
Defines functions volcanoly.volcanor volcanoly.default volcanoly

Documented in volcanoly volcanoly.default volcanoly.volcanor

#' Creates a plotly volcano plot
#' Creates an interactive volcano plot with multiple annotation options
#' @param x Can be an object of class \code{volcanor} produced by the
#'   \code{\link{volcanor}} function or a \code{data.frame} which must contain
#'   at least the following two columns: \itemize{ \item{a p-value, must be
#'   numeric} \item{a measure of the strength of association, typically an odds
#'   ratio, regression coefficient or log fold change. Must be numeric} }
#' @param col A character of length 1 indicating the color of the points. Only
#'   the first argument will be used if more than one color is supplied. Can be
#'   \href{https://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.html}{Hex Codes} as
#'   well.
#' @param point_size A \code{numeric} indicating the size of the points on the
#'   plot. Default is 5
#' @param effect_size_line Where to draw a "suggestive" line on the x-axis.
#'   Default is \code{-1 and +1}. Must be a vector of length 2. If a longer
#'   vector is supplied, only the first two elements will be used. First element
#'   must be smaller than second element. Set to \code{FALSE} to disable.
#' @param effect_size_line_color color of "suggestive" line. Only used if
#'   \code{effect_size_line} is not set to \code{FALSE}. Default is
#'   \code{"blue"}.
#' @param effect_size_line_width Width of \code{effect_size_line}. Default is 1.
#' @param effect_size_line_type Sets the line type of the
#'   \code{effect_size_line}. Set to a dash type character among "solid", "dot",
#'   "dash", "longdash", "dashdot", or "longdashdot", or a dash length list in
#'   px (eg "5px","10px","2px"). Can also be a positive numeric value (e.g 5,
#'   10, 2). Default is "dash". See
#'   \href{https://plotly.com/r/reference/#layout-shapes}{plotly help page on
#'   layouts} for complete list and more details
#' @param genomewideline Where to draw a "genome-wide sigificant" line. Default
#'   \code{-log10(1e-5)}. Set to \code{FALSE} to disable. If more than one
#'   element is provided, only the first will be used
#' @param genomewideline_color color of "genome-wide sigificant" line. Only used
#'   if \code{genomewideline} is not set to \code{FALSE}. Default is
#'   \code{"red"}.
#' @param genomewideline_width Width of \code{genomewideline}. Default is 1.
#' @param genomewideline_type Sets the line type of the \code{genomewideline}.
#'   Set to a dash type character among "solid", "dot", "dash", "longdash",
#'   "dashdot", or "longdashdot", or a dash length list in px (eg
#'   "5px","10px","2px"). Can also be a positive numeric value (e.g 5, 10, 2).
#'   Default is "dash". See
#'   \href{https://plotly.com/r/reference/#layout-shapes}{plotly help page on
#'   layouts} for complete list and more details
#' @param highlight A character vector of SNPs in your dataset to highlight.
#'   These SNPs should all be in your dataset. Default is \code{NULL} which
#'   means that all points that are both beyond \code{genomewideline} and
#'   \code{effect_size_line} are highlighted. Set to \code{FALSE} if you don't
#'   want any points highlighted.
#' @param highlight_color Color used to highlight points. Only used if
#'   \code{highlight} argument has been specified
#' @param xlab X-axis label. Default is \code{NULL} which means that the label
#'   is automatically determined by the \code{\link{volcanor}} function. Specify
#'   here to overwrite the default.
#' @param ylab Y-axis label. Default is \code{"-log10(p)"}.
#' @param title Title of the plot. Default is \code{"Volcano Plot"}
#' @param ... other parameters passed to \code{\link{volcanor}}
#' @note This package provides additional annotation options and builds on the
#'   \code{\link{plotly}} \code{d3.js} engine. These plots can be included in
#'   Shiny apps, Dash apps, Rmarkdown documents or embeded in websites using
#'   simple HTML code.
#' @return An interactive volcano plot.
#' @seealso \code{\link{volcanor}}, \code{\link{HapMap}},
#'   \code{\link{significantSNP}}
#' @aliases volcanoly.default volcanoly.volcanor
#' @importFrom magrittr '%<>%'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' volcanorObj <- volcanor(HapMap,
#'   p = "P",
#'   effect_size = "EFFECTSIZE",
#'   snp = "SNP",
#'   gene = "GENE"
#' )
#' class(volcanorObj)
#' head(volcanorObj$data)
volcanoly <- function(x,
                      col = c("#252525"),
                      point_size = 5,
                      effect_size_line = c(-1, 1),
                      effect_size_line_color = "grey",
                      effect_size_line_width = 0.5,
                      effect_size_line_type = "dash",
                      genomewideline = -log10(1e-5),
                      genomewideline_color = "grey",
                      genomewideline_width = 0.5,
                      genomewideline_type = "dash",
                      highlight = NULL,
                      highlight_color = "red",
                      xlab = NULL,
                      ylab = "-log10(p)",
                      title = "Volcano Plot") {

