
Defines functions create_wm_misc

Documented in create_wm_misc

#' Create Misc-gen for Weekly Margins simulation
#' @param data a \code{data.table} obtained from \code{\link{read_forfait_oa}}.
#' @param start If specified, data will be filtered from given date to 7 days after.
#' @param sort_misc Reorder other misc data to match the desired week.
#' @param opts
#'   List of simulation parameters returned by the function
#'   \code{antaresRead::setSimulationPath}
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table copy as.data.table := setnames
#' @importFrom antaresRead simOptions getAreas
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom lubridate month
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # set path to your simulation
#' opts <- setSimulationPath(path = "path/to/simulation/", simulation = "input")
#' # Read OA files
#' oa <- read_forfait_oa(path = "path/to/hydro_forfait/")
#' # Create ROR series in Antares
#' create_wm_misc(data = oa, start = "2018-01-04")
#' }
create_wm_misc <- function(data, start = NULL, sort_misc = TRUE, opts = antaresRead::simOptions()) {

  cat("Writing MISC-GEN for fr...")
  inputPath <- opts$inputPath

  if (!is.null(start)) {
    start <- as.Date(start)
    data <- copy(data)
    data <- data[as.Date(date_heure, tz = "Europe/Paris") >= start]
    data <- data[as.Date(date_heure, tz = "Europe/Paris") < start + 7]

  misc <- data[, !c("date", "heure", "hydraulique_tiers", "eolien", "photovoltaique", "hydraulique_edf")]

  misc[ , CHP := cogeneration_mdse_dispatchable_ + cogeneration_continue]
  if (!is.null(start)) {
    if (lubridate::month(start) >= 10 | lubridate::month(start) <= 3) {
      misc[ , CHP := CHP + 1000]

  matrix_misc <- as.data.table(matrix(data = c(rep(0, 8760*8)), ncol = 8))
    x = matrix_misc,
    old = names(matrix_misc),
    new = c("CHP", "BioMass", "BioGaz","Waste", "GeoThermal", "Other", "PSP", "ROWBalance")
  matrix_misc[1:168, CHP := misc$CHP]
  matrix_misc[1:168, Waste := misc$incineration]
  matrix_misc[1:168, Other := misc$autres]

    x = matrix_misc, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t",
    file = paste0(inputPath, "/misc-gen/miscgen-fr.txt")
  cat("\rWriting MISC-GEN for fr - Done!\n")

  if (sort_misc) {
    areas <- getAreas(exclude = "fr")
    for (a in areas) {
      cat(format(sprintf("\rReordering %s misc...", a), width = getOption("width")))
        path = file.path(inputPath, "misc-gen", sprintf("miscgen-%s.txt", a)),
        start_wm = start,
        start_sim = opts$start
    cat(format("\nReordering Misc - Done!\n", width = getOption("width")))

  # Maj simulation
    res <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(path = opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresWeeklyMargin documentation built on July 25, 2019, 8:23 p.m.