
context("Absolute risk")

# CRAN skip atlas check fix
testthat::skip_if(grepl(pattern = "atlas", sessionInfo()$BLAS,
                        ignore.case = TRUE))

# Handling warning messages coming from montecarlo integration
handler_validmc <- function(msg) {
    if (any(grepl("out of range", msg))) invokeRestart("muffleWarning")

# To pass the noLD checks
eps <- if (capabilities("long.double"))
    sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) else

n <- 100
alp <- 0.05
lambda_t0 <- 1
lambda_t1 <- 3

times <- c(rexp(n = n, rate = lambda_t0),
           rexp(n = n, rate = lambda_t1))
censor <- rexp(n = 2 * n, rate = -log(alp))

times_c <- pmin(times, censor)
event_c <- 1 * (times < censor)

DF <- data.frame("ftime" = times_c,
                 "event" = event_c,
                 "Z" = c(rep(0, n),
                         rep(1, n)))
DT <- data.table("ftime" = times_c,
                 "event" = event_c,
                 "Z" = c(rep(0, n),
                         rep(1, n)))

fitDF <- fitSmoothHazard(event ~ Z, data = DF, time = "ftime", ratio = 10)
fitDT <- fitSmoothHazard(event ~ Z, data = DT, time = "ftime", ratio = 10)

test_that("no error in absolute risk with data frames", {
    foo1 <- try(withCallingHandlers(absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1,
                                                 newdata = DF[1, ],
                                                 method = "montecarlo"),
                                    warning = handler_validmc),
                silent = TRUE)
    foo2 <- try(absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = DF[1, ],
                             method = "numerical"),
                silent = TRUE)

    expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error"))
    expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error"))

test_that("no error in absolute risk with data tables", {
    foo1 <- try(withCallingHandlers(absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1,
                                                 newdata = DT[1, ],
                                                 method = "montecarlo"),
                                    warning = handler_validmc),
                silent = TRUE)
    foo2 <- try(absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1, newdata = DT[1, ],
                             method = "numerical"),
                silent = TRUE)

    expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error"))
    expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error"))

test_that("no error in absolute risk with data frames - no newdata", {
    foo1 <- try(withCallingHandlers(absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1,
                                                 method = "montecarlo"),
                                    warning = handler_validmc),
                silent = TRUE)
    foo2 <- try(absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1,
                             method = "numerical"),
                silent = TRUE)

    expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error"))
    expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error"))

test_that("no error in absolute risk with data tables - no newdata", {
    foo1 <- try(withCallingHandlers(absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1,
                                                 method = "montecarlo"),
                                    warning = handler_validmc),
                silent = TRUE)
    foo2 <- try(absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1,
                             method = "numerical"),
                silent = TRUE)

    expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error"))
    expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error"))

test_that("no error in absolute risk with data frames--typical profile", {
    foo1 <- try(withCallingHandlers(absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1,
                                                 newdata = "typical",
                                                 method = "montecarlo"),
                                    warning = handler_validmc),
                silent = TRUE)
    foo2 <- try(absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1,
                             newdata = "typical",
                             method = "numerical"),
                silent = TRUE)

    expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error"))
    expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error"))

test_that("no error in absolute risk with data tables--typical profile", {
    foo1 <- try(withCallingHandlers(absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1,
                                                 newdata = "typical",
                                                 method = "montecarlo"),
                                    warning = handler_validmc),
                silent = TRUE)
    foo2 <- try(absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1,
                             newdata = "typical",
                             method = "numerical"),
                silent = TRUE)

    expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error"))
    expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error"))

# Using new data
newDT <- data.table("Z" = c(0, 1))
newDF <- data.frame("Z" = c(0, 1))

test_that("no error in absolute risk with data frames - new data", {
    foo1 <- try(withCallingHandlers(absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1,
                                                 newdata = newDF,
                             method = "montecarlo"),
                             warning = handler_validmc),
                silent = TRUE)
    foo2 <- try(absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = newDF,
                             method = "numerical"),
                silent = TRUE)

    expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error"))
    expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error"))

test_that("no error in absolute risk with data tables - new data", {
    foo1 <- try(withCallingHandlers(absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1,
                                                 newdata = newDT,
                             method = "montecarlo"),
                             warning = handler_validmc),
                silent = TRUE)
    foo2 <- try(absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1, newdata = newDT,
                             method = "numerical"),
                silent = TRUE)

    expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error"))
    expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error"))

test_that("no error in absolute risk with data frames - new data but no time", {
    foo1 <- try(withCallingHandlers(absoluteRisk(fitDF, newdata = newDF,
                                                 method = "montecarlo"),
                                    warning = handler_validmc),
                silent = TRUE)
    foo2 <- try(absoluteRisk(fitDF, newdata = newDF,
                             method = "numerical"),
                silent = TRUE)

    expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error"))
    expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error"))

test_that("no error in absolute risk with data tables - new data but no time", {
    foo1 <- try(withCallingHandlers(absoluteRisk(fitDT, newdata = newDT,
                                                 method = "montecarlo"),
                                    warning = handler_validmc),
                silent = TRUE)
    foo2 <- try(absoluteRisk(fitDT, newdata = newDT,
                             method = "numerical"),
                silent = TRUE)

    expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error"))
    expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error"))

