
# Add clipboard buttons
# output$clip <- renderUI({
#   rclipButton("clipbtn", "Copy to clipboard", isolate({fileReaderData()}), icon("clipboard"))
# })

# Workaround for execution within RStudio
#observeEvent(input$clipbtn, clipr::write_clip(fileReaderData()))

# ============================================================
# This part of the code monitors the file for changes once per
# 0.5 second (500 milliseconds).
fileReaderData <- reactiveFileReader(500, session,logfilename, readLines)

output$fileReaderText <- renderText({
  # Read the text, and make it a consistent number of lines so
  # that the output box doesn't grow in height.
  text <- fileReaderData()
  paste(text, collapse = '\n')

output$BugReport_output <- renderUI({
  mail <- unlist(strsplit(maintainer("Prostar"), "<"))[2]
  mail <- unlist(strsplit(mail, ">"))[1]
    a(actionButton(inputId = "email1", label = "Contact maintainer", 
                   icon = icon("envelope", lib = "font-awesome"), class = actionBtnClass),
      href=paste0("mailto:", mail,"?subject=[Prostar bug report]&body="))

samWieczorek/Prostar documentation built on April 27, 2022, 7:32 a.m.