#' Get all ConfigEntityGroupYears.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ConfigEntityGroupYears in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All ConfigEntityGroupYears in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllConfigEntityGroupYearsStaff <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnConfigEntityGroupYearID = F, returnAllowFoodServiceOnlinePaymentsAccessByDefault = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEntityGroupKey = F, returnEntityID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "ConfigEntityGroupYear", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear
#' This function returns fields for a ConfigEntityGroupYear.
#' @param ConfigEntityGroupYearID The id of the ConfigEntityGroupYear.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigEntityGroupYears}} for a list of ConfigEntityGroupYears.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the ConfigEntityGroupYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getConfigEntityGroupYearStaff <- function(ConfigEntityGroupYearID, EntityID = 1, returnConfigEntityGroupYearID = F, returnAllowFoodServiceOnlinePaymentsAccessByDefault = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEntityGroupKey = F, returnEntityID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "ConfigEntityGroupYear", ConfigEntityGroupYearID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear
#' This function modifies fields for a ConfigEntityGroupYear.
#' @param ConfigEntityGroupYearID The id of the ConfigEntityGroupYear to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigEntityGroupYears}} for a list of ConfigEntityGroupYears.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified ConfigEntityGroupYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyConfigEntityGroupYearStaff <- function(ConfigEntityGroupYearID, EntityID = 1, setAllowFoodServiceOnlinePaymentsAccessByDefault = NULL, setEntityGroupKey = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "ConfigEntityGroupYear", ConfigEntityGroupYearID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ConfigEntityGroupYear.
#' This function creates a new ConfigEntityGroupYear.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ConfigEntityGroupYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createConfigEntityGroupYearStaff <- function(EntityID = 1, setAllowFoodServiceOnlinePaymentsAccessByDefault = NULL, setEntityGroupKey = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "ConfigEntityGroupYear", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear
#' This function deletes a ConfigEntityGroupYear.
#' @param ConfigEntityGroupYearID The id of the ConfigEntityGroupYear.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigEntityGroupYears}} for a list of ConfigEntityGroupYears.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted ConfigEntityGroupYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteConfigEntityGroupYearStaff <- function(ConfigEntityGroupYearID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "ConfigEntityGroupYear", ConfigEntityGroupYearID, EntityID)
#' Get all ConfigSystems.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ConfigSystems in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All ConfigSystems in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllConfigSystemsStaff <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnConfigSystemID = F, returnAutoGenerateSecurityUser = F, returnAutoGenerateSecurityUserCode = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNewTeacherAccessUserMessageContent = F, returnNewTeacherAccessUserMessageSubject = F, returnStaffNumberMask = F, returnStaffNumberStartValue = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "ConfigSystem", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ConfigSystem
#' This function returns fields for a ConfigSystem.
#' @param ConfigSystemID The id of the ConfigSystem.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigSystems}} for a list of ConfigSystems.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the ConfigSystem.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getConfigSystemStaff <- function(ConfigSystemID, EntityID = 1, returnConfigSystemID = F, returnAutoGenerateSecurityUser = F, returnAutoGenerateSecurityUserCode = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNewTeacherAccessUserMessageContent = F, returnNewTeacherAccessUserMessageSubject = F, returnStaffNumberMask = F, returnStaffNumberStartValue = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "ConfigSystem", ConfigSystemID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ConfigSystem
#' This function modifies fields for a ConfigSystem.
#' @param ConfigSystemID The id of the ConfigSystem to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigSystems}} for a list of ConfigSystems.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified ConfigSystem.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyConfigSystemStaff <- function(ConfigSystemID, EntityID = 1, setAutoGenerateSecurityUser = NULL, setAutoGenerateSecurityUserCode = NULL, setNewTeacherAccessUserMessageContent = NULL, setNewTeacherAccessUserMessageSubject = NULL, setStaffNumberMask = NULL, setStaffNumberStartValue = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "ConfigSystem", ConfigSystemID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ConfigSystem.
#' This function creates a new ConfigSystem.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ConfigSystem.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createConfigSystemStaff <- function(EntityID = 1, setAutoGenerateSecurityUser = NULL, setAutoGenerateSecurityUserCode = NULL, setNewTeacherAccessUserMessageContent = NULL, setNewTeacherAccessUserMessageSubject = NULL, setStaffNumberMask = NULL, setStaffNumberStartValue = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "ConfigSystem", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ConfigSystem
#' This function deletes a ConfigSystem.