# Make sure we get probabilities
test_that("should output probabilities with data frames", {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = DF[1, ],
                              method = "montecarlo")
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = DF[1, ],
                              method = "numerical")

    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] <= 1 + eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] <= 1 + eps))

test_that("should output probabilities with data tables", {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1, newdata = DT[1, ],
                              method = "montecarlo")
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1, newdata = DT[1, ],
                              method = "numerical")

    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] <= 1 + eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] <= 1 + eps))

test_that("should output probabilities with data frames - two time points", {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DF[1, ],
                              method = "montecarlo")
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DF[1, ],
                              method = "numerical")

    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] <= 1 + eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] <= 1 + eps))

test_that("should output probabilities with data tables - two time points", {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DT[1, ],
                              method = "montecarlo")
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DT[1, ],
                              method = "numerical")

    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] <= 1 + eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] <= 1 + eps))

test_that(paste("should output probabilities with data frames",
                "- two covariate profile"), {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = DF[c(1, n + 1), ],
                              method = "montecarlo")
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = DF[c(1, n + 1), ],
                              method = "numerical")

    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] <= 1 + eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] <= 1 + eps))

test_that(paste("should output probabilities with data tables",
                "- two covariate profile"), {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1, newdata = DT[c(1, n + 1), ],
                              method = "montecarlo")
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 1, newdata = DT[c(1, n + 1), ],
                              method = "numerical")

    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] <= 1 + eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] <= 1 + eps))

# Absolute risk at time = 0
target <- matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = 1)

test_that("should give probability 0 at time 0 with data frames", {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 0, newdata = newDF,
                              method = "montecarlo")
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 0, newdata = newDF,
                              method = "numerical")

    expect_true(all.equal(absRiskMC[, -1, drop = FALSE], target,
                          check.attributes = FALSE, tolerance = eps))
    expect_true(all.equal(absRiskNI[, -1, drop = FALSE], target,
                          check.attributes = FALSE, tolerance = eps))

test_that("should give probability 0 at time 0 with data tables", {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 0, newdata = newDT,
                              method = "montecarlo")
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = 0, newdata = newDT,
                              method = "numerical")

    expect_true(all.equal(absRiskMC[, -1, drop = FALSE], target,
                          check.attributes = FALSE, tolerance = eps))
    expect_true(all.equal(absRiskNI[, -1, drop = FALSE], target,
                          check.attributes = FALSE, tolerance = eps))

test_that("should compute risk when time and newdata aren't provided", {
    absRiskDF <- absoluteRisk(fitDF)
    absRiskDT <- absoluteRisk(fitDT)

    expect_true("risk" %in% names(absRiskDF))
    expect_true("risk" %in% names(absRiskDT))

# Control output----
test_that("should output probabilities with data frames - two time points", {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DF[1, ],
                              method = "montecarlo", type = "survival")
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DF[1, ],
                              method = "numerical", type = "survival")

    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] <= 1 + eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] <= 1 + eps))

test_that("should output probabilities with data tables - two time points", {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DT[1, ],
                              method = "montecarlo", type = "survival")
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DT[1, ],
                              method = "numerical", type = "survival")

    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] >= 0 - eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskMC[, -1] <= 1 + eps))
    expect_true(all(absRiskNI[, -1] <= 1 + eps))

test_that("should compute survival when time and newdata aren't provided", {
    absRiskDF <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, type = "survival")
    absRiskDT <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, type = "survival")

    expect_true("survival" %in% names(absRiskDF))
    expect_true("survival" %in% names(absRiskDT))

test_that("shouldn't output time zero with data frames - two time points", {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DF[1, ],
                              method = "montecarlo", addZero = FALSE)
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DF[1, ],
                              method = "numerical", addZero = FALSE)

    expect_true(nrow(absRiskMC) == 2)
    expect_true(nrow(absRiskNI) == 2)

test_that("shouldn't output time zero with data tables - two time points", {
    absRiskMC <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DT[1, ],
                              method = "montecarlo", addZero = FALSE)
    absRiskNI <- absoluteRisk(fitDT, time = c(0.5, 1), newdata = DT[1, ],
                              method = "numerical", addZero = FALSE)

    expect_true(nrow(absRiskMC) == 2)
    expect_true(nrow(absRiskNI) == 2)
sahirbhatnagar/casebase documentation built on April 10, 2024, 6:01 a.m.