Man pages for saezlab/ligrec_decoupler
LIANA: a LIgand-receptor ANalysis frAmework

assign_ligrecsHelper function to obtain distinct transmitter and receiver...
assign_lr_weightsHelper function to assign weights
calculate_giniFunction to calculate gini coefficients for source and target...
call_cellchatRun CellChat with OmniPath function [[DEPRECATED]]
call_connectomeFunction to call connectome with databases from OmniPath...
call_italkRun iTALK with OmniPath data [[DEPRECATED]]
call_natmiCall NATMI Pipeline from R with Resources Querried from...
call_scaFunction to call SingleCellSignalR with databases from...
call_squidpyCall Squidpy Pipeline via reticulate with OmniPath and format...
cellchat_formatDBHelper Function to Format CellChatDB
cellphonedb_scoreFunction to calculate p-values as in CellPhoneDB
check_if_dissociatedHelper Function to check if there are dissociated entities...
chord_freqFrequency ChordDiagram
compile_ligrecFunction to get unfiltered intercell resources For each...
compute_mi_distCompute mutual information distance from expression vectors
compute_nst_from_matrixCompute non-self talk scores from matrix
compute_nst_scoresCompute non-self talk scores from SingleCellExperiment object
compute_pem_scoresCompute Preferential Expression Measure scores from...
conn_formatDBHelper Function to convert Omni to Connectome resource Format
cytotalk_scoreCompute cross-talk score from a Seurat Object (DEPRECATED)
decomplexifyHelper Function to 'decomplexify' ligands and receptors into...
decompose_tensorWrapper function to run 'cell2cell_tensor' decomposition on a...
dot-antilog1mHelper function to inverse logged counts
dot-rank_matrixFunction to convert a list of characters to a ranked matrix...
dot-sp_costrainWeigh by spatial constrans
filter_nonabundant_celltypesFilter nun-abundant cell types
FormatConnectomeHelper function to filter and format connectome
FormatiTALKHelper Function to Filter and format iTalk results
FormatNatmiLoad NATMI results from folder and format appropriately
FormatSCAHelper function to format SingleCellSignalR results
generate_homologsFunction to generate a homologous OmniPath resource
generate_lr_genesetGenerate a geneset resource for each LR
generate_orthologsDeprecated call to generate_homologs
genesymbol_to_uniprotHelper Function to translate to UniProt
get_abundance_summaryFunction to get abundance summary
get_c2c_factorsReturns tensor cell2cell results
get_cellcallFunction to Obtain the CellCall database
get_cellchat_missingHelper Function to get Missing Interactions from OG...
get_connectomeFunction to obtain connectome-like weights
get_curated_omniFunction to Generate the Curated (Default) LIANA resource
get_homologene_dictHelper function to get homologene dictionary
get_logfcFunction to obtain logFC weights
get_lr_resourcesHelper function that returns the name of each intercell...
get_natmiFunction to obtain NATMI-like weights
get_partnersRetrieves intercellular communication partners (ligands or...
get_permutationsHelper Function to generate shuffled means
get_scaFunction to obtain SingleCellSignalR-like scores
get_up_dictHelper function to get UniProt dictionary
heat_freqCommunication Frequency heatmap plot
join_meansJoin Expression per Cluster
liana_aggregateFunction to Aggregate CCC Method Results
liana_bysampleWrapper around 'liana_wrap' to run liana for each sample.
liana_callWrapper Function to obtain scores via liana_pipe
liana_defaultsFunction to pass Default Arguments for each method
liana_dotplotLiana dotplot interactions by source and target cells
liana_heatmapCommunication by cell type Heatmap
liana_messageLIANA message/warning helper function to allow for verbosity
liana_pipeLiana Pipe which runs DE analysis and merges needed...
liana_prepFunction to handle different types of object as input and do...
liana_scoresFunction to obtain different scoring schemes
liana_tensor_c2cWrapper function to run 'cell2cell_tensor' with LIANA output.
liana_wrapLIANA wrapper function
map_customHelper custom map function
mean0Helper Function which returns the mean, unless there is a 0...
mean_permuteFunction to calculate mean LR expression from shuffled...
min0Helper Function which returns the value closest to 0
minmaxHelper min-max function
omnipath_partnersRetrieves intercellular communication partners (transmitters...
plot_abundance_summaryFunction to Plot Abundance Summary
plot_c2c_cellsPlot the product of loadings between the source and target...
plot_c2c_overviewFunction to plot an Overview of tensor-c2c results
plot_context_boxplotGenerate boxplots with significance
plot_context_heatPlot a Heatmap of context loadings
plot_lr_heatmapFunction to plot a UMAP of context loadings
preprocess_scoresHelper function to deal with tensor sparsity and liana's...
rank_aggregateAggregate CCC Method results and by both magnitude and...
rank_methodHelper function to rank each method
recode.character2Modified 'dplyr::recode' function
recomplexifyHelper function to account for complexes in the resources
sca_formatDBHelper Function to convert Omni to LRdb Format
ScoreSpecifics-classS4 Class used to generate aggregate/consesus scores for the...
select_resourceHelper Function to Handle resource choices
show_homologeneHelper function to show available organisms via OmnipathR's...
show_methodsHelper Function to return the methods in LIANA
show_resourcesHelper Function to return the Resources in LIANA
saezlab/ligrec_decoupler documentation built on Nov. 8, 2023, 11:54 a.m.