
# Copyright SAS Institute
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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context("test table_functions.R")

test_that("unique", {
  # Confirming the overwritten function still works.
  # unique(data.frame) returns a data.frame
  expect_that(unique(df), is_a("data.frame"))
  # unique(CASTable) returns a casDataFrame
  expect_is(unique(i2), "casDataFrame")
  # Numeric uniques
  expect_is(unique(i2[1]), "numeric")
  expect_is(unique(i2$Sepal.Length), "numeric")
  expect_setequal(unique(i2[1]), unique(i2$Sepal.Length))
  # Character uniques
  expect_is(unique(i2[5]), "character")
  expect_is(unique(i2$Species), "character")
  expect_setequal(unique(i2[5]), unique(i2$Species))
  # unique(CASTable) returns sorted values. unique(data.frame) does not.
  expect_failure(expect_equivalent(unique(i2$Sepal.Width), unique(iris$Sepal.Width)))
  expect_equivalent(sort(unique(i2$Sepal.Width)), sort(unique(iris$Sepal.Width)))

test_that("subset", {
    subset(ct, subset = ct$n4 > 15, select = c("n1", "n4", "s"), drop = FALSE),
    as.casTable(caz, subset(df, subset = df$n4 > 15, select = c("n1", "n4", "s"), drop = FALSE), casOut = list(name="foo", replace=TRUE))
    subset(ct, subset = ct$n4 > 15, select = c("n1", "n4", "s"), drop = FALSE),
    subset(ct, subset = ct[4] > 15, select = c("n1", "n4", "s"), drop = FALSE)
  expect_equivalent(ct[ct$n4 > 15, c("n1", "n4", "s")],
                    subset(ct, subset = ct[4] > 15, select = c("n1", "n4", "s"),drop = FALSE))
  expect_that(subset(ct, subset = ct$n4 > 15, select = c("n1", "n4", "s"), drop = FALSE), is_a("CASTable"))

  expect_equivalent(subset(df0.ct, s=="dd"), 
    as.casTable(caz, subset(df0_, s=='dd'), casOut=list(replace=TRUE)))
  # Subsetting on character value, , !=
  expect_equivalent(subset(df0.ct, s!="dd", drop = FALSE), 
                    as.casTable(caz,subset(df0_, s0 != ' ', drop = FALSE), casOut=list(replace=TRUE)))
  # Subsetting on missing character values, !=
  expect_equivalent(subset(df0.ct, s0 != ' ', drop = FALSE), 
                    as.casTable(caz,subset(df0_, s!='dd', drop = FALSE), casOut=list(replace=TRUE)))
  # Subsetting on missing character values, ==
  expect_equivalent(subset(df0.ct, s0 == ' ', drop = FALSE), 
                    as.casTable(caz,subset(df0_, s=='dd', drop = FALSE), casOut=list(replace=TRUE)))
  # Subsetting on numeric values, !=
  expect_equivalent(subset(df.ct, n5 != 1.2, drop = FALSE), 
                    as.casTable(caz,subset(df_, n5 != 1.2, drop = FALSE), casOut=list(replace=TRUE)))
  # Row indexing on character values, ==
  expect_equivalent(subset(df.ct, n5 == 1.2, drop = FALSE), 
                    as.casTable(caz,subset(df_, n5 == 1.2, drop = FALSE), casOut=list(replace=TRUE)))
  # Subsetting with multiple conditions, |
  expect_equivalent(subset(df.ct, s =="dd" | n4<=15, drop = FALSE), 
                    as.casTable(caz,subset(df_, s =="dd" | n4<=15, drop = FALSE), casOut=list(replace=TRUE)))
  # Subsetting with multiple conditions, &
  expect_equivalent(subset(df.ct, s =="dd" & n4<=15, drop = FALSE), 
                    as.casTable(caz,subset(df_, s =="dd" & n4<=15, drop = FALSE), casOut=list(replace=TRUE)))
  #  Subsetting with compVar
  expect_equivalent(subset(df.ct, comp1<30, drop = FALSE), 
                    as.casTable(caz,subset(df_, comp1<30, drop = FALSE), casOut=list(replace=TRUE)))


