
Defines functions get_procs get_audit_logs get_usage_static get_usage_shiny content_list_guid_has_access content_list_by_tag content_list_with_permissions .make_predicate get_content get_group_members get_groups get_users

Documented in content_list_by_tag content_list_guid_has_access content_list_with_permissions get_audit_logs get_content get_group_members get_groups get_procs get_usage_shiny get_usage_static get_users

#' Get user information from the Posit Connect server
#' @param src The source object
#' @param page_size the number of records to return per page (max 500)
#' @param prefix Filters users by prefix (username, first name, or last name).
#' The filter is case insensitive.
#' @param limit The max number of records to return
#' @return
#' A tibble with the following columns:
#'   * `email`: The user's email
#'   * `username`: The user's username
#'   * `first_name`: The user's first name
#'   * `last_name`: The user's last name
#'   * `user_role`: The user's role. It may have a value of administrator,
#'     publisher or viewer.
#'   * `created_time`: The timestamp (in RFC3339 format) when the user was
#'     created in the Posit Connect server
#'   * `updated_time`: The timestamp (in RFC3339 format) when the user was last
#'     updated in the Posit Connect server
#'   * `active_time`: The timestamp (in RFC3339 format) when the user was last
#'     active on the Posit Connect server
#'   * `confirmed`: When false, the created user must confirm their account
#'     through an email. This feature is unique to password authentication.
#'   * `locked`: Whether or not the user is locked
#'   * `guid`: The user's GUID, or unique identifier, in UUID RFC4122 format
#' @details
#' Please see https://docs.posit.co/connect/api/#get-/v1/users for more information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(connectapi)
#' client <- connect()
#' # get all users
#' get_users(client, limit = Inf)
#' }
#' @export
get_users <- function(src, page_size = 500, prefix = NULL, limit = Inf) {
  validate_R6_class(src, "Connect")

  res <- page_offset(
    src$users(page_size = page_size, prefix = prefix),
    limit = limit

  out <- parse_connectapi_typed(res, connectapi_ptypes$users)


#' Get group information from the Posit Connect server
#' @param src The source object
#' @param page_size the number of records to return per page (max 500)
#' @param prefix Filters groups by prefix (group name).
#' The filter is case insensitive.
#' @param limit The max number of groups to return
#' @return
#' A tibble with the following columns:
#'   * `guid`: The unique identifier of the group
#'   * `name`: The group name
#'   * `owner_guid`: The group owner's unique identifier. When using LDAP or
#'     Proxied authentication with group provisioning enabled this property
#'     will always be null.
#' @details
#' Please see https://docs.posit.co/connect/api/#getGroups for more information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(connectapi)
#' client <- connect()
#' # get all groups
#' get_groups(client, limit = Inf)
#' }
#' @export
get_groups <- function(src, page_size = 500, prefix = NULL, limit = Inf) {
  validate_R6_class(src, "Connect")

  res <- page_offset(src, src$groups(page_size = page_size, prefix = prefix), limit = limit)

  out <- parse_connectapi_typed(res, connectapi_ptypes$groups)


#' Get users within a specific group
#' @param src The source object
#' @param guid A group GUID identifier
#' @return
#' A tibble with the following columns:
#'   * `email`: The user's email
#'   * `username`: The user's username
#'   * `first_name`: The user's first name
#'   * `last_name`: The user's last name
#'   * `user_role`: The user's role. It may have a value of administrator,
#'     publisher or viewer.
#'   * `created_time`: The timestamp (in RFC3339 format) when the user
#'     was created in the Posit Connect server
#'   * `updated_time`: The timestamp (in RFC3339 format) when the user
#'     was last updated in the Posit Connect server
#'   * `active_time`: The timestamp (in RFC3339 format) when the user
#'     was last active on the Posit Connect server
#'   * `confirmed`: When false, the created user must confirm their
#'     account through an email. This feature is unique to password
#'     authentication.
#'   * `locked`: Whether or not the user is locked
#'   * `guid`: The user's GUID, or unique identifier, in UUID RFC4122 format
#' @details
#' Please see https://docs.posit.co/connect/api/#getGroupMembers for more
#' information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(connectapi)
#' client <- connect()
#' # get the first 20 groups
#' groups <- get_groups(client)
#' group_guid <- groups$guid[1]
#' get_group_members(client, guid = group_guid)
#' }
#' @export
get_group_members <- function(src, guid) {
  validate_R6_class(src, "Connect")

  res <- src$group_members(guid)

  out <- parse_connectapi(res$results)


