Man pages for saralinker/GONetwork
Similarity matrix optimized for sparse hierarchical networks

cytoConvert distance matrix to a cytoscape formatted table
exactTermsFinds exact GO term annotation associated with a general...
findGenesFind genes associated with a given GO term
findTermsFind GO terms linking together a cluster of genes
genes_in_clustergenes_in_cluster return a list of all genes assigned to a...
getGoCalculate the GO term matrix using hierarchical knowledge
getGo_binCalculate the GO term matrix without hierarchical information
GONetwork-packageSimilarity matrix optimized for sparse hierarchical networks
GoTheDistCalculate the distance matrix between genes based on GO...
InnerFunInner function for an internal parallelizable cosine distance...
loop_clustersloop_clusters loop through each cluster to test proportions
OuterFunOuter function for an internal parallelizable cosine distance...
TermList-classtopTerm determine the most descriptive term for each cluster
testClusterscalculate the relative abundance of each group within a...
test_global_cluster_proportiontest_global_cluster_proportion test the likelihood of a term...
saralinker/GONetwork documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:50 p.m.