#' @param ConfigSystemID The id of the ConfigSystem.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigSystems}} for a list of ConfigSystems.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted ConfigSystem.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteConfigSystemStaff <- function(ConfigSystemID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "ConfigSystem", ConfigSystemID, EntityID)
#' Get all Departments.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all Departments in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All Departments in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllDepartments <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnDepartmentID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDepartmentIDClonedFrom = F, returnDepartmentIDClonedTo = F, returnDescription = F, returnEntityGroupKey = F, returnEntityID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStaffIDDepartmentHead = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "Department", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific Department
#' This function returns fields for a Department.
#' @param DepartmentID The id of the Department.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDepartments}} for a list of Departments.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the Department.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getDepartment <- function(DepartmentID, EntityID = 1, returnDepartmentID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDepartmentIDClonedFrom = F, returnDepartmentIDClonedTo = F, returnDescription = F, returnEntityGroupKey = F, returnEntityID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStaffIDDepartmentHead = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "Department", DepartmentID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific Department
#' This function modifies fields for a Department.
#' @param DepartmentID The id of the Department to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDepartments}} for a list of Departments.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified Department.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyDepartment <- function(DepartmentID, EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDepartmentIDClonedFrom = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setEntityGroupKey = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStaffIDDepartmentHead = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "Department", DepartmentID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new Department.
#' This function creates a new Department.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created Department.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createDepartment <- function(EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDepartmentIDClonedFrom = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setEntityGroupKey = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStaffIDDepartmentHead = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "Department", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific Department
#' This function deletes a Department.
#' @param DepartmentID The id of the Department.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDepartments}} for a list of Departments.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted Department.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteDepartment <- function(DepartmentID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "Department", DepartmentID, EntityID)
#' Get all JobTitleMAs.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all JobTitleMAs in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All JobTitleMAs in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllJobTitleMAs <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnJobTitleMAID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStaffID = F, returnTitle = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "JobTitleMA", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific JobTitleMA
#' This function returns fields for a JobTitleMA.
#' @param JobTitleMAID The id of the JobTitleMA.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllJobTitleMAs}} for a list of JobTitleMAs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the JobTitleMA.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getJobTitleMA <- function(JobTitleMAID, EntityID = 1, returnJobTitleMAID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStaffID = F, returnTitle = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "JobTitleMA", JobTitleMAID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific JobTitleMA
#' This function modifies fields for a JobTitleMA.
#' @param JobTitleMAID The id of the JobTitleMA to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllJobTitleMAs}} for a list of JobTitleMAs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified JobTitleMA.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyJobTitleMA <- function(JobTitleMAID, EntityID = 1, setStaffID = NULL, setTitle = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "JobTitleMA", JobTitleMAID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new JobTitleMA.
#' This function creates a new JobTitleMA.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created JobTitleMA.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createJobTitleMA <- function(EntityID = 1, setStaffID = NULL, setTitle = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "JobTitleMA", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific JobTitleMA
#' This function deletes a JobTitleMA.
#' @param JobTitleMAID The id of the JobTitleMA.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllJobTitleMAs}} for a list of JobTitleMAs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted JobTitleMA.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteJobTitleMA <- function(JobTitleMAID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "JobTitleMA", JobTitleMAID, EntityID)
#' Get all MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistories.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistories in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistories in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistories <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistoryID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEntityID = F, returnMediaID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnParameterData = F, returnParameterDescription = F, returnRequestIdentifier = F, returnRunDescription = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnSendMessageOnComplete = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnWorkflowInstanceID = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory
#' This function returns fields for a MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory.
#' @param MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistoryID The id of the MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistories}} for a list of MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistories.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory <- function(MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistoryID, EntityID = 1, returnMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistoryID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEntityID = F, returnMediaID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnParameterData = F, returnParameterDescription = F, returnRequestIdentifier = F, returnRunDescription = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnSendMessageOnComplete = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnWorkflowInstanceID = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory", MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistoryID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory
#' This function modifies fields for a MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory.
#' @param MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistoryID The id of the MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistories}} for a list of MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistorys.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory <- function(MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistoryID, EntityID = 1, setEntityID = NULL, setMediaID = NULL, setRequestIdentifier = NULL, setRunDescription = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setSendMessageOnComplete = NULL, setWorkflowInstanceID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory", MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistoryID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory.
