
### Factories of projection functions to wed the function to a
### particular model or set of models.

dnorm_projection_factory <- function(
	variance_model = NULL,
	sd_model = NULL,
	target_dims = NULL,
	where = .GlobalEnv
) {
	mean_model; variance_model; sd_model; target_dims   ## Closure!

	dnorm_projection <- function(.Object, stage, covariates) {
			if (is.null(target_dims)) { 
				target_dims <- c(
					n_bins = .Object$n_bins[.Object$stage_names == stage],
					minimum = .Object$minima[.Object$stage_names == stage],
					maximum = .Object$maxima[.Object$stage_names == stage])
					midpts = .Object$get_midpoints(stage=stage)
			} else {
				n_bins <- target_dims['n_bins']
				minimum <- target_dims['minimum']
				maximum <- target_dims['maximum']
				h <- (maximum - minimum) / n_bins
				midpts <- minimum + ((1:n_bins)-0.5) * h
			if (!all(c('n_bins', 'minimum', 'maximum') %in% names(target_dims)) ) {
				stop("Target dimensins must be a vector specifying the number of\n
						  bins ('n_bins'), as well as the limits ('minumum', 'maximum')")

			## Calculate mean and variance:
			nd <- .Object$newdata(stage=stage, covariates=covariates)
			mu <- mean_model$predict(newdata = nd)
			if (is.null(sd_model) && !is.null(variance_model)) {
				variance <- as.numeric(variance_model$predict(newdata = nd))
			} else if (is.null(variance_model) && !is.null(sd_model)) {
				variance <- as.numeric(sd_model$predict(newdata = nd))^2
			## Apply:
			S <- mapply(
				FUN = function(x,y,sd) {
					dnorm(x=y, mean=x, sd=sd)
				x = mu,
				sd = sqrt(variance),
				MoreArgs = list(y = midpts)
			## Making sure that the transformation preserves mass:
#			S <- apply(
#				X=S, MARGIN=2, 
#				FUN=function(x) {if(sum(x) != 0) x/sum(x) else x})


dlnorm_projection_factory <- function(
	variance_model = NULL,
	sd_model = NULL,
	target_dims = NULL,
	where = .GlobalEnv
) {
	mean_model; variance_model; sd_model; target_dims   ## Closure!

	dlnorm_projection <- function(.Object, stage, covariates) {

			if (is.null(target_dims)) { 
				target_dims <- c(
					n_bins = .Object$n_bins[.Object$stage_names == stage],
					minimum = .Object$minima[.Object$stage_names == stage],
					maximum = .Object$maxima[.Object$stage_names == stage])
					midpts = .Object$get_midpoints(stage=stage)
			} else {
				n_bins <- target_dims['n_bins']
				minimum <- target_dims['minimum']
				maximum <- target_dims['maximum']
				h <- (maximum - minimum) / n_bins
				midpts <- minimum + ((1:n_bins)-0.5) * h
			if (!all(c('n_bins', 'minimum', 'maximum') %in% names(target_dims)) ) {
				stop("Target dimensins must be a vector specifying the number of\n
						  bins ('n_bins'), as well as the limits ('minumum', 'maximum')")

			## Calculate mean and variance:
			nd <- .Object$newdata(stage=stage, covariates=covariates)
			mu <- as.numeric(mean_model$predict(newdata = nd))
			if (is.null(sd_model) && !is.null(variance_model)) {
				variance <- as.numeric(variance_model$predict(newdata = nd))
			} else if (is.null(variance_model) && !is.null(sd_model)) {
				variance <- as.numeric(sd_model$predict(newdata = nd))^2
			## Apply:
			S <- mapply(
				FUN = function(mu,to,sd) {
					return(dlnorm(x=to, meanlog=mu, sdlog=sd))
				mu = mu,
				sd = sqrt(variance),
				MoreArgs = list(to=midpts)
			## Making sure that the transformation preserves mass:
#			S <- apply(
#				X=S, MARGIN=2, 
#				FUN=function(x) {if(sum(x) != 0) x/sum(x) else x})


offset_dlnorm_projection_factory <- function(
	variance_model = NULL,
	sd_model = NULL,
	target_dims = NULL,
	where = .GlobalEnv
) {
	mean_model; variance_model; sd_model; target_dims   ## Closure!

	offset_dlnorm_projection <- function(.Object, stage, covariates) {

			if (is.null(target_dims)) { 
				target_dims <- c(
					n_bins = .Object$n_bins[.Object$stage_names == stage],
					minimum = .Object$minima[.Object$stage_names == stage],
					maximum = .Object$maxima[.Object$stage_names == stage])
					midpts = .Object$get_midpoints(stage=stage)[,1]
			} else {
				n_bins <- target_dims['n_bins']
				minimum <- target_dims['minimum']
				maximum <- target_dims['maximum']
				h <- (maximum - minimum) / n_bins
				midpts <- minimum + ((1:n_bins)-0.5) * h
			if (!all(c('n_bins', 'minimum', 'maximum') %in% names(target_dims)) ) {
				stop("Target dimensins must be a vector specifying the number of\n
						  bins ('n_bins'), as well as the limits ('minumum', 'maximum')")

