
Defines functions renv_shims_deactivate renv_shims_activate renv_shims_enabled renv_shim_create renv_shim_remove_packages renv_shim_update_packages renv_shim_install_packages renv_shim_install_packages_compatible

the$shims <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

# determine whether we can safely handle a call to install.packages()
renv_shim_install_packages_compatible <- function(matched) {

  # check if the user has only specified arguments which we know how to handle
  ok <- c("", "dependencies", "pkgs", "lib", "repos", "type")
  unhandled <- setdiff(names(matched), ok)
  if (length(unhandled) != 0L)

  # if 'repos' is explicitly NULL, assume this is a request for local install
  if ("repos" %in% names(matched) && is.null(matched[["repos"]]))

  # ok, we can handle it


renv_shim_install_packages <- function(pkgs, ...) {

  # place Rtools on PATH

  # check for compatible calls
  matched <- match.call(utils::install.packages)
  if (!renv_shim_install_packages_compatible(matched)) {
    call <- sys.call()
    call[[1L]] <- quote(utils::install.packages)
    return(eval(call, envir = parent.frame()))

  # otherwise, invoke our own installer
  call <- sys.call()
  call[[1L]] <- quote(renv::install)

  # fix up names
  aliases <- list(lib = "library")
  idx <- omit_if(match(names(aliases), names(call)), is.na)
  names(call)[idx] <- aliases[idx]

  # evaluate call
  eval(call, envir = parent.frame())


renv_shim_update_packages <- function(lib.loc = NULL, ...) {

  # handle only 0-argument case
  if (nargs() != 0) {
    call <- sys.call()
    call[[1L]] <- quote(utils::update.packages)
    return(eval(call, envir = parent.frame()))

  update(library = lib.loc)


renv_shim_remove_packages <- function(pkgs, lib) {

  # handle single-argument case
  if (nargs() != 1) {
    call <- sys.call()
    call[[1L]] <- quote(utils::remove.packages)
    return(eval(call, envir = parent.frame()))



renv_shim_create <- function(shim, sham) {
  formals(shim) <- formals(sham)

renv_shims_enabled <- function(project) {

renv_shims_activate <- function() {


  install_shim <- renv_shim_create(renv_shim_install_packages, utils::install.packages)
  assign("install.packages", install_shim, envir = the$shims)

  update_shim <- renv_shim_create(renv_shim_update_packages, utils::update.packages)
  assign("update.packages", update_shim, envir = the$shims)

  remove_shim <- renv_shim_create(renv_shim_remove_packages, utils::remove.packages)
  assign("remove.packages", remove_shim, envir = the$shims)

  args <- list(the$shims, name = "renv:shims", warn.conflicts = FALSE)
  do.call(base::attach, args)


renv_shims_deactivate <- function() {
  while ("renv:shims" %in% search())
rstudio/renv documentation built on July 8, 2024, 5:48 a.m.