#' This function creates a new MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory <- function(EntityID = 1, setEntityID = NULL, setMediaID = NULL, setRequestIdentifier = NULL, setRunDescription = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setSendMessageOnComplete = NULL, setWorkflowInstanceID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory
#' This function deletes a MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory.
#' @param MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistoryID The id of the MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistories}} for a list of MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistories.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory <- function(MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistoryID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory", MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistoryID, EntityID)
#' Get all NextStaffNumbers.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all NextStaffNumbers in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All NextStaffNumbers in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllNextStaffNumbers <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnNextStaffNumberID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnMaskPrefix = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSequenceNumber = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "NextStaffNumber", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific NextStaffNumber
#' This function returns fields for a NextStaffNumber.
#' @param NextStaffNumberID The id of the NextStaffNumber.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllNextStaffNumbers}} for a list of NextStaffNumbers.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the NextStaffNumber.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getNextStaffNumber <- function(NextStaffNumberID, EntityID = 1, returnNextStaffNumberID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnMaskPrefix = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSequenceNumber = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "NextStaffNumber", NextStaffNumberID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific NextStaffNumber
#' This function modifies fields for a NextStaffNumber.
#' @param NextStaffNumberID The id of the NextStaffNumber to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllNextStaffNumbers}} for a list of NextStaffNumbers.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified NextStaffNumber.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyNextStaffNumber <- function(NextStaffNumberID, EntityID = 1, setMaskPrefix = NULL, setSequenceNumber = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "NextStaffNumber", NextStaffNumberID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new NextStaffNumber.
#' This function creates a new NextStaffNumber.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created NextStaffNumber.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createNextStaffNumber <- function(EntityID = 1, setMaskPrefix = NULL, setSequenceNumber = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "NextStaffNumber", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific NextStaffNumber
#' This function deletes a NextStaffNumber.
#' @param NextStaffNumberID The id of the NextStaffNumber.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllNextStaffNumbers}} for a list of NextStaffNumbers.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted NextStaffNumber.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteNextStaffNumber <- function(NextStaffNumberID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "NextStaffNumber", NextStaffNumberID, EntityID)
#' Get all NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllNumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStaffEntityYearID = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnEntityID = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStaffDistrictRowNumber = F, returnStaffID = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear
#' This function returns fields for a NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear.
#' @param NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYearID The id of the NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllNumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears}} for a list of NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getNumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear <- function(NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYearID, EntityID = 1, returnStaffEntityYearID = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnEntityID = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStaffDistrictRowNumber = F, returnStaffID = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear", NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYearID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear
#' This function modifies fields for a NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear.
#' @param NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYearID The id of the NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllNumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears}} for a list of NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyNumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear <- function(NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYearID, EntityID = 1){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear", NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYearID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear.
#' This function creates a new NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createNumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear <- function(EntityID = 1){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear
#' This function deletes a NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear.
#' @param NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYearID The id of the NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllNumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears}} for a list of NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteNumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear <- function(NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYearID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear", NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYearID, EntityID)
#' Get all ScheduleBlockers.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ScheduleBlockers in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All ScheduleBlockers in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllScheduleBlockers <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnScheduleBlockerID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEndDate = F, returnEntityID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReason = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStaffID = F, returnStartDate = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "ScheduleBlocker", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ScheduleBlocker
#' This function returns fields for a ScheduleBlocker.
#' @param ScheduleBlockerID The id of the ScheduleBlocker.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllScheduleBlockers}} for a list of ScheduleBlockers.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the ScheduleBlocker.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getScheduleBlocker <- function(ScheduleBlockerID, EntityID = 1, returnScheduleBlockerID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEndDate = F, returnEntityID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReason = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStaffID = F, returnStartDate = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "ScheduleBlocker", ScheduleBlockerID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ScheduleBlocker
#' This function modifies fields for a ScheduleBlocker.
#' @param ScheduleBlockerID The id of the ScheduleBlocker to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllScheduleBlockers}} for a list of ScheduleBlockers.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified ScheduleBlocker.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyScheduleBlocker <- function(ScheduleBlockerID, EntityID = 1, setEndDate = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setReason = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStaffID = NULL, setStartDate = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "ScheduleBlocker", ScheduleBlockerID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ScheduleBlocker.
#' This function creates a new ScheduleBlocker.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ScheduleBlocker.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createScheduleBlocker <- function(EntityID = 1, setEndDate = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setReason = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStaffID = NULL, setStartDate = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "ScheduleBlocker", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ScheduleBlocker
#' This function deletes a ScheduleBlocker.
