make_vignette_button <- function(name, title, version) {
  url <- paste0("../archive/", version, "/", name, ".html")
  paste0('<a class="btn btn-primary" style="margin-right:1rem" href=', url ,'>', version, '</a>')
vdat <- read_yaml(file = "archive.yaml")

In version 4, the Seurat documentation was transitioned to pkgdown. Here we provide access to all previous versions of the documentation.

Version 2-3 tutorials

for (i in 1:length(x = vdat$vignettes)) {
  vignette <- vdat$vignettes[[i]]
  cat('<h3>', vignette$title, '</h3>')
  for(j in 1:length(x = vignette$versions)) {
    cat(make_vignette_button(name = vignette$name, title = vignette$title, version = vignette$version[j]))

Version 1.3-1.4 tutorials

For versions 1.3-1.4, we provide access to the old documentation pages here

Version <=1.2 tutorials

For versions <=1.2, we provide access to the old documentation pages here

satijalab/seurat documentation built on May 11, 2024, 4:04 a.m.