
context("Tests for `tree`")

test_that("A `Tree` should be of class `Tree`", {
  t1 <- tree()
  expect_is(t1, "Tree")

# .. it should store a list of nodes, accesible using nodes(tree) or tree$nodes
test_that(".. it should store a list of nodes", {
  t1 <- tree()
  expect_true("nodes" %in% names(t1), info = "`Tree` should store `nodes`")

  expect_is(t1$nodes, "list", info = "`nodes` is a list")

  expect_is(nodes(t1), "list", info = "nodes() as an accessor")

# .. it can add `Node`s to it's node list using add_node(tree, node); and
# returns a Tree

test_that(".. it can add `Node`s to it's `nodes`", {
  t1 <- tree()
  n1 <- node()
    add_node(t1, n1), "Tree",
    info = "`add_node` returns a Tree"
    length(nodes(add_node(t1, n1))),
    length(nodes(t1)) + 1,
    info = "add_node increments the number of nodes in a Tree"

test_that(".. it knows if it is empty", {
  t1 <- tree()
  n0 <- node()

  expect_true(is_empty(t1), info = "empty `Tree`")
  expect_false(is_empty(add_node(t1, n0)), info = "non-empty `Tree`")

test_that(".. it's nodes should be named", {
  t1 <- tree()
  n0 <- node() # root
  n1 <- node(name = "alt_root")

    names(nodes(add_node(t1, n0))), "root",
    info = "`nodes` have names"
    names(nodes(add_node(t1, n1))), "alt_root",
    info = "`nodes` with non-default names"

# .. it can add `Node`s, but must add children after their parents

test_that(" .. it can add `Nodes` but only after their parents", {
  # a new Node can be added to a non-empty Tree if it's parent is present

  root <- node(name = "root") # root
  alt_root <- node(name = "alt_root")
  n1 <- node(name = "a", parent = "root")
  n2 <- node(name = "b", parent = "a")

  t3 <- tree() %>% add_node(root) %>% add_node(n1)
    names(nodes(t3)), c("root", "a"),
    info = "adding a `Node` to a non-empty `Tree`: parent is present"

    tree() %>% add_node(root) %>% add_node(n2),
    info = "adding a `Node` to a non-empty `Tree`: parent is absent"

    tree() %>% add_node(n1),
    info = "can't add a `Node` that has parents to an empty `Tree`"

    tree() %>% add_node(root) %>% add_node(alt_root),
    info = "only one `Node` is allowed to have no parents"

    tree() %>% add_node(root) %>% add_node(n1) %>% add_node(n1),
    info = "can't add the same `Node` twice"

test_that(".. it updates a parent's data when adding a child node", {
  t1 <- tree()
  n0 <- node(name = "root")
  n1 <- node(name = "a", parent = "root")
  n0_with_children <- node(name = "root", children = "a")

    object = nodes(t1 %>% add_node(n0) %>% add_node(n1))[["root"]],
    expected = n0_with_children,
    info = paste(
      "children-field of parent should be updated when a new child is added"

test_that(".. it can extract a `Node` by name", {
  t0 <- tree()
  root <- node(name = "root")
  t1 <- add_node(t0, root)

    get_node(t0, "some_node"),
    info = "`Node` must be present to be extracted using `get_node`"

    get_node(t1, "root"),
    info = "`Node` can be extracted by name if it is present"

test_that(".. it can extract the parent of a `Node`", {
  t0 <- tree()
  root <- node(name = "root")
  t1 <- add_node(t0, root)
  child <- node(name = "a", parent = "root")
  t2 <- add_node(t1, child)

  # `Node` must be present in the `Tree`
    get_parent(t0, node()),
    info = "`Node` must be present in `Tree` to obtain it's parent `Node`"
  # `Node` must have a parent in the `Tree` (user should use `has_parent()`
  #   beforehand)
    get_parent(t1, root),
    info = "`Node` must have a parent in the `Tree`"

  # `Node`s parent can be obtained as a `Node`
    get_parent(t2, child),
    append_child(root, "a"),
    info = "obtain the parent of a child `Node` from a `Tree`"
russHyde/s3tree documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:03 a.m.