#' @param ScheduleBlockerID The id of the ScheduleBlocker.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllScheduleBlockers}} for a list of ScheduleBlockers.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted ScheduleBlocker.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteScheduleBlocker <- function(ScheduleBlockerID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "ScheduleBlocker", ScheduleBlockerID, EntityID)
#' Get all ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriodID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDisplayPeriodID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnScheduleBlockerID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod
#' This function returns fields for a ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod.
#' @param ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriodID The id of the ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods}} for a list of ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod <- function(ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriodID, EntityID = 1, returnScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriodID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDisplayPeriodID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnScheduleBlockerID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod", ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriodID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod
#' This function modifies fields for a ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod.
#' @param ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriodID The id of the ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods}} for a list of ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod <- function(ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriodID, EntityID = 1, setDisplayPeriodID = NULL, setScheduleBlockerID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod", ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriodID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod.
#' This function creates a new ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod <- function(EntityID = 1, setDisplayPeriodID = NULL, setScheduleBlockerID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod
#' This function deletes a ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod.
#' @param ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriodID The id of the ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods}} for a list of ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod <- function(ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriodID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod", ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriodID, EntityID)
#' Get all StaffDepartments.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all StaffDepartments in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All StaffDepartments in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllStaffDepartments <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStaffDepartmentID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDepartmentID = F, returnIsDefaultDepartment = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStaffDepartmentIDClonedFrom = F, returnStaffID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "StaffDepartment", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific StaffDepartment
#' This function returns fields for a StaffDepartment.
#' @param StaffDepartmentID The id of the StaffDepartment.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffDepartments}} for a list of StaffDepartments.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the StaffDepartment.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getStaffDepartment <- function(StaffDepartmentID, EntityID = 1, returnStaffDepartmentID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDepartmentID = F, returnIsDefaultDepartment = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStaffDepartmentIDClonedFrom = F, returnStaffID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "StaffDepartment", StaffDepartmentID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific StaffDepartment
#' This function modifies fields for a StaffDepartment.
#' @param StaffDepartmentID The id of the StaffDepartment to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffDepartments}} for a list of StaffDepartments.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified StaffDepartment.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyStaffDepartment <- function(StaffDepartmentID, EntityID = 1, setDepartmentID = NULL, setIsDefaultDepartment = NULL, setStaffDepartmentIDClonedFrom = NULL, setStaffID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "StaffDepartment", StaffDepartmentID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new StaffDepartment.
#' This function creates a new StaffDepartment.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created StaffDepartment.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createStaffDepartment <- function(EntityID = 1, setDepartmentID = NULL, setIsDefaultDepartment = NULL, setStaffDepartmentIDClonedFrom = NULL, setStaffID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "StaffDepartment", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific StaffDepartment
#' This function deletes a StaffDepartment.
#' @param StaffDepartmentID The id of the StaffDepartment.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffDepartments}} for a list of StaffDepartments.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted StaffDepartment.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteStaffDepartment <- function(StaffDepartmentID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "StaffDepartment", StaffDepartmentID, EntityID)
#' Get all StaffEntityYears.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all StaffEntityYears in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All StaffEntityYears in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllStaffEntityYears <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStaffEntityYearID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEntityID = F, returnIsActive = F, returnIsAdditionalStaffOnNotification = F, returnIsCareerCenterCounselor = F, returnIsDisciplineOfficer = F, returnIsSubstituteTeacher = F, returnIsTeacher = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnRoomIDDefault = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStaffDepartmentSummary = F, returnStaffEntityYearClonedTo = F, returnStaffEntityYearIDClonedFrom = F, returnStaffID = F, returnTeacherNumber = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "StaffEntityYear", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific StaffEntityYear
#' This function returns fields for a StaffEntityYear.
#' @param StaffEntityYearID The id of the StaffEntityYear.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffEntityYears}} for a list of StaffEntityYears.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the StaffEntityYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getStaffEntityYear <- function(StaffEntityYearID, EntityID = 1, returnStaffEntityYearID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEntityID = F, returnIsActive = F, returnIsAdditionalStaffOnNotification = F, returnIsCareerCenterCounselor = F, returnIsDisciplineOfficer = F, returnIsSubstituteTeacher = F, returnIsTeacher = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnRoomIDDefault = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStaffDepartmentSummary = F, returnStaffEntityYearClonedTo = F, returnStaffEntityYearIDClonedFrom = F, returnStaffID = F, returnTeacherNumber = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "StaffEntityYear", StaffEntityYearID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific StaffEntityYear
#' This function modifies fields for a StaffEntityYear.
