("saveRDS", signature(object="SpatVector"),
function(object, file="", ascii = FALSE, version = NULL, compress=TRUE, refhook = NULL) {
object = wrap(object)
saveRDS(object, file=file, ascii = ascii, version = version, compress=compress, refhook = refhook)
setMethod("serialize", signature(object="SpatRaster"),
function(object, connection, ascii = FALSE, xdr = TRUE, version = NULL, refhook = NULL) {
object <- wrap(object, proxy=TRUE)
serialize(object, connection=connection, ascii = ascii, xdr = xdr, version = version, refhook = refhook)
setMethod("serialize", signature(object="SpatRasterDataset"),
function(object, connection, ascii = FALSE, xdr = TRUE, version = NULL, refhook = NULL) {
object <- wrap(object, proxy=TRUE)
serialize(object, connection=connection, ascii = ascii, xdr = xdr, version = version, refhook = refhook)
setMethod("serialize", signature(object="SpatRasterCollection"),
function(object, connection, ascii = FALSE, xdr = TRUE, version = NULL, refhook = NULL) {
object <- wrap(object, proxy=TRUE)
serialize(object, connection=connection, ascii = ascii, xdr = xdr, version = version, refhook = refhook)
setMethod("unserialize", signature(connection="ANY"),
function(connection, refhook = NULL) {
x <- base::unserialize(connection, refhook)
setMethod("saveRDS", signature(object="SpatRaster"),
function(object, file="", ascii = FALSE, version = NULL, compress=TRUE, refhook = NULL) {
object <- wrap(object)
saveRDS(object, file=file, ascii = ascii, version = version, compress=compress, refhook = refhook)
setMethod("saveRDS", signature(object="SpatRasterDataset"),
function(object, file="", ascii = FALSE, version = NULL, compress=TRUE, refhook = NULL) {
object <- wrap(object)
saveRDS(object, file=file, ascii = ascii, version = version, compress=compress, refhook = refhook)
setMethod("saveRDS", signature(object="SpatRasterCollection"),
function(object, file="", ascii = FALSE, version = NULL, compress=TRUE, refhook = NULL) {
object <- wrap(object)
saveRDS(object, file=file, ascii = ascii, version = version, compress=compress, refhook = refhook)
setMethod("readRDS", signature(file="character"),
function (file = "", refhook = NULL) {
x <- base::readRDS(file=file, refhook=refhook)
#setMethod("wrap", signature(x="Spatial"),
# function(x) {
# pv <- .packVector(x)
# if (methods::.hasSlot(x, "data")) {
# pv@attributes <- x@data
# }
# pv
# }
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.