
context("resource discovery")

sort_resources <- function(resources) {
  # sort by filename and remove rownames to avoid errors arising from file ordering
  # -- we don't really care what order these come back in
  resources <- as.data.frame(resources[order(resources[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  rownames(resources) <- NULL

test_that("R Markdown resource discovery finds expected resources", {
  # Test with the current version of the template
  file.copy(pkg_file("rmd/h/default.html"), test_path('resources/template.html'), overwrite = TRUE)
  resources <- find_external_resources(test_path("resources/rmarkdown.Rmd"))
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("empty.md", "empty.png", "empty.tsv", "empty.Rmd", "empty.css",
             "empty.jpg", "empty.html", "template.html", "empty.csv"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  resources <- sort_resources(resources)
  expected <- sort_resources(expected)

  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("R Markdown resource discovery finds expected scss when sass is used", {
  css_files <- c("empty.scss", "empty.css", "empty2.scss", "empty2.css")
  yaml <- yaml::as.yaml(list(
    title = "test",
    output = list(
      html_document = list(
        css = c("empty.scss", "empty.css", "empty2.scss", "empty2.css"),
        theme = "cerulean"
  rmd <- local_rmd_file(knitr::knit_expand(text = c("---", "{{yaml}}", "---", "", "# test")))
  resources <- find_external_resources(basename(rmd))
  resource <- resources[resources$path %in% css_files, ]
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = css_files,
    explicit = rep_len(FALSE, length(css_files)),
    web      = !needs_sass(css_files),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  resource <- sort_resources(resource)
  expected <- sort_resources(expected)
  expect_equal(resource, expected)

test_that("R Markdown resource discovery finds expected scss and css when bslib is used", {
  css_files <- c("empty.scss", "empty.css", "empty2.scss", "empty2.css")
  yaml <- yaml::as.yaml(list(
    title = "test",
    output = list(
      html_document = list(
        css = c("empty.scss", "empty.css", "empty2.scss", "empty2.css"),
        theme = list(version = "5")
  rmd <- local_rmd_file(knitr::knit_expand(text = c("---", "{{yaml}}", "---", "", "# test")))
  resources <- find_external_resources(basename(rmd))
  resource <- resources[resources$path %in% css_files, ]
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = css_files,
    explicit = rep_len(FALSE, length(css_files)),
    web      = rep_len(FALSE, length(css_files)),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  resource <- sort_resources(resource)
  expected <- sort_resources(expected)
  expect_equal(resource, expected)

test_that("HTML resource discovery finds expected resources", {

  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/html.html")
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("empty.js", "empty.css", "empty.png"),
    explicit = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
    web      = c(TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  resources <- as.data.frame(resources[order(resources[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expected <- as.data.frame(expected[order(expected[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("Vanilla Markdown resource discovery finds expected resources", {

  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/markdown.md")
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("empty.png", "empty.jpg"),
    explicit = c(FALSE, FALSE),
    web      = c(TRUE,  TRUE ),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  resources <- as.data.frame(resources[order(resources[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expected <- as.data.frame(expected[order(expected[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("PDF-specific resources are discovered", {

  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/pdf.Rmd")
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("empty.bib", "empty.csl", "empty.png"),
    explicit = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
    web      = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE ),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  resources <- as.data.frame(resources[order(resources[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expected <- as.data.frame(expected[order(expected[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("bare relative directory references are ignored", {
  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/period.Rmd")
  expect_equal(nrow(resources), 0)

