#' Register or synchronize different expression profiles
#' \code{register()} is a function to register expression profiles a user
#' wishes to compare.
#' @param input Input data frame containing all replicates of gene expression in each genotype at each time point.
#' @param stretches Candidate registration stretch factors to apply to query data, only required if \code{use_optimisation = FALSE}.
#' @param shifts Candidate registration shift values to apply to query data, only required if \code{use_optimisation = FALSE}.
#' @param reference Accession name of reference data.
#' @param query Accession name of query data.
#' @param scaling_method Scaling method applied to data prior to registration process. Either \code{none} (default), \code{z-score}, or \code{min-max}.
#' @param overlapping_percent Minimum percentage of overlapping time point range of the reference data. Shifts will be only considered if it leaves at least this percentage of overlapping time point range after applying the registration.
#' @param use_optimisation Whether to optimise registration parameters. By default, \code{TRUE}.
#' @param optimisation_method Optimisation method to use. Either \code{"lbfgsb"} for L-BFGS-B (default), \code{"nm"} for Nelder-Mead, or \code{"sa"} for Simulated Annealing.
#' @param optimisation_config Optional list with arguments to override the default optimisation configuration.
#' @param exp_sd Optional experimental standard deviation on the expression replicates.
#' @param num_cores Number of cores to use if the user wants to register genes asynchronously (in parallel) in the background on the same machine. By default, \code{NA}, the registration will be run without parallelisation.
#' @return This function returns a \code{res_greatR} object containing:
#' \item{data}{a table containing the scaled input data and an additional \code{timepoint_reg} column after applying registration parameters to the query data.}
#' \item{model_comparison}{a table comparing the optimal registration function for each gene (based on `all_shifts_df` scores) to model with no registration applied.}
#' \item{fun_args}{a list of arguments used when calling the function.}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load a data frame from the sample data
#' data_path <- system.file("extdata/brapa_arabidopsis_data.csv", package = "greatR")
#' all_data <- utils::read.csv(data_path)
#' # Running the registration
#' registration_results <- register(
#' input = all_data,
#' reference = "Ro18",
#' query = "Col0"
#' )
#' }
register <- function(input,
stretches = NA,
shifts = NA,
scaling_method = c("none", "z-score", "min-max"),
overlapping_percent = 50,
use_optimisation = TRUE,
optimisation_method = c("lbfgsb", "nm", "sa"),
optimisation_config = NULL,
exp_sd = NA,
num_cores = NA) {
# Store function arguments
fun_args <- c(as.list(environment()))
fun_args$input <- NULL
fun_args$scaling_method <- fun_args$scaling_method[1]
fun_args$optimisation_method <- fun_args$optimisation_method[1]
# Suppress "no visible binding for global variable" note
gene_id <- NULL
accession <- NULL
timepoint <- NULL
timepoint_reg <- NULL
timepoint_id <- NULL
expression_value <- NULL
replicate <- NULL
# Aux iterative registration functions
register_single_gene_with_optimisation <- function(gene_index) {
# Filter single gene data
gene_data <- all_data[all_data$gene_id == gene_id_list[gene_index]]
# Calculate BIC for Hypothesis 2
loglik_separate <- calc_loglik_H2(gene_data)
# Register for Hypothesis 1
if (optimisation_method == "nm") {
# Perform multiple optimisation rounds for Nelder-Mead
results_round1 <- register_with_optimisation(gene_data, stretches, shifts, loglik_separate, overlapping_percent, optimisation_config, optimise_fun)
# Perform the second round
stretches <- results_round1$model_comparison$stretch
shifts <- results_round1$model_comparison$shift
results_round2 <- register_with_optimisation(gene_data, stretches, shifts, loglik_separate, overlapping_percent, optimisation_config, optimise_fun)
# Perform the third round
stretches <- results_round2$model_comparison$stretch
shifts <- results_round2$model_comparison$shift
results <- register_with_optimisation(gene_data, stretches, shifts, loglik_separate, overlapping_percent, optimisation_config, optimise_fun)
} else {
# Perform optimisation with other optimisation methods
results <- register_with_optimisation(gene_data, stretches, shifts, loglik_separate, overlapping_percent, optimisation_config, optimise_fun)
register_single_gene_manually <- function(gene_index) {
# Filter single gene data
gene_data <- all_data[all_data$gene_id == gene_id_list[gene_index]]
# Calculate BIC for Hypothesis 2
loglik_separate <- calc_loglik_H2(gene_data)
# Explore search space
best_params <- explore_manual_search_space(gene_data, stretches, shifts, loglik_separate, overlapping_percent)
# Register for Hypothesis 1
results <- register_manually(gene_data, best_params$stretch, best_params$shift, loglik_separate, overlapping_percent)
# Preprocess data
overlapping_percent <- overlapping_percent / 100
input <- transform_input(input, reference, query)
all_data <- preprocess_data(input, reference, query, exp_sd, scaling_method)
gene_id_list <- unique(all_data$gene_id)
# Begin registration logic
if (use_optimisation) {
optimisation_method <- match.arg(optimisation_method)
# Registration with optimisation
cli::cli_h1("Starting registration with optimisation")
# Select optimisation method
if (optimisation_method == "lbfgsb") {
cli::cli_alert_info("Using L-BFGS-B optimisation method.")
optimise_fun <- optimise_using_lbfgsb
} else if (optimisation_method == "nm") {
cli::cli_alert_info("Using Nelder-Mead method.")
optimise_fun <- optimise_using_nm
if (is.null(optimisation_config)) {
optimisation_config <- list(num_iterations = 100, num_fun_evals = 100)
} else if (optimisation_method == "sa") {
cli::cli_alert_info("Using Simulated Annealing method.")
