
context("function adqPatch")


test_that("checks warning when strategic reserves in the country", {
  dataNoStrat_ini2 <- list()
  dataNoStrat_ini2$areas <- dataNoStrat_ini$areas[time == "2017-12-07 17:00:00"]
  dataNoStrat_ini2$links <- dataNoStrat_ini$links[time == "2017-12-07 17:00:00"]
  # dataNoStrat_ini2$areas$`DTG MRG`<- 1
  expect_warning(.applyAdq(opts = opts3, dataNoStrat_ini2, fb_opts = optsTMP),
                 "mcYear : 589 time : 2017-12-07 17:00:00 de has LOLD = 1 but DTG MRG>0, adequacy patch not applied")
  expect_warning(.applyAdq(opts = opts3, dataNoStrat_ini, fb_opts = optsTMP),
                 "mcYear : 589 time : 2017-12-11 17:00:00 de has LOLD = 1 but DTG MRG>0, adequacy patch not applied")

test_that("compares test case results", {
  if(clpAPI::versionCLP() %in% "1.16.9"){
    expect_true(all(area_exp_64b == area_test) | all(area_exp_32b == area_test))
    expect_true(all(links_exp_64b == links_test) | all(links_exp_32b == links_test))

test_that("checks UNSP ENRG is higher after adequacy patch is applied", {
  expect_true(isUnsuppliedHigher(area = area_ini, area_adq = area_test))

test_that("checks the balance of power before and after adq patch", {
  expect_true(isEquivalentSolution(area = area_ini, area_ad = area_test))

test_that("checks DTG MRG higher after adq patch", {
  expect_true(isDTGHigher(area = area_ini, area_adq = area_test))

test_that("countries with LOLD do not have DTG MRG left", {
  expect_true(all(area_test[LOLD==1 & mcYear!=589]$`DTG MRG`==0))

test_that("checks the final NP is proportionnal to the initial unsupplied energy", {
  #calculation unsupplied energy and net position
  iniENS <- t(sapply(1:nrow(case), function(i){
    get_def(areas = area_ini[mcYear == case$mcYear[i] & timeId == case$timeId[i]],
            links = links_ini[mcYear == case$mcYear[i] & timeId == case$timeId[i]],
            year = case$mcYear[i],
            timeI = case$timeId[i])
  iniENS <- as.data.table(cbind(case,iniENS))
  finalNP <- t(sapply(1:nrow(case), function(i){
    get_PN(links = links_test[mcYear == case$mcYear[i] & timeId == case$timeId[i]])
  finalNP <- as.data.table(cbind(case,finalNP))
  fdata <- merge(iniENS,finalNP)
  isProp <- sapply(2:nrow(fdata[mcYear!=589]), function(i){
    isProportionnalENS(i=i, f=fdata[mcYear!=589])

test_that("checks no export while unsupplied energy in the country", {
  #lold per area
  flold <- subset(area_test, select=c("mcYear", "timeId", "area", "LOLD"))
  flold <- dcast(flold, mcYear+timeId ~ area)
  #final net position
  finalNP <- t(sapply(1:nrow(case), function(i){
    get_PN(links = links_test[mcYear == case$mcYear[i] & timeId == case$timeId[i]])
  finalNP <- data.table::as.data.table(cbind(case,finalNP))
  #merging of net position and lold
  temp <- merge(flold, finalNP)
  temp <- subset(temp, select = -c(1,2))
  temp <- melt(temp, measure.vars = c("be","de","fr","nl"), variable.name = "area", value.name = "LOLD")
  expect_true(all((temp[LOLD == 1 & area == "be"]$PN_be)<=0))
  expect_true(all((temp[LOLD == 1 & area == "de"]$PN_de)<=0))
  expect_true(all((temp[LOLD == 1 & area == "fr"]$PN_fr)<=0))
  expect_true(all((temp[LOLD == 1 & area == "nl"]$PN_nl)<=0))

test_that("All final points belong to their flow-based domains", {
  expect_true(belongToDomain(links = links_exp_64b, path = opts3$studyPath) | 
                belongToDomain(links = links_exp_32b, path = opts3$studyPath))
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresFlowbased documentation built on Oct. 19, 2020, 11:23 a.m.