Man pages for sam-bassett/CompGO
An R pipeline for .bed file annotation, comparing GO term enrichment between gene sets and data visualisation

annotateBedFromDbAnnotate .bed file to genes
bed.sampleA sample of 25 rows from a .bed file of mm9 regions
compareZscoresCompare the Z scores of individual GO terms between two input...
doZtrans.singleZ transform a single functional annotation chart from DAVID
gata4A .bed file containing genomic ranges sampled from gata4
getFnAnot_genomeGet the functional annotation chart of a gene list using...
mef2aA .bed file containing genomic ranges sampled from mef2a
nkx25A .bed file containing genomic ranges sampled from nkx25
p300A .bed file containing genomic ranges sampled from p300
PCAplotPlot PCA given an input list of fnAnot charts
plotDendrogramPlot dendrogram given an input list of fnAnot charts
plotInteractiveInteractive plotting function for groups of GO terms
plotPairwiseGenerates a scatterplot of two sets of GO terms based on...
plotTwoGODagsPlots a directed acyclic graph of GO terms from two different...
plotZRankedDAGPlot a directed acyclic graph (DAG) based on the corrected...
plotZScoresPerforms z transform on two sets of GO terms and plots...
slidingJaccardPlot two functional annotation charts using a sliding Jaccard...
srfA .bed file containing genomic ranges sampled from srf
tbx5A .bed file containing genomic ranges sampled from tbx5
viewKeggCompare KEGG pathways between two functional annotation...
zTransformDirectoryZ-score transformation of DAVID functional annotation charts...
sam-bassett/CompGO documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:01 p.m.