
Defines functions addNetPosition

Documented in addNetPosition

#' @title addNetPosition
#' @description This function calculates the Net Position (the balance) of areas within a bigger group of areas, 
#' based on the exchanged flows in the indicated perimeter.
#' By default, the function calculates the Net Position within the CWE area and creates a new column called Balance_CWE. 
#' @param data \code{antaresDataList} read with readAntares, containing both areas and links tables.
#' @param opts \code{list} of simulation parameters returned by the function \link{setSimulationPath}: this represents the 
#' directory of the Antares study. The default path is indicated by \code{antaresRead::simOptions()}.
#' @param inAreas \code{character} lists of areas belonging to the perimeter, whose exchanges are going to be taken into account in the balance
#' calculation. All links connecting two areas in this list are taken into account, the links connected to only one area (or none) are ignored.
#' By default, the list is c("be", "de", "fr", "nl").
#' @param adq \code{boolean} calculates the net positions of the areas based on post-adequacy patch results. By default, the value is FALSE.
#' @param newName \code{character} Added suffix to the calculated column's name. By default, the value is "_CWE".
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath("D:/Users/titorobe/Desktop/antaresStudy", 2)
#' data <- readAntares(area = "all", links = "all", mcYears = 1)
#' ##Add the net positions in the CWE area
#' data <- addNetPosition(data, opts, adq = FALSE)
#' ##Add the net positions in an area containing CWE+AT
#' data <- addNetPosition(data, opts, adq = FALSE,
#'  inAreas = c("be", "de", "fr", "nl", "at"), newName = "_CWEAt")
#' }
#' @export
addNetPosition <- function(data, opts = antaresRead::simOptions(), inAreas = c("be", "de", "fr", "nl"), adq = FALSE, newName = "_CWE"){
  allAreas <- getAreas(opts = opts)
  allLinks <- getLinks(opts = opts)
  allLinksSave <- allLinks
  allLinks <- strsplit(allLinks, " - ")
  ##Test if all nedded links are in data
  linkNedded <- unlist(lapply(allLinks, function(X){
    lkN <- allLinksSave[linkNedded]
    missLk <- lkN[!lkN%in%unique(data$links$link)]
    missLk <- paste0(missLk, collapse = ";")
    stop(paste0("Somes links are missing in your data : ",missLk))
  allAreas <- allAreas[allAreas%in%inAreas]
  areaLinkTable <- sapply(allAreas, function(X){
    paste0(unlist(lapply(allLinks, function(Y){
      if(X == Y[1] & Y[2]%in% inAreas)
        return(paste0("+`", Y[1], " - ", Y[2], "`"))
      if(X == Y[2]& Y[1]%in% inAreas)
        return(paste0("-`", Y[1], " - ", Y[2], "`"))
    })), collapse = "")
  }, simplify = FALSE)
    fl <- "FLOW LIN."
    fl <- "FLOW LIN._ADQPatch"
  ##Suppress no-compete area
  links <- dcast(data$links, time + mcYear~link, value.var = c(fl))
  areaLinkTable <- areaLinkTable[unlist(lapply(areaLinkTable, function(X){
    spl <- strsplit(X,"`")[[1]]
    aR <- spl[1:length(spl)%%2==0]
    all(aR %in% names(links))
    for(i in 1:length(areaLinkTable)){
      links[,names(areaLinkTable)[i] := eval(parse(text =areaLinkTable[[i]] ))]
  links <- links[,.SD, .SDcols = c("time", "mcYear", names(areaLinkTable)[names(areaLinkTable)%in%names(links)])]
  links <- melt(links, id = 1:2)
  setnames(links, "variable", "area")
    newColumnName <- paste0("Balance", newName)
    newColumnName <- paste0("Balance_ADQPatch", newName)

  data$areas <- merge(data$areas, links, by = c("time", "mcYear", "area"), all.x = TRUE)
  data$areas$value[is.na(data$areas$value)] <- 0
  setnames(data$areas, "value", newColumnName)
  setorderv(data$areas, c("area", "mcYear", "timeId"))
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresFlowbased documentation built on Oct. 19, 2020, 11:23 a.m.