#' Get information about content on the Posit Connect server
#' @param src A Connect object
#' @param guid The guid for a particular content item
#' @param owner_guid The unique identifier of the user who owns the content
#' @param name The content name specified when the content was created
#' @param ... Extra arguments. Currently not used
#' @param .p Optional. A predicate function, passed as-is to `purrr::keep()` before turning the response into a tibble. Can be useful for performance
#' @return
#' A tibble with the following columns:
#'   * `guid`: The unique identifier of this content item.
#'   * `name`: A simple, URL-friendly identifier. Allows alpha-numeric
#'     characters, hyphens ("-"), and underscores ("_").
#'   * `title`: The title of this content.
#'   * `description`: A rich description of this content
#'   * `access_type`: Access type describes how this content manages its
#'     viewers. It may have a value of `all`, `logged_in` or `acl`.
#'     The value `all` is the most permissive; any visitor to Posit
#'     Connect will be able to view this content. The value `logged_in`
#'     indicates that all Posit Connect accounts may view the content. The
#'     `acl` value lets specifically enumerated users and groups view the
#'     content. Users configured as collaborators may always view content.
#'   * `connection_timeout`: Maximum number of seconds allowed without data
#'     sent or received across a client connection. A value of 0 means
#'     connections will never time-out (not recommended). When null, the
#'     default `Scheduler.ConnectionTimeout` is used. Applies only to content
#'     types that are executed on demand.
#'   * `read_timeout`: Maximum number of seconds allowed without data received
#'     from a client connection. A value of 0 means a lack of client (browser)
#'     interaction never causes the connection to close. When null, the default
#'     `Scheduler.ReadTimeout` is used. Applies only to content types that are
#'     executed on demand.
#'   * `init_timeout`: The maximum number of seconds allowed for an interactive
#'     application to start. Posit Connect must be able to connect
#'     to a newly launched Shiny application, for example, before this threshold
#'     has elapsed. When null, the default `Scheduler.InitTimeout` is
#'     used. Applies only to content types that are executed on demand.
#'   * `idle_timeout`: The maximum number of seconds a worker process
#'     for an interactive application to remain alive after it goes idle (no
#'     active connections). When null, the default `Scheduler.IdleTimeout`
#'     is used. Applies only to content types that are executed on demand.
#'   * `max_processes`: Specifies the total number of concurrent processes
#'     allowed for a single interactive application. When null, the
#'     default `Scheduler.MaxProcesses` setting is used. Applies only to
#'     content types that are executed on demand.
#'   * `min_processes`: Specifies the minimum number of concurrent
#'     processes allowed for a single interactive application. When null, the
#'     default `Scheduler.MinProcesses` is used. Applies only to content types
#'    that are executed on demand.
#'   * `max_conns_per_process`: Specifies the maximum number of
#'     client connections allowed to an individual process. Incoming connections
#'     which will exceed this limit are routed to a new process or rejected.
#'     When null, the default `Scheduler.MaxConnsPerProcess` is used. Applies
#'     only to content types that are executed on demand.
#'   * `load_factor`: Controls how aggressively new processes are spawned.
#'     When null, the default `Scheduler.LoadFactor` is used. Applies only to
#'     content types that are executed on demand.
#'   * `created_time`: The timestamp (RFC3339) indicating when this
#'     content was created.
#'   * `last_deployed_time`: The timestamp (RFC3339) indicating when
#'     this content last had a successful bundle deployment performed.
#'   * `bundle_id`: The identifier for the active deployment bundle.
#'     Automatically assigned upon the successful deployment of that bundle.
#'   * `app_mode`: The runtime model for this content. Has a value
#'     of `unknown` before data is deployed to this item. Automatically assigned
#'     upon the first successful bundle deployment. Allowed: `api`,
#'     `jupyter-static`, `python-api`, `python-bokeh`, `python-dash`,
#'     `python-streamlit`, `rmd-shiny`, `rmd-static`, `shiny`, `static`,
#'     `tensorflow-saved-model`, `unknown`.
#'   * `content_category`: Describes the specialization of the content
#'     runtime model. Automatically assigned upon the first successful bundle
#'     deployment.
#'   * `parameterized`: True when R Markdown rendered content
#'     allows parameter configuration. Automatically assigned upon the first
#'     successful bundle deployment. Applies only to content with an app_mode
#'     of rmd-static.
#'   * `r_version`: The version of the R interpreter associated
#'     with this content. The value null represents that an R interpreter is
#'     not used by this content or that the R package environment has not been
#'     successfully restored. Automatically assigned upon the successful
#'     deployment of a bundle.
#'   * `py_version`: The version of the Python interpreter
#'     associated with this content. The value null represents that a Python
#'     interpreter is not used by this content or that the Python package
#'     environment has not been successfully restored. Automatically assigned
#'     upon the successful deployment of a bundle.
#'   * `run_as`: The UNIX user that executes this content.
#'     When null, the default Applications.RunAs is used. Applies
#'     only to executable content types - not static.
#'   * `run_as_current_user`: Indicates if this content is allowed
#'     to execute as the logged-in user when using PAM authentication.
#'     Applies only to executable content types - not static.
#'   * `owner_guid`: The unique identifier for the owner
#'   * `content_url`: The URL associated with this content. Computed
#'     from the associated vanity URL or GUID for this content.
#'   * `dashboard_url`: The URL within the Connect dashboard where
#'     this content can be configured. Computed from the GUID for this content.
#'   * `role`: The relationship of the accessing user to this
#'     content. A value of owner is returned for the content owner. editor
#'     indicates a collaborator. The viewer value is given to users who are
#'     permitted to view the content. A none role is returned for
#'     administrators who cannot view the content but are permitted to view
#'     its configuration. Computed at the time of the request.
#'   * `id`: The internal numeric identifier of this content item
#' @details
#' Please see https://docs.posit.co/connect/api/#get-/v1/content for more
#' information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(connectapi)
#' client <- connect()
#' get_content(client)
#' }
#' @export
get_content <- function(src, guid = NULL, owner_guid = NULL, name = NULL, ..., .p = NULL) {
  validate_R6_class(src, "Connect")

