liana_aggregate: Function to Aggregate CCC Method Results

View source: R/liana_aggregate.R

liana_aggregateR Documentation

Function to Aggregate CCC Method Results


Function to Aggregate CCC Method Results


  aggregate_how = NULL,
  resource = NULL,
  set_cap = "max",
  cap = NULL,
  get_ranks = TRUE,
  get_agrank = TRUE,
  .score_mode = .score_specs,
  verbose = TRUE,
  join_cols = NULL,



LIANA results


way to aggregate, by default (NULL) will aggregate all passed methods with the approach specified in 'liana:::.score_specs'. Alternative options are 'magnitude' and 'specificity'.


If methods are ran with multiple resources, the name of the resource of interest needs to be provided *Note* if a name is not provided, the first results based on the first resource in the list will be returned


Function used to set ranked cap (i.e. the value that is assigned to interactions with NA for scores); By default, this is set to "max", which is the maximum number of interactions obtained by the methods; Some methods return all possible ligand-receptor combinations for each possible source and target cell pair - i.e. the known universe of all possible interactions (based on the CCC resource)


A cap can for all methods can also be manually set, then the top X interactions, based on the 'specificity' scores for each method will be returned and the ranking will be carried out solely on them


boolean, whether to return consensus ranks for methods


boolean, whether to return aggregate rank using the 'RobustRankAggreg' package.


defines the way that the methods would be aggragate. By default, we use the score of each method which reflects specificity (if available), if not e.g. the case of SCA we use it's sole scoring function. This aggregation is by default done on the basis of the list returns by '.score_mode'. Alternatively, one could pass '.score_housekeep' to obtain an aggragate of the housekeeping interactions of each method.


columns by which different method results will be joined. NULL by default, and automatically will handle the columns depending on the methods used.


Arguments passed on to .rank_matrix


a list of ranked/ordered characters


set_cap is the name of the name of a function that is to be executed on a vector representing the number of rows in the results for each method, by default this is set to base::max, but any other function that works with vectors could be passed - e.g. min, mean, etc.

This function also decomplexifies any complex present in the CellChat results which returns complexes by default


Tibble with the interaction results and ranking for each method


liana_path <- system.file(package = "liana")
# load testdata
testdata <- readRDS(file.path(liana_path , "testdata", "input", "testdata.rds"))
# run liana
liana_res <- liana_wrap(testdata, method=c("sca", "natmi"))
# aggregate results from multiple methods
liana_res <- liana_aggregate(liana_res)

saezlab/ligrec_decoupler documentation built on Nov. 8, 2023, 11:54 a.m.