plotoRes: Produces optimisation diagnostic plots

View source: R/plotoRes.R

plotoResR Documentation

Produces optimisation diagnostic plots


This function takes a combined optimisation list as produced by oRes and plots a number of diagnostic curves to file


plotoRes(opres, data.On=data.P, optParam=optParam)



a list produced by oRes


a GMMbyCond object, as created by dataBycond (as it was fed into the optimisation)


an OptParam object with at least elements resN (the index of the optimisation, this is the suffix of the Resultsx.RData files, it will be used to name the pdf file "presN.pdf")


The plots that are produced are: 1. the average of the population and best model size, at each generation; 2.the drug specific scores of the best model of each generation, along generations; 3. the average drug specific scores of the population, along generations; 4. the total best model and population average scores along generations (without size penalty); 5. the total best model and population average scores along generations (with size penalty); 6.the evolution of frequency of edges along generations (1 curve for each edge), separated in 3 categories 6.A. edges that have a final frequency between 0.4 and 0.6, 6.B. edges that have a final frequency above 0.6, and 6.C. edges that have a final frequency below 0.4. Note that all these numbers are computed based on a population size of 5000.


This function doesn't return anything, it just produces plots that are stored in a single pdf file.


C. Terfve

saezlab/PHONEMeS-ILP documentation built on June 21, 2022, 5:36 p.m.