Man pages for saezlab/PHONEMeS-ILP
Building logic-based models from discovery high-content phosphoproteomics data

assignAttributesAssigning node attributes
BMsimCreate and simulate a model
buildInputsFunction to generate the data inputs of PHONEMeS
buildNwMake a starting network object
buildPKNMake a starting network
createModelSample a candidate model
dataBycondFunction that re-shapes the data so that its entries match...
dataTableCreate a data table for sites in a network
GMMbyCond-classProcessed MS data, organised by condition
GMMres-classProcessed MS data
integratorWeightsIntegrator weights correction
intermediateWeightsCorrection to intermediate weights
mInwCreate maximum input network
ModelList-classSampled models and scores
nodeAttrWrites node attributes for a network and data set
nodesDataNodes On/Off in a network, given some data
OptParam-classPHONEMeS analysis parameters
oResImport and combine optimisation results
pathsDMax scoring path
PHONEMeS-packageMS phosphoproteomics-based models of signalling
PKNlistCreate a 'PKNlist' object
PKNlist-classK/P-S network
plotoResProduces optimisation diagnostic plots
run1modelCreates and runs 1 model
runLimmaFunction to perform differential analysis with Limma
runPHONEMeSFunction to run PHONEMeS-ILP
runPHONEMeS_DownsamplingFunction to run PHONEMeS-ILP. Similar to runPHONEMeS, however...
runPHONEMeS_multFunction to run the PHONEMeS-ILP method for time-resolved...
runPHONEMeS_UDFunction to run the upside-down variant of PHONEMeS
simulateT1One update step in simulation
sinkWeightsSinks weight correction
saezlab/PHONEMeS-ILP documentation built on June 21, 2022, 5:36 p.m.