get_active_regulatory_network: Get active gene regulatory network in a receiver cell.

View source: R/application_network_extraction.R

get_active_regulatory_networkR Documentation

Get active gene regulatory network in a receiver cell.


get_active_regulatory_network Get active regulatory network by looking for which TFs/regulatory genes are expressed in the receiver cell. Instead of looking at absolute expression, it is possible as well to extract a gene regulatory network of differentially expressed TFs if a vector of log2 fold change values is used as input.


get_active_regulatory_network(expression_receiver, gr_network, expression_cutoff_receiver = 0)



A named numeric vector of gene expression levels (absolute or logfc) for the receiver cell that receives extracellular signals from the sender cell


A data frame / tibble containing gene regulatory interactions (required columns: from, to). Can be both unweighted and weighted.


The cutoff on expression value for the receiver cell: receptors will be considered active if their expression is higher than the cutoff. Default: 0.


A data frame containing at least the variables from, to, receiver_expression. In this network, the active gene regulatory interactions in the system of interest are shown.


## Not run: 
expression_vector_receiver = rnorm(n = 10000, mean = 6, sd = 3)
names(expression_vector_receiver) = sample(x = geneinfo_human$symbol,size = 10000,replace = FALSE)
receiver_gr_network = get_active_regulatory_network(expression_vector_receiver,gr_network,expression_cutoff_receiver = 4)

## End(Not run)

saeyslab/nichenetr documentation built on March 26, 2024, 9:22 a.m.