#' @param StaffEntityYearID The id of the StaffEntityYear to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffEntityYears}} for a list of StaffEntityYears.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified StaffEntityYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyStaffEntityYear <- function(StaffEntityYearID, EntityID = 1, setEntityID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL, setIsCareerCenterCounselor = NULL, setIsDisciplineOfficer = NULL, setIsSubstituteTeacher = NULL, setIsTeacher = NULL, setRoomIDDefault = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStaffEntityYearIDClonedFrom = NULL, setStaffID = NULL, setTeacherNumber = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "StaffEntityYear", StaffEntityYearID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new StaffEntityYear.
#' This function creates a new StaffEntityYear.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created StaffEntityYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createStaffEntityYear <- function(EntityID = 1, setEntityID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL, setIsCareerCenterCounselor = NULL, setIsDisciplineOfficer = NULL, setIsSubstituteTeacher = NULL, setIsTeacher = NULL, setRoomIDDefault = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStaffEntityYearIDClonedFrom = NULL, setStaffID = NULL, setTeacherNumber = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "StaffEntityYear", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific StaffEntityYear
#' This function deletes a StaffEntityYear.
#' @param StaffEntityYearID The id of the StaffEntityYear.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffEntityYears}} for a list of StaffEntityYears.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted StaffEntityYear.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteStaffEntityYear <- function(StaffEntityYearID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "StaffEntityYear", StaffEntityYearID, EntityID)
#' Get all Staff.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all Staff in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All Staff in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllStaff <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStaffID = F, returnActiveStudentCount = F, returnAssignmentCount = F, returnAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnAssignmentCountYTDCalculated = F, returnAssignmentDataString = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDateTimeofLastScoredAssignment = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnDueDateOfLastAssignmentScored = F, returnFamilyStudentAccessStaffNameToUse = F, returnFileFolderNumber = F, returnFullNameFL = F, returnFullNameFML = F, returnFullNameLFM = F, returnFutureAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnGradebookLastAccessedTime = F, returnGradedAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnGradeLevelLowerBound = F, returnGradeLevelUpperBound = F, returnIsActiveForDistrict = F, returnIsCurrentStaffEntityYear = F, returnMissingAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNameID = F, returnNoCountAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnNonGradedAssignmentCountForTerm = F, returnNonGradedAssignmentCountNoStudentAssignmentsForTerm = F, returnNonGradedAssignmentCountNoStudentAssignmentsYTD = F, returnPercentageOfAssignmentsScoredYTD = F, returnScoreClarifierAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnStaffMeetCount = F, returnStaffMNID = F, returnStaffNumber = F, returnStaffWebsite = F, returnStudentAssignmentDataString = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "Staff", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific Staff
#' This function returns fields for a Staff.
#' @param StaffID The id of the Staff.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaff}} for a list of Staff.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the Staff.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getStaff <- function(StaffID, EntityID = 1, returnStaffID = F, returnActiveStudentCount = F, returnAssignmentCount = F, returnAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnAssignmentCountYTDCalculated = F, returnAssignmentDataString = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDateTimeofLastScoredAssignment = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnDueDateOfLastAssignmentScored = F, returnFamilyStudentAccessStaffNameToUse = F, returnFileFolderNumber = F, returnFullNameFL = F, returnFullNameFML = F, returnFullNameLFM = F, returnFutureAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnGradebookLastAccessedTime = F, returnGradedAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnGradeLevelLowerBound = F, returnGradeLevelUpperBound = F, returnIsActiveForDistrict = F, returnIsCurrentStaffEntityYear = F, returnMissingAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNameID = F, returnNoCountAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnNonGradedAssignmentCountForTerm = F, returnNonGradedAssignmentCountNoStudentAssignmentsForTerm = F, returnNonGradedAssignmentCountNoStudentAssignmentsYTD = F, returnPercentageOfAssignmentsScoredYTD = F, returnScoreClarifierAssignmentCountForTermCalculated = F, returnStaffMeetCount = F, returnStaffMNID = F, returnStaffNumber = F, returnStaffWebsite = F, returnStudentAssignmentDataString = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "Staff", StaffID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific Staff
#' This function modifies fields for a Staff.
