Man pages for rz6/CopulaHiC
Hi-C differential analysis via dependency modelling of chromatin interactions with generalized linear models

aggregate_diagonalsAggregates diagonals of based on similarity of XY...
balanceInserts 0 columns and rows after last row/column to...
best_fit_bilinearFits bilinear model to set of x,y points.
bootstrap_datasetBootstraps interactions from given Hi-C dataset.
bootstrap_interactionsHi-C interactions bootstrapping.
bootstrap_sparseBootstraps interactions from contact map given in sparse...
compartment_rangesCalculates ranges of each consecutive compartment along given...
constructGLMConstructs GLM to model per-diagonal Hi-C contact dependancy
decay_correlation.HiCcomparatorCalculates correlations between diagonals.
dense2sparseConverts matrix given in dense format to sparse format data...
differential_interactions.HiCglmFinds significantly interacting rectangle-like regions.
dominating_signal.HiCcomparatorCalculates coverage or decay of Hi-C maps.
do_pcaPCA analysis of Hi-C contact maps.
HiCcomparatorAn S3 class to represent object for Hi-C maps comparisons.
hicdiff2mtxConverts significance maps to dense matrices.
hicdiff.HiCglmComputes differential (p-value/q-value) map.
HiCglmAn S3 object to represent differential GLM Hi-C model.
image_plot_naWrapper for fields::image.plot function.
interactions2tadsMaps interactions to TADs.
interactions2zscoresConvert interactions into zscores
intersect_tadsFinds intersection between 2 sets of TADs.
left.maxFind first local maximum.
local.maxFinds local maximas indices.
local.minFinds local minimas indices.
map2tadsDetermines TAD boundaries using Insulation Score.
mean_expectedConstructs Toeplitz matrix with means on diagonals...
merge.HiCcomparatorFinds regions, which interacts in both experiments (maps).
move_contactsMove contacts to given pair of interacting regions
neighborhoodExtracts neighborhood around i,j cells of given matrix.
pc2mtxMatches compartment with entries of contact map given in...
pipePipe operator
plot_contact_mapPlots simple contact map or fold-change contact map with log2...
plot_diff_mapPlots differential map.
plot_pc_vectorPlots A/B compartment vector.
plot_regionsPlots regions (TADs or Long Range interactions) on contact...
plot_with_insetPlots contact map or diff map with inset.
proportionsCalculate proportion of interactions
read_denseReads given npz file and returns list with dense matrices.
read_npzReads npz file with matrices and converts them sparse...
read_sizeReads dimension of every matrix in npz file.
remove_unmappableRemoves unmappable regions (all zeros columns and rows) from...
restore_unmappable_mtxRestores unmappable regions (all zeros columns and rows) in...
restore_unmappable_vecRestores deleted regions (cells) in vector, for example...
right.minFind first local minimum.
sample_alriRandomly selects cells for artificial long range...
sample_hic_dataSample data containing Hi-C contact maps as well as...
save_npzSaves list with dense matrices to npz compressed file.
significanceComputes significance of data given the model
simulate_contactsSimulate corresponding interactions based on given...
simulate_map.HiCglmSimulates maps based on background model.
simulate_null.HiCglmSamples interactions based on background model.
sparse2denseConverts sparse matrix to dense matrix.
sparse2interactionsConvert sparse contact map to atomic interactions.
superdiagEfficiently slices k-th diagonal from matrix A.
rz6/CopulaHiC documentation built on Dec. 31, 2019, 9:19 a.m.