# Kaiaulu - https://github.com/sailuh/kaiaulu
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
############## Parsers ##############
#' Parse NVD Feed CVEs, descriptions and CWE ids
#' @param nvdfeed_folder_path Folderpath for nvd feed files
#' under schema 1.1 (e.g. nvdcve-1.1-2018.json)
#' @export
#' @family parsers
parse_nvdfeed <- function(nvdfeed_folder_path){
folder_path <- path.expand(nvdfeed_folder_path)
all_files_path <- list.files(folder_path,full.names = TRUE)
parse_single_feed <- function(nvd_feed_json){
all_cves <- nvd_feed_json[["CVE_Items"]]
n_cves <- nvd_feed_json[["CVE_data_numberOfCVEs"]]
cve_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_cves)
for (i in 1:as.integer(n_cves)){
cve <- all_cves[[i]][["cve"]]
cve_id <- cve[["CVE_data_meta"]][["ID"]]
cwe_metadata <- cve[["problemtype"]][["problemtype_data"]][[1]][["description"]]
# can be missing if CVE is rejected. See CVE-1999-0020 as example on 2002 feed file.
if(length(cwe_metadata) > 0){
cwe_id <- cwe_metadata[[1]][["value"]]
cwe_id <- NA
cve_description <- cve[["description"]][["description_data"]][[1]][["value"]]
cve_list[[i]] <- data.table(cve_id,cwe_id,cve_description)
n_nvdfeeds <- length(all_files_path)
cve_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_nvdfeeds)
for(i in 1:n_nvdfeeds){
nvd_json <- jsonlite::read_json(all_files_path[i])
cve_list[[i]] <- parse_single_feed(nvd_json)
############## Network Transform ##############
#' Transform parsed cveid and nvdfeed into a network
#' @param project_cve A parsed cve edgelist by \code{\link{transform_commit_message_id_to_network}}.
#' @param nvd_feed Parsed nvdfeed by \code{\link{parse_nvdfeed}}.
#' @export
#' @family edgelists
transform_cve_cwe_file_to_network <- function(project_cve,nvd_feed){
commit_message_id <- cwe_id <- name <- color <- src <- dest <- weight <- NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
cve_nodes <- project_cve[["nodes"]]
cve_edgelist <- project_cve[["edgelist"]]
# Find the edges from CVE ids to CWE ids
cwe_edgelist <- merge(
by.y = "cve_id",
all.x = TRUE)[,.(from,cwe_id)]
# Edges from CVE ids without a matching CWE should be removed
cwe_edgelist <- cwe_edgelist[!is.na(cwe_id)]
# Add all new CWE IDs to the list of nodes with a different color
# Type is dropped, as graph viz tools can't distinguish between 3 types of nodes
cve_nodes <- cve_nodes[,.(name,color)]
cwe_nodes <- data.table(name=unique(cwe_edgelist$cwe_id),
# Set Union Nodes
cve_cwe_file_nodes <- rbind(cve_nodes,cwe_nodes)
# Network will be 3 modal, rename columns to avoid confusion
colnames(cve_edgelist) <- c("src","dest","weight")
colnames(cwe_edgelist) <- c("src","dest")
# For each cve id, only 1 edge is added, hence weight is always 1
cwe_edgelist$weight <- rep(1,nrow(cwe_edgelist))
# Set union the cve and cwe edgelists
cve_cwe_file_edgelist <- rbind(cve_edgelist,cwe_edgelist)
# Return the set union as nodes and edgelist.
cve_cwe_file_network <- list()
cve_cwe_file_network[["nodes"]] <- cve_cwe_file_nodes
cve_cwe_file_network[["edgelist"]] <- cve_cwe_file_edgelist
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