#' @export
volcanoly.default <- function(x,
                              col = c("#252525"),
                              point_size = 5,
                              effect_size_line = c(-1, 1),
                              effect_size_line_color = "grey",
                              effect_size_line_width = 0.5,
                              effect_size_line_type = "dash",
                              genomewideline = -log10(1e-5),
                              genomewideline_color = "grey",
                              genomewideline_width = 0.5,
                              genomewideline_type = "dash",
                              highlight = NULL,
                              highlight_color = "red",
                              xlab = NULL,
                              ylab = "-log10(p)",
                              title = "Volcano Plot") {
  mh <- volcanor(x, ...)
    col = col,
    point_size = point_size,
    effect_size_line = effect_size_line,
    effect_size_line_color = effect_size_line_color,
    effect_size_line_width = effect_size_line_width,
    effect_size_line_type = effect_size_line_type,
    genomewideline = genomewideline,
    genomewideline_color = genomewideline_color,
    genomewideline_width = genomewideline_width,
    genomewideline_type = genomewideline_type,
    highlight = highlight,
    highlight_color = highlight_color,
    xlab = xlab,
    ylab = ylab,
    title = title

#' @export
volcanoly.volcanor <- function(x,
                               col = c("#252525"),
                               point_size = 5,
                               effect_size_line = c(-1, 1),
                               effect_size_line_color = "grey",
                               effect_size_line_width = 0.5,
                               effect_size_line_type = "dash",
                               genomewideline = -log10(1e-5),
                               genomewideline_color = "grey",
                               genomewideline_width = 0.5,
                               genomewideline_type = "dash",
                               highlight = NULL,
                               highlight_color = "red",
                               xlab = NULL,
                               ylab = "-log10(p)",
                               title = "Volcano Plot") {
  d <- x$data
  pName <- x$pName
  log10pName <- "LOG10P"
  effectName <- x$effectName
  snpName <- x$snpName
  geneName <- x$geneName
  annotation1Name <- x$annotation1Name
  annotation2Name <- x$annotation2Name
  labs <- x$labs
  xlabel <- x$xlabel

  if (!is.null(highlight) & is.na(snpName)) stop("You're trying to highlight snps, but havent provided a snp column")
  if (!is.logical(effect_size_line)) {
    if (length(effect_size_line) < 2) stop("'effect_size_line' must be a numeric vector of length 2")
    if (length(effect_size_line) > 2) message("More than two values provided to 'effect_size_line'. Only the first two elements will be used")
    if (effect_size_line[1] > effect_size_line[2]) stop("First element of 'effect_size_line' must be smaller than second element")
  if (is.logical(effect_size_line)) {
    if (effect_size_line) stop("If effect_size_line is a logical, it must be set to FALSE")
  if (is.logical(genomewideline)) {
    if (genomewideline) stop("If genomewideline is a logical, it must be set to FALSE")
  if (is.null(highlight) & is.logical(effect_size_line) & is.logical(genomewideline)) {
    message("Since both effect_size_line and genomewideline are set to FALSE, no points will be highlighted")

  if (!is.null(highlight) && is.logical(highlight) && highlight) stop("'highlight' argument must be set to either NULL, FALSE, or a character vector of SNPs to highlight")

  # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  # Initalize plotly
  # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  my_xlab <- list(
    title = if (!is.null(xlab)) xlab else xlabel

  my_ylab <- list(
    title = ylab

  fig <- plotly::plot_ly(d,
    x = ~EFFECTSIZE, y = ~LOG10P,
    type = "scatter", mode = "markers",
    hoverinfo = "text",
    marker = list(
      color = col,
      size = point_size
    text = ~ paste0(
      if (!is.na(snpName)) paste0(snpName, ": ", d[[snpName]], "<br>"),
      if (!is.na(geneName)) paste0(geneName, ": ", d[[geneName]], "<br>"),
      if (!is.na(annotation1Name)) paste0(annotation1Name, ": ", d[[annotation1Name]], "<br>"),
      if (!is.na(annotation2Name)) paste0(annotation2Name, ": ", d[[annotation2Name]], "<br>"),
      paste0(effectName, ": ", EFFECTSIZE, "<br>"),
      paste0(log10pName, ": ", LOG10P)
  ) %>% plotly::layout(xaxis = my_xlab, yaxis = my_ylab, title = list(text = title))

