
Defines functions element_sendKeys

Documented in element_sendKeys

#' This is the list in the standard:
#' https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/webdriver-spec.html#keyboard-actions
#' Our list was last updated on 2016-09-30
#' I removed the keys that can be transmitted in a simpler way.
#' TODO: check what is actually supported by the various drivers.
#' A fun task. :)
#' @noRd

#' Special keys, so that we can refer to them with an easier syntax
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' el$sendKeys("xyz")
#' el$sendKeys("x", "y", "z")
#' el$sendKeys("username", key$enter, "password", key$enter)
#' ## Sending CTRL+A
#' el$sendKeys(key$control, "a")
#' ## Note that modifier keys (control, alt, shift, meta) are sticky,
#' ## they remain in effect in the rest of the sendKeys() call. E.g.
#' ## this sends CTRL+X and CTRL+S
#' el$sendKeys(key$control, "x", "s")
#' ## You will need multiple calls to release control and send CTRL+X S
#' el$sendKeys(key$control, "x")
#' el$sendKeys("s")
#' }
#' @export

key <- list(
  "unidentified"   = "\uE000",
  "cancel"         = "\ue001",
  "help"           = "\ue002",
  "backspace"      = "\ue003",
  "tab"            = "\ue004",
  "clear"          = "\ue005",
  "return"         = "\ue006",
  "enter"          = "\ue007",
  "shift"          = "\ue008",
  "control"        = "\ue009",
  "alt"            = "\ue00a",
  "pause"          = "\ue00b",
  "escape"         = "\ue00c",
  "pageup"         = "\ue00e",
  "pagedown"       = "\ue00f",
  "end"            = "\ue010",
  "home"           = "\ue011",
  "arrowleft"      = "\ue012",
  "arrowup"        = "\ue013",
  "arrowright"     = "\ue014",
  "arrowdown"      = "\ue015",
  "insert"         = "\ue016",
  "delete"         = "\ue017",
  "f1"             = "\ue031",
  "f2"             = "\ue032",
  "f3"             = "\ue033",
  "f4"             = "\ue034",
  "f5"             = "\ue035",
  "f6"             = "\ue036",
  "f7"             = "\ue037",
  "f8"             = "\ue038",
  "f9"             = "\ue039",
  "f10"            = "\ue03a",
  "f11"            = "\ue03b",
  "f12"            = "\ue03c",
  "meta"           = "\ue03d",
  "zenkakuhankaku" = "\ue040",
  "shift"          = "\ue050",
  "control"        = "\ue051",
  "alt"            = "\ue052",
  "meta"           = "\ue053",
  "pageup"         = "\ue054",
  "pagedown"       = "\ue055",
  "end"            = "\ue056",
  "home"           = "\ue057",
  "arrowleft"      = "\ue058",
  "arrowup"        = "\ue059",
  "arrowright"     = "\ue05a",
  "arrowdown"      = "\ue05b",
  "insert"         = "\ue05c",
  "delete"         = "\ue05d"

#' Send keys to element
#' @param self object
#' @param private private object
#' @param ... see examples at \code{\link{key}}
#' @keywords internal

element_sendKeys <- function(self, private, ...) {

  keys <- list(...)
  if (any(vapply(keys, is.null, TRUE))) {
    stop("NULL key in send_key, probably a typo")

  "!DEBUG element_sendKeys `private$id`"
  response <- private$session_private$makeRequest(
    list(value = I(paste(keys, collapse = ""))),
    params = list(elementId = private$id)

rstudio/webdriver documentation built on Jan. 26, 2022, 8:12 a.m.