test_that("dependencies in .R files are recursively discovered", {
  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/readcsv.Rmd")
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("empty.csv", "readcsv.R", "readcsv-source.R"),
    explicit = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
    web      = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  resources <- as.data.frame(resources[order(resources[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expected <- as.data.frame(expected[order(expected[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("implicitly discovered directories are ignored", {
  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/directory-refs.Rmd")
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("nonempty/empty.csv", "nonempty/empty.jpg"),
    explicit = c(TRUE, TRUE),
    web      = c(FALSE, TRUE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  resources <- as.data.frame(resources[order(resources[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expected <- as.data.frame(expected[order(expected[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("resource_files use cases all work", {
  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/resource-files.Rmd")
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("nonempty/empty.csv", "csvs/csv1.csv", "csvs/csv2.csv", "csvs/other/csv3.csv", "empty.bib"),
    explicit = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
    web      = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  resources <- as.data.frame(resources[order(resources[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expected <- as.data.frame(expected[order(expected[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("dependencies can be discovered on .R files directly", {
  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/readcsv-source.R")
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("empty.csv", "readcsv.R"),
    explicit = c(FALSE, FALSE),
    web      = c(FALSE, FALSE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  resources <- as.data.frame(resources[order(resources[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expected <- as.data.frame(expected[order(expected[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("filenames with shell characters can use relative resource paths", {
  # save current working directory
  oldwd <- getwd()
  on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

  file.rename("resources/file-exists.Rmd", "resources/file exists.Rmd")
  on.exit(file.rename("resources/file exists.Rmd", "resources/file-exists.Rmd"), add = TRUE)

  # render the file (contains an expression that stops if its resource is not
  # present)
  capture.output(output_file <- render("resources/file exists.Rmd"))
  on.exit(unlink(output_file), add = TRUE)

test_that("resources not deleted when filenames contain shell characters", {
  # save current working directory
  oldwd <- setwd(test_path("resources"))
  on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

  file.rename("file-exists.Rmd", "file exists.Rmd")
  capture.output(unlink(render("file exists.Rmd")))
  file.rename("file exists.Rmd", "file-exists.Rmd")

test_that("resources not deleted when intermediates_dir is same as input", {
  # save current working directory
  oldwd <- setwd(test_path("resources"))
  on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)
  capture.output(unlink(render("file-exists.Rmd", intermediates_dir = ".")))

test_that("empty quoted strings don't confuse resource discovery", {
  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/quotes.Rmd")
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("empty.csv", "empty.tsv"),
    explicit = c(FALSE, FALSE),
    web      = c(FALSE, FALSE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  resources <- as.data.frame(resources[order(resources[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expected <- as.data.frame(expected[order(expected[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("resources are discovered in CSS files", {
  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/has-css.Rmd")
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("empty.png", "has-image.css"),
    explicit = c(FALSE, FALSE),
    web      = c(TRUE, TRUE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  resources <- as.data.frame(resources[order(resources[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expected <- as.data.frame(expected[order(expected[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("resources are discovered in notebook files", {
  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/r-notebook.Rmd")
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("tinyplot.png"),
    explicit = c(FALSE),
    web      = c(TRUE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  resources <- as.data.frame(resources[order(resources[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expected <- as.data.frame(expected[order(expected[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("multiple resources in the includes option can be discovered", {
  resources <- find_external_resources("resources/multi-includes.Rmd")
  expected <- data.frame(
    path = c("dep1.html", "dep2.html"),
    explicit = FALSE,
    web      = FALSE,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  expect_equal(resources, expected)

test_that("knitr child are correctly discovered as resources from chunk options", {
  expect_child_resource_found <- function(child_opts, child) {
    dir <- withr::local_tempdir("find-child")
    rmd <- "test.Rmd"
      text = knitr::knit_expand(text = c("```{r,<<child_opts>>}", "```"), delim = c("<<", ">>")),
    xfun::write_utf8(c("Content"), child)
    expect_contains(find_external_resources(!!rmd)$path, !!child)
  child <- "child.Rmd"
  expect_child_resource_found('child="child.Rmd"', child)
  expect_child_resource_found(' child = "child.Rmd"', child)
  expect_child_resource_found('child=c("child.Rmd")', child)
  expect_child_resource_found("child='child.Rmd'", child)
  expect_child_resource_found(" child = 'child.Rmd'", child)
  expect_child_resource_found("child=c('child.Rmd')", child)
rstudio/rmarkdown documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 5:04 a.m.