 test_that("row index", {
   expect_equivalent(as.casTable(caz, df[df$n4 > 15 & df$n1 < 6 , c(1, 4, 5)], casOut=list(replace=TRUE)), ct[ct$n4 > 15 & ct$n1 < 6 , c("n1", "n4", "s")])
   expect_equivalent(as.casTable(caz, df[df$n4 > 15 & df[1] < 6 , c(1, 4, 5)], casOut=list(replace=TRUE)), ct[ct$n4 > 15 & ct[1] < 6 , c("n1", "n4", "s")])
   expect_equivalent(as.casTable(caz, df[df$n4 > 15 | df[1] < 6 , c(1, 4, 5)], casOut=list(replace=TRUE)), ct[ct$n4 > 15 | ct[1] < 6 , c("n1", "n4", "s")])
   expect_equivalent(as.casTable(caz, df[!df$n4 > 15 | df[1] < 6 , c(1, 4, 5)], casOut=list(replace=TRUE)), ct[!ct$n4 > 15 | ct[1] < 6 , c("n1", "n4", "s")])
   expect_equivalent(as.casTable(caz, df[!df$n4 > 15 | df[1] < 6 ,], casOut=list(replace=TRUE)), ct[!ct$n4 > 15 | ct[1] < 6 ,])
   expect_equivalent(as.casTable(caz, df[!df$n4 > 15 | !df[1] < 6 ,], casOut=list(replace=TRUE)), ct[!ct$n4 > 15 | !ct[1] < 6 ,])
   expect_equivalent(as.casTable(caz, df[, c(1, 4, 5)], casOut=list(replace=TRUE)), ct[, c("n1", "n4", "s")])
   expect_equivalent(as.casTable(caz, df[c(1, 4, 5)], casOut=list(replace=TRUE)), ct[c("n1", "n4", "s")])
   expect_equivalent(ct[c(1, 4, 5)], ct[c("n1", "n4", "s")])
   #expect_that(class(ct[ct$n4 > 15 & ct$n1 < 6 , c("n1", "n4", "s")]), is_a("CASTable"))

 test_that("rbind", {
   expect_equivalent(colSums(rbind(ct1,ct2)), colSums(rbind(df1,df2)))
   expect_equivalent(colSums(rbind(ct1,ct1)), colSums(rbind(df1,df1)))
   expect_equivalent(dim(rbind(ct1,ct1, ct3)), c(30, 4))
 test_that("cbind", {
   expect_equivalent(colSums(cbind(ct1, ct3)), colSums(cbind(df1, df3)))
   expect_equivalent(dim(cbind(ct1, ct3)), c(10, 4))
 test_that("rbind numeric, different data", {
   df_bind <- rbind(df1,df2)
   ct_bind <- rbind(ct1,ct2)
   ct_df = to.casDataFrame(ct_bind)
   ct_df = to.data.frame(ct_df)
   df_bind <- df_bind[order(df_bind$X1, df_bind$X2), ]
   ct_df <- ct_df[order(ct_df$X1, ct_df$X2), ]
   expect_equivalent(df_bind, ct_df)
 test_that("rbind numeric, repeated data", {
   df_bind <- rbind(df1,df1)
   ct_bind <- rbind(ct1,ct1)
   ct_df = to.casDataFrame(ct_bind)
   ct_df = to.data.frame(ct_df)
   df_bind <- df_bind[order(df_bind$X1, df_bind$X2), ]
   ct_df <- ct_df[order(ct_df$X1, ct_df$X2), ]
   expect_equivalent(df_bind, ct_df)
 test_that("rbind numeric and character with missing", {
   df_bind <- rbind(df, df0)
   ct_bind <- rbind(ct, ct0)
   expect_equivalent(as.casTable(caz, df_bind, casOut=list(replace=TRUE)), ct_bind)
 test_that("cbind numeric, different data", {
   df_bind <- cbind(df1,df3)
   ct_bind <- cbind(ct1,ct3)
   ct_df = to.casDataFrame(ct_bind)
   ct_df = to.data.frame(ct_df)
   expect_equivalent(df_bind, ct_df)
 test_that("cbind numeric and character with missing", {

   df_bind <- cbind(df1, df3)
   ct_bind <- cbind(ct1, ct3)
   expect_equivalent(as.casTable(caz, df_bind, casOut=list(replace=TRUE)), ct_bind)
 test_that("cbind numeric and character with missing", {
   df_bind <- cbind(df1, df3)
   ct_bind <- cbind(ct1, ct3)
   ct_df = to.casDataFrame(ct_bind)
   ct_df = to.data.frame(ct_df)
   expect_equivalent(df_bind, ct_df)

 test_that("cbind failure since duplicate column names", {
   expect_error(cbind(ct1, ct2))

# i2.sub1 = subset(i2,subset = Sepal.Length > 7, select = c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width'), drop=FALSE)
# i2.out2 = subset(i2, select = c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width'), drop=FALSE)
# i2.out <- i2[,c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width')]
# ct.sub1 = subset(ct, subset= n4 > 15, select= c("n1","n4","s"), drop=FALSE )
# ct.out1 = subset(ct, subset= n4 > 15, select= c("n1","n4","s"), drop=FALSE )
# subset(df, subset= n4 > 15, select= c("n1","n4","s"), drop=FALSE )
# # can only take one function
# subset(df, subset=n4 > 15, select= c("n1","n4","s"), drop=FALSE )
# subset(ct, subset=n4 > 15, select= c("n1","n4","s"), drop=FALSE )
# where <-n4 > 15
# subset(ct, subset=where, select= c("n1","n4","s"), drop=FALSE )
# subset=n4 > 15 & n1 <6
# df[n4 > 15 & n1 <6, c("n1","n4","s")]
# ct@where = deparse(substitute(subset))
# ct@where
# ct
# i2[3]
# i2[,3]
# i2[3,]
# i2[3,1]
# iris[,3]
# i2[3, NULL]
# df[df$n4>15 & df$n1 <6 , c("n1","n4","s")]