  res <- src$content(guid = guid, owner_guid = owner_guid, name = name)

  if (!is.null(guid)) {
    # convert a single item to a list
    res <- list(res)

  if (!is.null(.p)) {
    res <- res %>% purrr::keep(.p = .p)

  out <- parse_connectapi_typed(res, connectapi_ptypes$content)


.make_predicate <- function(.expr) {
  function(.x) {
    masked_expr <- rlang::enexpr(.expr)

#' Get Content List with Permissions
#' \lifecycle{experimental} These functions are experimental placeholders until the API supports
#' this behavior.
#' `content_list_with_permissions` loops through content and retrieves
#' permissions for each item (with a progress bar). This can take a long time
#' for lots of content! Make sure to use the optional `.p` argument as a predicate
#' function that filters the content list before it is transformed.
#' `content_list_guid_has_access` works with a `content_list_with_permissions`
#' dataset by checking whether a given GUID (either user or group) has access to
#' the content by:
#' - checking if the content has access_type == "all"
#' - checking if the content has access_type == "logged_in"
#' - checking if the provided guid is the content owner
#' - checking if the provided guid is in the list of content permissions (in the "permissions" column)
#' @param src A Connect R6 object
#' @param ... Extra arguments. Currently not used
#' @param .p Optional. A predicate function, passed as-is to `purrr::keep()`. See
#'   `get_content()` for more details. Can greatly help performance by reducing
#'   how many items to get permissions for
#' @param content_list A "content list with permissions" as returned by `content_list_with_permissions()`
#' @param guid A user or group GUID to filter the content list by whether they have access
#' @rdname content_list_with_permissions
#' @export
content_list_with_permissions <- function(src, ..., .p = NULL) {

  message("Getting content list")
  content_list <- get_content(src, .p = .p)

  message("Getting permission list")
  pb <- optional_progress_bar(
    total = nrow(content_list),
    format = "[:bar] :percent :eta"
  content_list[["permission"]] <- purrr::pmap(
    function(...) {
      get_content_permissions(Content$new(connect = src, content = list(...)))


#' Content List
#' \lifecycle{experimental} Get a content list
#' `content_list_by_tag()` retrieves a content list by tag
#' @param src An R6 Connect object
#' @param tag A `connect_tag_tree` object or tag ID
#' @rdname content_list
#' @export
content_list_by_tag <- function(src, tag) {
  validate_R6_class(src, "Connect")
  tag_id <- .get_tag_id(tag)

  res <- src$GET(v1_url("tags", tag_id, "content"))

  out <- parse_connectapi_typed(res, connectapi_ptypes$content)