optimise_fun <- optimise_using_sa
if (is.null(optimisation_config)) {
optimisation_config <- list(num_iterations = 60, num_fun_evals = 100)
# Validate stretch and shift values
validate_params(stretches, shifts, "optimisation")
# Run optimisation
cli::cli_alert_info("Using {.var overlapping_percent} = {overlapping_percent * 100}% as a registration criterion.")
if (is.na(num_cores)) {
results <- lapply(
x = gene_id_list,
format = "{cli::pb_spin} Optimising registration parameters for genes ({cli::pb_current}/{cli::pb_total}) [{cli::pb_elapsed_clock}]",
format_done = "{cli::col_green(cli::symbol$tick)} Optimising registration parameters for genes ({cli::pb_total}/{cli::pb_total}) {cli::col_white(paste0('[', cli::pb_elapsed, ']'))}",
clear = FALSE
} else {
cli::cli_alert_info("Optimising registration parameters for {length(gene_id_list)} genes (timing not available).")
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = num_cores)
results <- furrr::future_map(
.progress = TRUE
} else {
cli::cli_h1("Starting manual registration")
# Validate stretch and shift values
validate_params(stretches, shifts, "manual")
# Apply manual registration
cli::cli_alert_info("Using {.var overlapping_percent} = {overlapping_percent * 100}% as a registration criterion.")
if (is.na(num_cores)) {
results <- lapply(
x = gene_id_list,
format = "{cli::pb_spin} Applying registration for genes ({cli::pb_current}/{cli::pb_total}) [{cli::pb_elapsed_clock}]",
format_done = "{cli::col_green(cli::symbol$tick)} Applying registration for genes ({cli::pb_total}/{cli::pb_total}) {cli::col_white(paste0('[', cli::pb_elapsed, ']'))}",
clear = FALSE
} else {
cli::cli_alert_info("Applying registration for {length(gene_id_list)} genes (timing not available).")
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = num_cores)
results <- furrr::future_map(
.progress = TRUE
# Aggregate results
all_data_reg <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(results, function(x) x$data_reg))
model_comparison <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(results, function(x) x$model_comparison))
# Drop variance columns
all_data[, c("var") := NULL]
all_data_reg[, c("var") := NULL]
# Left join registered time points
setnames(all_data_reg, "timepoint", "timepoint_reg")
all_data[, timepoint_id := order(timepoint, expression_value), by = .(gene_id, accession, replicate)]
all_data_reg[, timepoint_id := order(timepoint_reg, expression_value), by = .(gene_id, accession, replicate)]
all_data <- merge(
by = c("gene_id", "accession", "expression_value", "timepoint_id", "replicate")
# Arrange data by timepoint
all_data <- all_data[order(gene_id, accession, timepoint, replicate)]
# Restore original query and reference accession names
all_data[, c("timepoint_id") := NULL]
all_data[, accession := factor(accession, levels = c("ref", "query"), labels = c(reference, query))][, .(gene_id, accession, timepoint, timepoint_reg, expression_value, replicate)]
# Add accession values as data attributes
data.table::setattr(all_data, "ref", reference)
data.table::setattr(all_data, "query", query)
# Results object
results_list <- list(
data = all_data,
model_comparison = model_comparison,
fun_args = fun_args
#' Auxiliary function to apply registration with optimisation
#' @noRd
register_with_optimisation <- function(data,
stretches = NA,
shifts = NA,
optimise_fun) {
# Run optimisation
optimised_params <- optimise(data, stretches, shifts, overlapping_percent, optimisation_config, optimise_fun)
# Apply registration
stretches <- optimised_params$stretch
shifts <- optimised_params$shift
data_reg <- apply_registration(data, stretches, shifts)
# Calculate model comparison
loglik_combined <- optimised_params$loglik_score
# Model comparison
model_comparison <- compare_H1_and_H2(data_reg, stretches, shifts, loglik_combined, loglik_separate)
# Results object
results_list <- list(
data_reg = data_reg,
model_comparison = model_comparison
#' Auxiliary function to apply registration manually
#' @noRd
register_manually <- function(data,
overlapping_percent = 0.5,
return_data_reg = TRUE) {
# Apply registration
data_reg <- apply_registration(data, stretch, shift)
# Calculate model comparison
if (calc_overlapping_percent(data_reg) < overlapping_percent) {
loglik_combined <- -999
} else {
loglik_combined <- calc_loglik_H1(data_reg)
# Model comparison
model_comparison <- compare_H1_and_H2(data_reg, stretch, shift, loglik_combined, loglik_separate)
# Results object
if (return_data_reg) {
results_list <- list(
data_reg = data_reg,
model_comparison = model_comparison
} else {
results_list <- list(
model_comparison = model_comparison
#' Explore manual search space for a single gene
#' @noRd
explore_manual_search_space <- function(data, stretches, shifts, loglik_separate, overlapping_percent) {
# Suppress "no visible binding for global variable" note
BIC_diff <- NULL
# Explore search space
params_results <- lapply(
function(stretch) {
function(shift) {
results <- register_manually(data, stretch, shift, loglik_separate, overlapping_percent, return_data_reg = FALSE)
# Find best registration parameters
model_comparison <- data.table::rbindlist(do.call(Map, c(f = rbind, params_results)))
best_params <- model_comparison[BIC_diff == min(model_comparison$BIC_diff), ][, .SD[1]]
new_res_greatR <- function(x) {
structure(x, class = c("res_greatR", class(x)))
#' @export
print.res_greatR <- function(x, ...) {
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