
#' Run an Antares Simulation
#' \code{run_simulation} is a function which runs an ANTARES study
#' in economic mode
#' @param name
#'   Name of the simulation 
#' @param mode
#'   Simulation mode, can take value "economy", "adequacy" or "draft"
#' @param path_solver
#'   Character containing the Antares Solver path
#' @param show_output_on_console
#'   Logical, indicating whether to capture the ANTARES log and show 
#'   it on the R console
#' @param wait
#'   Logical, indicating whether the R interpreter should wait for the 
#'   simulation to finish, or run it asynchronously. 
#' @param parallel
#'   Logical. If \code{TRUE} the ANTARES simulation will be run in parallel mode (Work
#'   only with ANTARES v6.0.0 or more). In that case, the number of cores used by the simulation
#'   is the one set in advanced_settings/simulation_cores (see ANTARES interface).
#' @param opts
#'   List of simulation parameters returned by the function
#'   \code{antaresRead::setSimulationPath}
#' @return 
#' The function does not return anything. It is  used to launch an 
#' ANTARES simulation
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom antaresRead simOptions
#' @export
run_simulation <- function(name, mode = "economy", path_solver, wait = TRUE, show_output_on_console = FALSE, parallel = TRUE, opts = antaresRead::simOptions())
  # a few checks
  name = tolower(name)
  assertthat::assert_that(mode %in% c("economy", "adequacy", "draft", "expansion"))
  ##Test version of antares solver
  solver <- unlist(gsub("-solver.exe", "", path_solver))
  solver <- strsplit(solver, "antares-")[[1]]
  solver <- solver[[length(solver)]]
  version_solver <- substr(solver, 1, 1)
  version_study <- substr(opts$antaresVersion,1,1)
  if(version_solver != version_study){
    stop(paste0("Imcompatibility between antares solver version (", version_solver, ") and study version (", version_study), ")")
  #Launch simulation
  if(version_solver >= 6 & parallel)
    cmd <- '"%s" "%s" -n "%s" --%s --parallel'
    cmd <- sprintf(cmd, path_solver, opts$studyPath, name, mode)
    cmd <- '"%s" "%s" -n "%s" --%s'
    cmd <- sprintf(cmd, path_solver, opts$studyPath, name, mode)
  system(cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE, wait = wait,  show.output.on.console = show_output_on_console)

#' Get the whole simulation name of an ANTARES simulation,
#' as it appears in the output path, containing also the 
#' date and hour identifier.
#' @param name
#'   Name of the simulation 
#' @param opts
#'   List of simulation parameters returned by the function
#'   \code{antaresRead::setSimulationPath}
#' @return 
#' The function returns the most recent simulation name which contains
#' the argument \code{name}. The returned simulation name also includes the
#' identifier which are automatically added by ANTARES in the output path :
#' yyyymmdd-hhmmxxx-name.
#' @importFrom antaresRead simOptions
#' @export
get_whole_simulation_name <- function(name,opts = antaresRead::simOptions())
  # read list of the output directory of the study
  list_simu = list.dirs(path=paste(opts$studyPath,"/output/",sep=""), recursive =FALSE)
  # We just keep the last folder name of each directory path
  f1 <- function(x) {unlist(strsplit(list_simu[x], "//"))[2]}
  simu_names = sapply(1:length(list_simu),FUN=f1)
  # We keep the ones which contains "name"
  simu_names = simu_names[grep(name,simu_names)]
  if(length(simu_names) == 0)
    warning(paste0("no output folder contains this name : ", name))
  # if there are several of them, we take the most recent one
  if (length(simu_names)>1) {simu_names=simu_names[length(simu_names)]}
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresXpansion documentation built on June 16, 2019, 2:35 p.m.