
Defines functions reference_intermediates_generator powerpoint_presentation

Documented in powerpoint_presentation

#' Convert to a PowerPoint presentation
#' Format for converting from R Markdown to a PowerPoint presentation. Pandoc
#' v2.0.5 or above is required.
#' @inheritParams pdf_document
#' @inheritParams html_document
#' @inheritParams beamer_presentation
#' @param reference_doc Path to a PowerPoint template.
#' @return R Markdown output format to pass to [render()]
#' @md
#' @export
powerpoint_presentation <- function(toc = FALSE,
                                    toc_depth = 2,
                                    number_sections = FALSE,
                                    incremental = FALSE,
                                    fig_width = 5,
                                    fig_height = 4,
                                    fig_caption = TRUE,
                                    df_print = "default",
                                    keep_md = FALSE,
                                    md_extensions = NULL,
                                    slide_level = NULL,
                                    reference_doc = "default",
                                    pandoc_args = NULL) {

  # PowerPoint has been supported since Pandoc 2.0.5
  pandoc_available('2.0.5', error = TRUE)

  # knitr options and hooks
  knitr <- knitr_options(opts_chunk = list(
    dev = 'png', dpi = 96, fig.width = fig_width, fig.height = fig_height

  # base pandoc options for all pptx output
  args <- c()

  # table of contents
  args <- c(args, pandoc_toc_args(toc, toc_depth))

  # ppt template
  args <- c(args, reference_doc_args("doc", reference_doc))

  # incremental
  if (incremental) {
    if (!pandoc_available('2.15')) {
        "`incremental = TRUE` for powerpoint presentation is supported since Pandoc 2.15.\n",
        " It will have no effect with current Pandoc version used: ", pandoc_version(), ".",
        call. = FALSE
    } else {
      args <- c(args, "--incremental")

  # slide level
  if (!is.null(slide_level))
    args <- c(args, '--slide-level', as.character(slide_level))

  # TODO: syntax highlighting

  # pandoc args
  args <- c(args, pandoc_args)

  saved_files_dir <- NULL

  pre_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, runtime, knit_meta, files_dir, output_dir) {
    saved_files_dir <<- files_dir

  intermediates_generator <- function(...) {
    reference_intermediates_generator(saved_files_dir, ..., reference_doc)

  # return output format
    knitr = knitr,
    pandoc = pandoc_options(
      to = 'pptx',
      from = from_rmarkdown(fig_caption, md_extensions),
      args = args,
      lua_filters = if (number_sections) pkg_file_lua("number-sections.lua")
    keep_md = keep_md,
    df_print = df_print,
    pre_processor = pre_processor,
    intermediates_generator = intermediates_generator

# copy the reference doc to the intermediate dir when the dir is specified
reference_intermediates_generator <- function(
  saved_files_dir, original_input, intermediates_dir, reference_doc
) {
  res <- general_intermediates_generator(saved_files_dir,  original_input, intermediates_dir)
  if (is.null(reference_doc) || identical(reference_doc, 'default')) return(res)
  if (!is_relative(reference_doc)) return(res)  # an absolute path was provided; no need to copy
  doc  <- normalize_path(reference_doc, must_work = TRUE)
  doc2 <- relative_to(normalize_path('.'), doc)
  if (doc2 == doc) stop(
    'The path of the reference document ', reference_doc, 'must be a relative ',
    'path under the directory ', getwd()
  doc3 <- file.path(intermediates_dir, doc2)
  dir.create(dirname(doc3), FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  file.copy(doc2, doc3)
  c(res, doc3)
rstudio/rmarkdown documentation built on July 6, 2024, 4:42 a.m.