#' @param StaffID The id of the Staff to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaff}} for a list of Staffs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified Staff.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyStaff <- function(StaffID, EntityID = 1, setDistrictID = NULL, setFileFolderNumber = NULL, setNameID = NULL, setStaffNumber = NULL, setStaffWebsite = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "Staff", StaffID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new Staff.
#' This function creates a new Staff.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created Staff.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createStaff <- function(EntityID = 1, setDistrictID = NULL, setFileFolderNumber = NULL, setNameID = NULL, setStaffNumber = NULL, setStaffWebsite = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "Staff", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific Staff
#' This function deletes a Staff.
#' @param StaffID The id of the Staff.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaff}} for a list of Staff.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted Staff.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteStaff <- function(StaffID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "Staff", StaffID, EntityID)
#' Get all StaffStaffTypes.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all StaffStaffTypes in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All StaffStaffTypes in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllStaffStaffTypes <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStaffStaffTypeID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEndDate = F, returnIsPrimary = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStaffID = F, returnStaffStaffTypeIDClonedFrom = F, returnStaffTypeID = F, returnStartDate = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "StaffStaffType", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific StaffStaffType
#' This function returns fields for a StaffStaffType.
#' @param StaffStaffTypeID The id of the StaffStaffType.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffStaffTypes}} for a list of StaffStaffTypes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the StaffStaffType.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getStaffStaffType <- function(StaffStaffTypeID, EntityID = 1, returnStaffStaffTypeID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEndDate = F, returnIsPrimary = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStaffID = F, returnStaffStaffTypeIDClonedFrom = F, returnStaffTypeID = F, returnStartDate = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "StaffStaffType", StaffStaffTypeID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific StaffStaffType
#' This function modifies fields for a StaffStaffType.
#' @param StaffStaffTypeID The id of the StaffStaffType to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffStaffTypes}} for a list of StaffStaffTypes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified StaffStaffType.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyStaffStaffType <- function(StaffStaffTypeID, EntityID = 1, setEndDate = NULL, setIsPrimary = NULL, setStaffID = NULL, setStaffStaffTypeIDClonedFrom = NULL, setStaffTypeID = NULL, setStartDate = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "StaffStaffType", StaffStaffTypeID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new StaffStaffType.
#' This function creates a new StaffStaffType.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created StaffStaffType.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createStaffStaffType <- function(EntityID = 1, setEndDate = NULL, setIsPrimary = NULL, setStaffID = NULL, setStaffStaffTypeIDClonedFrom = NULL, setStaffTypeID = NULL, setStartDate = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "StaffStaffType", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific StaffStaffType
#' This function deletes a StaffStaffType.
#' @param StaffStaffTypeID The id of the StaffStaffType.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffStaffTypes}} for a list of StaffStaffTypes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted StaffStaffType.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteStaffStaffType <- function(StaffStaffTypeID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "StaffStaffType", StaffStaffTypeID, EntityID)
#' Get all StaffTypes.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all StaffTypes in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return All StaffTypes in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllStaffTypes <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStaffTypeID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStaffTypeIDClonedFrom = F, returnStaffTypeIDClonedTo = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Staff", "StaffType", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific StaffType
#' This function returns fields for a StaffType.
#' @param StaffTypeID The id of the StaffType.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffTypes}} for a list of StaffTypes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details for the StaffType.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getStaffType <- function(StaffTypeID, EntityID = 1, returnStaffTypeID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStaffTypeIDClonedFrom = F, returnStaffTypeIDClonedTo = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Staff", "StaffType", StaffTypeID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific StaffType
#' This function modifies fields for a StaffType.
#' @param StaffTypeID The id of the StaffType to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffTypes}} for a list of StaffTypes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return Details of the modified StaffType.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyStaffType <- function(StaffTypeID, EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStaffTypeIDClonedFrom = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Staff", "StaffType", StaffTypeID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new StaffType.
#' This function creates a new StaffType.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created StaffType.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createStaffType <- function(EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStaffTypeIDClonedFrom = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Staff", "StaffType", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific StaffType
#' This function deletes a StaffType.
#' @param StaffTypeID The id of the StaffType.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStaffTypes}} for a list of StaffTypes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Staff
#' @return The id of the deleted StaffType.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteStaffType <- function(StaffTypeID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Staff", "StaffType", StaffTypeID, EntityID)
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