test_that("Test that names returns the correct values", {
  # Columns names to test against
  columns <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f")
  # Make a copy of an existing data frame
  myDF <- df
  # Set the column names on the data frame
  names(myDF) <- columns
  # Store the value returned by names on the data frame
  names_df_orig <- names(myDF)
  # Create a CAS table from the R data frame
  myCT <- as.casTable(caz, myDF, casOut = list(replace = TRUE))
  # Get the columns names from the CAS table
  names_ct_orig <- names(myCT)
  # The column names from the CAS table should match the column names added to
  # the data frame
  expect_equivalent(columns, names_ct_orig)
  # Specify specific columns to return
  expect_equivalent(columns[1:4], names(myCT[1:4]))
  # The column names from the CAS table should match the column names from the data frame
  expect_equivalent(names_df_orig, names_ct_orig)
  # names(CASTable) <- VECTOR cannot be used to set the column names for a CAS Table
  expect_error(names(myCT) <- columns)
  expect_error(names(myCT) <- NULL)

test_that("Test that colnames returns the correct values", {
  # Columns names to test against
  columns <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f")
  # Make a copy of an existing data frame
  myDF <- df
  # Set the column names on the data frame
  colnames(myDF) <- columns
  # Store the value returned by names on the data frame
  colnames_df_orig <- colnames(myDF)
  # Create a CAS table from the R data frame
  myCT <- as.casTable(caz, myDF, casOut = list(replace = TRUE))
  # Get the columns names from the CAS table
  colnames_ct_orig <- colnames(myCT)
  # Specify specific columns to return
  expect_equivalent(columns[2:5], colnames(myCT[2:5]))
  # The column names from the CAS table should match the column names from the data frame
  expect_equivalent(colnames_df_orig, colnames_ct_orig)
  # names(CASTable) <- VECTOR cannot be used to set the column names for a CAS Table
  expect_error(colnames(myCT) <- columns)
  expect_error(colnames(myCT) <- NULL)

test_that("Test that names and colnames return the same values", {
  # Make a copy of a CASTable object
  myCT <- ct
  # Get the orignal column names
  names_orig    <-    names(myCT)
  colnames_orig <- colnames(myCT)
  expect_equivalent(names_orig, colnames_orig)

test_that("Test that nrows returns the correct value", {
  # ct has six rows.
  expect_equivalent(6, nrow(ct))
  # Does subsetting columns return correct number of rows
  expect_equivalent(6, nrow(ct[2:5]))

test_that("Test that length returns the correct values for CASTables", {
  # length(CASTable) returns the number of columns.
  expect_equivalent(6, length(ct))
  expect_equivalent(4, length(ct[2:5]))
  expect_equivalent(1, length(ct[1]))
  expect_equivalent(1, length(ct$n1))

test_that("Test that length returns the correct values for casDataFrames", {
  #Pull the casDataFrame from the ct CASTable
  ct_df <- to.casDataFrame(ct)
  # length(casDataFrame) returns the same values as length(data.frame)
  expect_equivalent(length(df), length(ct_df))
  expect_equivalent(length(df$n1), length(ct_df$n1))
  expect_equivalent(length(df[1]), length(ct_df[1]))
  expect_equivalent(length(df[2:5]), length(ct_df[2:5]))

test_that("Test that ncol returns the correct values for CASTables", {
  # length(CASTable) returns the number of columns.
  expect_equivalent(6, ncol(ct))
  expect_equivalent(4, ncol(ct[2:5]))
  expect_equivalent(1, ncol(ct[1]))
  expect_equivalent(1, ncol(ct$n1))

test_that("Test that ncol returns the correct values for casDataFrames", {
  #Pull the casDataFrame from the ct CASTable
  ct_df <- to.casDataFrame(ct)
  # length(casDataFrame) returns the same values as length(data.frame)
  expect_equivalent(ncol(df), ncol(ct_df))
  expect_equivalent(ncol(df$n1), ncol(ct_df$n1))
  expect_equivalent(ncol(df[1]), ncol(ct_df[1]))
  expect_equivalent(ncol(df[2:5]), ncol(ct_df[2:5]))

test_that("Test that dim returns the correct values for CASTables", {
  # dim(CASTable) returns the same values as dim(data.frame) for most cases
  expect_equivalent(dim(df), dim(ct))
  expect_equivalent(dim(df[1]), dim(ct[1]))
  expect_equivalent(dim(df[2:5]), dim(ct[2:5]))
  # dim(data.frame$column) returns: NULL
  # dim(CASTable$column) returns: rows 1 
  expect_failure(expect_equivalent(dim(df$n1), dim(ct$n1)))

test_that("Test that dim returns the correct values for casDataFrames", {
  #Pull the casDataFrame from the ct CASTable
  ct_df <- to.casDataFrame(ct)
  # dim(casDataFrame) returns the same values as dim(data.frame)
  expect_equivalent(dim(df), dim(ct_df))
  expect_equivalent(dim(df$n1), dim(ct_df$n1))
  expect_equivalent(dim(df[1]), dim(ct_df[1]))
  expect_equivalent(dim(df[2:5]), dim(ct_df[2:5]))
sassoftware/R-swat documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 8 a.m.