			## Calculate mean and variance:
			nd <- .Object$newdata(stage=stage, covariates=covariates)
			mu <- as.numeric(mean_model$predict(newdata = nd))
			if (is.null(sd_model) && !is.null(variance_model)) {
				variance <- as.numeric(variance_model$predict(newdata = nd))
			} else if (is.null(variance_model) && !is.null(sd_model)) {
				variance <- as.numeric(sd_model$predict(newdata = nd))^2
			## Apply:
			S <- mapply(
				FUN = function(mu,to,y,sd) {
					return(dolnorm(x=to, y=y, meanlog=mu, sdlog=sd))
				mu = mu,
				sd = sqrt(variance),
				y = .Object$get_midpoints(stage=stage)[,1],
				MoreArgs = list(to=midpts)
			## Making sure that the transformation preserves mass:
#			S <- apply(
#				X=S, MARGIN=2, 
#				FUN=function(x) {if(sum(x) != 0) x/sum(x) else x})

### self-projection allows only contributions from a bin to itself, or
### to the same bin in another stage.

self_projection_factory <- function(
	where = .GlobalEnv
) {
	self_model		## Closure!

	self_projection <- function(.Object, stage, covariates) {
			j <- length(.Object$get_midpoints(stage=stage))
			S <- diag(j)
			diag(S) <- self_model$predict(
				newdata = .Object$newdata(stage=stage, covariates=covariates))


### squash and stretch-projection allows you to keep the shape of a density but to 
### change the change the number of bins.

squash_projection_factory <- function(
	target_dims = NULL,
	where = .GlobalEnv
) {

	squash_projection <- function(.Object, stage, covariates) {
		n_bins_orig = .Object$n_bins[.Object$stage_names == stage]
		minimum_orig = .Object$minima[.Object$stage_names == stage]
		maximum_orig = .Object$maxima[.Object$stage_names == stage]
		h_orig = (maximum_orig - minimum_orig) / n_bins_orig
		midpts_orig = .Object$get_midpoints(stage=stage)[,1]

		if (is.null(target_dims)) { 
			n_bins = .Object$n_bins[.Object$stage_names == stage]
			minimum = .Object$minima[.Object$stage_names == stage]
			maximum = .Object$maxima[.Object$stage_names == stage]
			h <- (maximum - minimum) / n_bins
			midpts = .Object$get_midpoints(stage=stage)[,1]
		} else {
			if (!all(c('n_bins', 'minimum', 'maximum') %in% names(target_dims)) ) {
				stop("Target dimensins must be a vector specifying the number of\n
						  bins ('n_bins'), as well as the limits ('minumum', 'maximum')")
			n_bins <- target_dims['n_bins']
			minimum <- target_dims['minimum']
			maximum <- target_dims['maximum']
			h <- (maximum - minimum) / n_bins
			midpts <- minimum + ((1:n_bins)-0.5) * h
		n <- length(midpts)
		m <- length(midpts_orig)
		Slist <- mapply(
			FUN = function(idx, M, x, h, xstar, hstar) {
				row <- M[idx,]

				if ((xstar[idx]+0.5*hstar) < (min(x)-0.5*h)) return(row)
				if ((xstar[idx]-0.5*hstar) > (max(x)+0.5*h)) return(row)

				Qi <- which( (x-0.5*h < xstar[idx]-0.5*hstar) &
										  (x+0.5*h > xstar[idx]+0.5*hstar) )
				if (length(Qi) == 1) {
					row[Qi] <- hstar / h

				Q <- which( (x-.5*h >= xstar[idx]-.5*hstar) & 
									  (x+.5*h <= xstar[idx]+.5*hstar))
				if (length(Q) >=1) row[Q] <- 1

				Qm <- which( (x-0.5*h < xstar[idx]-0.5*hstar) &
										 (x+0.5*h > xstar[idx]-0.5*hstar) )
				if (length(Qm) ==1) row[Qm] <- 
					((x[Qm]+.5*h) - (xstar[idx]-.5*hstar)) / h

				Qp <- which( (x-0.5*h < xstar[idx]+0.5*hstar) &
										 (x+0.5*h > xstar[idx]+0.5*hstar) )
				if (length(Qp) ==1) row[Qp] <- 
					((xstar[idx]+.5*hstar) - (x[Qp]-.5*h)) / h
			idx   = seq(1,n),
			MoreArgs = list(
				M     = matrix(data = 0, nrow=n, ncol=m),
				h     = h_orig,
				x     = midpts_orig,
				hstar = h,
				xstar = midpts
		S <- do.call(what=rbind, args = Slist)


stretch_projection_factory <- squash_projection_factory

bound_projection_factory <- function(
	m = NULL,
	pad = 0,
	where = .GlobalEnv
) {
	m; pad;

	bound_projection <- function(.Object, stage, covariates) {
		di <- rep(1,m)
		di[1:pad] <- 0
		di[(m-pad+1):m] <- 0
		S <- diag(di)


sakrejda/dodo documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1 p.m.