#' @rdname content_list_with_permissions
#' @export
content_list_guid_has_access <- function(content_list, guid) {
  rows_keep <- content_list$access_type %in% c("all", "logged_in") |
    content_list$owner_guid == guid |
    purrr::map_lgl(content_list$permission, ~ guid %in% .x$principal_guid)
  content_list[rows_keep, ]

#' Get usage information for deployed shiny applications
#' @param src the source object
#' @param content_guid Filter results by content GUID
#' @param min_data_version Filter by data version. Records with a data version
#' lower than the given value will be excluded from the set of results.
#' @param from The timestamp that starts the time window of interest. Any usage
#' information that ends prior to this timestamp will not be returned.
#' Individual records may contain a starting time that is before this if they
#' end after it or have not finished. Must be of class Date or POSIX
#' @param to The timestamp that ends the time window of interest. Any usage
#' information that starts after this timestamp will not be returned.
#' Individual records may contain an ending time that is after this
#' (or no ending time) if they start before it. Must be of class Date or
#' @param limit The number of records to return.
#' @param previous Retrieve the previous page of Shiny application usage
#' logs relative to the provided value. This value corresponds to an internal
#' reference within the server and should be sourced from the appropriate
#' attribute within the paging object of a previous response.
#' @param nxt Retrieve the next page of Shiny application usage logs
#' relative to the provided value. This value corresponds to an internal
#' reference within the server and should be sourced from the appropriate
#' attribute within the paging object of a previous response.
#' @param asc_order Defaults to TRUE; Determines if the response records
#' should be listed in ascending or descending order within the response.
#' Ordering is by the started timestamp field.
#' @return
#' A tibble with the following columns:
#'   * `content_guid`: The GUID, in RFC4122 format, of the
#'     Shiny application this information pertains to.
#'   * `user_guid`: The GUID, in RFC4122 format, of the user
#'     that visited the application.
#'   * `started`: The timestamp, in RFC3339 format, when the
#'     user opened the application.
#'   * `ended`: The timestamp, in RFC3339 format, when the
#'     user left the application.
#'   * `data_version`: The data version the record was recorded
#'     with. The Shiny Application Events section of the Posit Connect Admin
#'     Guide explains how to interpret data_version values.
#' @details
#' Please see https://docs.posit.co/connect/api/#getShinyAppUsage for more
#' information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(connectapi)
#' client <- connect()
#' from <- Sys.Date() - lubridate::days(5)
#' get_usage_shiny(client, limit = 20, from = from)
#' }
#' @export
get_usage_shiny <- function(src, content_guid = NULL,
                            min_data_version = NULL,
                            from = NULL,
                            to = NULL,
                            limit = 500,
                            previous = NULL,
                            nxt = NULL,
                            asc_order = TRUE) {
  validate_R6_class(src, "Connect")

  res <- src$inst_shiny_usage(
    content_guid = content_guid,
    min_data_version = min_data_version,
    from = from,
    to = to,
    limit = limit,
    previous = previous,
    nxt = nxt,
    asc_order = asc_order

  res <- page_cursor(src, res, limit = limit)

  out <- parse_connectapi_typed(res, connectapi_ptypes$usage_shiny)


#' Get usage information from deployed static content
#' This function retrieves usage information from static content
#' on the Posit Connect server (e.g. Rmarkdown, Jupyter Notebooks)
#' @param src the source object
#' @param content_guid Filter results by content GUID
#' @param min_data_version Filter by data version. Records with a data version
#' lower than the given value will be excluded from the set of results.
#' @param from The timestamp that starts the time window of interest. Any usage
#' information that ends prior to this timestamp will not be returned.
#' Individual records may contain a starting time that is before this if they
#' end after it or have not finished. Must be of class Date or POSIX
#' @param to The timestamp that ends the time window of interest. Any usage
#' information that starts after this timestamp will not be returned.
#' Individual records may contain an ending time that is after this
#' (or no ending time) if they start before it. Must be of class Date or
#' @param limit The number of records to return.
#' @param previous Retrieve the previous page of Shiny application usage
#' logs relative to the provided value. This value corresponds to an internal
#' reference within the server and should be sourced from the appropriate
#' attribute within the paging object of a previous response.
#' @param nxt Retrieve the next page of Shiny application usage logs
#' relative to the provided value. This value corresponds to an internal
#' reference within the server and should be sourced from the appropriate
#' attribute within the paging object of a previous response.
#' @param asc_order Defaults to TRUE; Determines if the response records
#' should be listed in ascending or descending order within the response.
#' Ordering is by the started timestamp field.
#' @return
#' A tibble with the following columns:
#'   * `content_guid`: The GUID, in RFC4122 format, of the Shiny
#'     application this information pertains to.
#'   * `user_guid`: The GUID, in RFC4122 format, of the user that
#'     visited the application.
#'   * `variant_key`: The key of the variant the user visited.
#'     This will be null for static content.
#'   * `time`: The timestamp, in RFC3339 format, when the user
#'     visited the content.
#'   * `rendering_id`: The ID of the rendering the user visited.
#'     This will be null for static content.
#'   * `bundle_id`: The ID of the particular bundle used.
#'   * `data_version`: The data version the record was recorded
#'     with. The Rendered and Static Content Visit Events section of the
#'     Posit Connect Admin Guide explains how to interpret data_version
#'     values.
#' @details
#' Please see https://docs.posit.co/connect/api/#getContentVisits for more
#' information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(connectapi)
#' client <- connect()
#' from <- Sys.Date() - lubridate::days(5)
#' get_usage_static(client, limit = 20, from = from)
#' }
#' @export
get_usage_static <- function(src, content_guid = NULL,
                             min_data_version = NULL,
                             from = NULL,
                             to = NULL,
                             limit = 500,
                             previous = NULL,
                             nxt = NULL,
                             asc_order = TRUE) {
  validate_R6_class(src, "Connect")