  if (!is.logical(effect_size_line) & !is.logical(genomewideline)) {
    p2 <- list(
      my_vline(x = effect_size_line[1], color = effect_size_line_color, dash = effect_size_line_type, width = effect_size_line_width),
      my_vline(x = effect_size_line[2], color = effect_size_line_color, dash = effect_size_line_type, width = effect_size_line_width),
      my_hline(y = genomewideline[1], color = genomewideline_color, dash = genomewideline_type, width = genomewideline_width)

  if (is.logical(effect_size_line) & !is.logical(genomewideline)) {
    p2 <- list(
      my_hline(y = genomewideline[1], color = genomewideline_color, dash = genomewideline_type, width = genomewideline_width)

  if (!is.logical(effect_size_line) & is.logical(genomewideline)) {
    p2 <- list(
      my_vline(x = effect_size_line[1], color = effect_size_line_color, dash = effect_size_line_type, width = effect_size_line_width),
      my_vline(x = effect_size_line[2], color = effect_size_line_color, dash = effect_size_line_type, width = effect_size_line_width)

  if (is.logical(effect_size_line) & is.logical(genomewideline)) {
    p2 <- list(NULL)

  p <- fig %>% plotly::layout(shapes = p2)

  # automatic highlighting
  if (is.null(highlight)) {
    if (!is.na(snpName)) {

      # Highlight snps automatically to be those greater than genomewideline and effect_size_line
      if ((is.null(highlight) & !is.logical(effect_size_line)) | (is.null(highlight) & !is.logical(genomewideline))) {

        # if both lines are provided
        if (!is.logical(effect_size_line) & !is.logical(genomewideline)) {
          highlight_index <- c(
            which((d$EFFECTSIZE < effect_size_line[1]) & (d$LOG10P > genomewideline)),
            which((d$EFFECTSIZE > effect_size_line[2]) & (d$LOG10P > genomewideline))
        } else if (!is.logical(effect_size_line) & is.logical(genomewideline)) {

          # if only effect_size_line is provided
          highlight_index <- c(
            which(d$EFFECTSIZE < effect_size_line[1]),
            which(d$EFFECTSIZE > effect_size_line[2])
        } else if (is.logical(effect_size_line) & !is.logical(genomewideline)) {

          # if only genomewideline is provided
          highlight_index <- which(d$LOG10P > genomewideline)

        if (length(highlight_index) == 0) message("No points are beyond the effect_size_line or genomewideline, therefore no points will be highlighted")
        if (length(highlight_index) > 0) {
          d.highlight <- d[highlight_index, ]

          p %<>% plotly::add_trace(
            x = ~EFFECTSIZE,
            y = ~LOG10P,
            data = d.highlight,
            inherit = FALSE,
            type = "scatter",
            mode = "markers",
            marker = list(
              color = highlight_color,
              size = point_size
            showlegend = FALSE,
            text = ~ paste0(
              if (!is.na(snpName)) paste0(snpName, ": ", d.highlight[[snpName]], "<br>"),
              if (!is.na(geneName)) paste0(geneName, ": ", d.highlight[[geneName]], "<br>"),
              if (!is.na(annotation1Name)) paste0(annotation1Name, ": ", d.highlight[[annotation1Name]], "<br>"),
              if (!is.na(annotation2Name)) paste0(annotation2Name, ": ", d.highlight[[annotation2Name]], "<br>"),
              paste0(effectName, ": ", EFFECTSIZE, "<br>"),
              paste0(log10pName, ": ", LOG10P)

  # user specified highlighting
  if (!is.null(highlight) && !is.logical(highlight)) {
    if (!is.na(snpName)) {
      if (any(!(highlight %in% d[[snpName]]))) warning("You're trying to highlight SNPs that don't exist in your results.")

      d.highlight <- d[which(d[[snpName]] %in% highlight), ]

      p %<>% plotly::add_trace(
        x = ~EFFECTSIZE,
        y = ~LOG10P,
        data = d.highlight,
        inherit = FALSE,
        type = "scatter",
        mode = "markers",
        marker = list(
          color = highlight_color,
          size = point_size
        showlegend = FALSE,
        text = ~ paste0(
          if (!is.na(snpName)) paste0(snpName, ": ", d.highlight[[snpName]], "<br>"),
          if (!is.na(geneName)) paste0(geneName, ": ", d.highlight[[geneName]], "<br>"),
          if (!is.na(annotation1Name)) paste0(annotation1Name, ": ", d.highlight[[annotation1Name]], "<br>"),
          if (!is.na(annotation2Name)) paste0(annotation2Name, ": ", d.highlight[[annotation2Name]], "<br>"),
          paste0(effectName, ": ", EFFECTSIZE, "<br>"),
          paste0(log10pName, ": ", LOG10P)

sahirbhatnagar/manhattan documentation built on May 1, 2021, 10 p.m.