  res <- src$inst_content_visits(
    content_guid = content_guid,
    min_data_version = min_data_version,
    from = from,
    to = to,
    limit = limit,
    previous = previous,
    nxt = nxt,
    asc_order = asc_order

  res <- page_cursor(src, res, limit = limit)

  out <- parse_connectapi_typed(res, connectapi_ptypes$usage_static)


#' Get Audit Logs from Posit Connect Server
#' @param src The source object
#' @param limit The number of records to return.
#' @param previous Retrieve the previous page of Shiny application usage
#' logs relative to the provided value. This value corresponds to an internal
#' reference within the server and should be sourced from the appropriate
#' attribute within the paging object of a previous response.
#' @param nxt Retrieve the next page of Shiny application usage logs
#' relative to the provided value. This value corresponds to an internal
#' reference within the server and should be sourced from the appropriate
#' attribute within the paging object of a previous response.
#' @param asc_order Defaults to TRUE; Determines if the response records
#' should be listed in ascending or descending order within the response.
#' Ordering is by the started timestamp field.
#' @return
#' A tibble with the following columns:
#'   * `id`: ID of the audit action
#'   * `time`: Timestamp in RFC3339 format when action was taken
#'   * `user_id`: User ID of the actor who made the audit action
#'   * `user_description`: Description of the actor
#'   * `action`: Audit action taken
#'   * `event_description`: Description of action
#' @details
#' Please see https://docs.posit.co/connect/api/#getAuditLogs for more
#' information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(connectapi)
#' client <- connect()
#' # get the last 20 audit logs
#' get_audit_logs(client, limit = 20, asc_order = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
get_audit_logs <- function(src, limit = 500, previous = NULL,
                           nxt = NULL, asc_order = TRUE) {
  validate_R6_class(src, "Connect")

  res <- src$audit_logs(
    limit = limit,
    previous = previous,
    nxt = nxt,
    asc_order = asc_order

  res <- page_cursor(src, res, limit = limit)

  out <- parse_connectapi_typed(res, connectapi_ptypes$audit_logs)


#' Get Real-Time Process Data
#' \lifecycle{experimental}
#' This returns real-time process data from the Posit Connect API. It requires
#' administrator privileges to use. NOTE that this only returns data for the
#' server that responds to the request (i.e. in a Highly Available cluster)
#' @param src The source object
#' @return
#' A tibble with the following columns:
#'   * `pid`: The PID of the current process
#'   * `appId`: The application ID
#'   * `appGuid`: The application GUID
#'   * `appName`: The application name
#'   * `appUrl`: The application URL
#'   * `appRunAs`: The application RunAs user
#'   * `type`: The type of process
#'   * `cpuCurrent`: The current CPU usage
#'   * `cpuTotal`: The total CPU usage
#'   * `ram`: The current RAM usage
#' @export
get_procs <- function(src) {
  validate_R6_class(src, "Connect")

  raw_proc_data <- src$procs()

  proc_prep <- purrr::imap(
    function(x, y) {
      c(list(pid = y), x)
  tbl_data <- parse_connectapi_typed(proc_prep, connectapi_ptypes$procs)

rstudio/connectapi documentation built on July 13, 2024, 5:04 a.m.